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So Patreon has been pushing some marketing nonsense, asking us to put "#thankyoupatrons" on a bunch of social media platforms or whatever. Well I don't use a lot of social media stuff, and don't go in for contrived marketing nonsense, but I am genuinely grateful for all the love and support you guys have shown me and this project so far, so I wanted to let you know. ;)

It's been amazing, and has made my life immeasurably better, so I have no trouble telling you guys thank you for your past and hopefully future support in this project. This is the only social media platform that matters. I'm definitely looking forward to the upcoming characters and features, and hope you'll enjoy them too. 



good choice, I don't use any of the other platforms, except out of necessity. I'm not content with how they handle the data they get from me, and they don't make life better sooo... :p


Been one year here i think, or close to it. Dont quite recall. Chipping in a little and not regretting at all. Keep up the good work.


Thank you as well, for a great content you produce. Here for a couple months and didn't regret a minute.


keep up the good work :)

Breon Flowers

2 things 1. can we get an option to just pull our dicks out whenever? (I ask because during sex scenes when we pull our dicks out they notice it and to suck it. So say we're in class we can pull our dick out and Rogue, Kitty, Emma and all others you plan to add respond to it accordingly.) 2. During class if you're having sex with Kitty or Rogue does or will Emma actually come from behind the podium and join you?


1. Yeah, maybe? I'd have to put a button someplace or something. I've been thinking of messing with the UI some more anyway. The second part you mention is the tricky bit, I have to lock it sometimes, because otherwise it *should* completely derail whatever else is going on, which would mean that I'd need to put in hooks to *cause* it to derail scenes, because nothing "just happens" in games. I'll have to give it some thought. At the very least I can probably have it work more often than it does. 2. Right now, the only interaction is that Emma can get mad at you and send you to detention. I will probably expand that a bit, but she'd need to be very far gone to actually join in, because she tries to prioritize teaching and her public face over jumping you. ;)


I absolutely love the game and everything your doing =] also, do you reckon you'll add a squirt mechanic to the game?


You'd have my undying love and affection if you did 😍😍😍


Hey Oni, having a blast with your game. But it's a bit laggy sometimes. even though I have a good PC. Know what causes it?


I'm not really sure. I do try to optimize things as best I can. It might help to know exactly what is happening when lag becomes noticeable to you. One thing that I figured out last week while testing something is that there can be a higher than expected pause when loading in new characters and scenes. I made some tweaks that should speed that up in future builds. I think after getting this next build out I might spend some time trial and erroring some situations and see what I can come up with.


Exactly, that happens right after an action that passes time. I guess there must be a lot of processing at that moment. Can't wait to see the next build then. :)


Well, with any luck, if any of that is related to the character loading delay I found, then it would go away in the next build. There are a lot of calculations made during an actual "wait" period, but I think they are relatively simple ones, so they might not be the cause. What was happening is that every time a new character was loaded (and potentially when an existing character was checked to see if they were there), it would animate them entering the room, and this animation used a Renpy default transition, which would basically halt everything as one character was loaded, then halt everything as the other character was loaded, freezing the action while this happened. I removed that and replaced it with a new animation, which does basically the same thing, but doesn't stop the game while the animation plays out, so you can basically keep moving forward sooner.

Harry Jamerson

I'm sure you get this a lot but any update on when you think the next update will be released? Thanks!


2 weeks ago commented it would take him another 1-2 weeks ar a bit longer but not much. well it would be a nice Nikolaus present on 6th december.


Hopefully very soon. I think I'm pretty much done on adding new content to the game, so I need to do some final testing and it should be ready to go. Sometime within the week?


happy to hear content keeps on coming and I wish you all the best. your doing a great job and hope you keep up the good work my guy!

Zack V

Thank YOU Oni. I've had way too much fun with your game so far, and I'm always looking forward to your next releases.