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Ok, I messed around with some stuff. As a result, if you have any saves that take place during a date, then all sorts of crazy shit might happen during it. Ideally when you load the save it'll just kick you back to your room in the next morning. On the bright side, I think the changes I made to the system are an improvement to the way it works going forward, and any new date you start should work as well or better than before. The only super noticeable part is that I shifted the girls lower on the screen, since they'd mostly be sitting. Let me know what you think. Might also do this when in class?

So, fair warning.

In addition to that, I tried to correct a few other bugs, you can buy Rogue's lace panties again, I tried to clear up some more of those situations where multiple copies of the same character appear, some of them headless. I think I fixed a glitch with Emma's clothes while teaching, maybe some other slight tweaks. See what you think.


Karion Latanos

There's a visual bug when you ask Emma to leave the cum on her breasts and belly. This happens whenever there's a piece of clothing on her.


What sort of bug? It's worth noting that she doesn't actually have art for those conditions in the standing pose, only in the other poses, but if something is going wrong with those as well, what are you seeing?

Karion Latanos

The cum doesn't appear. I had Emma wear boots but cum wasn't dripping from her vagina or on her belly. Even cumming on her breasts with her boots on makes the cum invisible or nonexistent. The only cum visible is on her face.


And this is in which pose? I don't think the boots should have anything to do with it, but I'll double check.

Karion Latanos

Neutral pose. It has been around for me ever since you released the new stuff for Emma.


Ok, well like I said, if it's in the normal standing pose, then those effects shouldn't display because the art for them doesn't actually exist yet. I haven't drawn it. ;) I should knock those out before I call 0.980 to a close and move to the next version.


The "headless Rogue" bug still happens. Here's a step by step: She came to my room saying she needs a fix, I told her to touch where ever she wanted and she kisses me, I purposefully kept going after her Addiction meter was empty just so I could fill my Excitement meter to test it, I warned her and she took it in her mouth then I told her to clean me off, and during the cleaning she asks if I want to try something else. After that, her headless model appears behind her with the "Hmmm, that was real nice" dialog. Hopefully that helps to isolate the problem.


Ok, I'm going to try one more thing in the next build. I'm trying to do it in a way without plastering patches all over the place, something that gets at the problem in as minimal a way as is effective. I think I found one loophole that would cause it that I repaired.


Like I said last time, it's not game breaking or anything, it's just odd. Anyway, I hope you find it and fix it.


Yeah, I take this as something important though, I don't want messes like that in my game. Thansk for helping me track it down.


So you mentioned a while ago there might surprise appearance in this version. Did it make it in, or have I not done enough?

Anthony Michelli

Was Xavier catching you in public disabled? I started a fresh save in I think the B version of this build and I was able to make Kitty and Rouge exhibitionist without Xavier thinking about it even once. Working my way up to Emma, but I imagine it's gonna be the same story.


I ran into an infinite loop after a date with Kitty. Specifically it was in her room after fooling around and then leaving. If it helps, the traceback shows these lines looping File "script.rpyc", line 3143, in script call File "script.rpyc", line 1009, in script call File "script.rpyc", line 2601, in script call


Hmm. Lol, there actually does seem to be a bug in that, fixed for next build. thanks.


Oh, fuck, I know what's doing that. Sorry. It's the bit that I'd expected to boot people out of "broken" dates, turns out it was a bit buggy. I think I can fix that for the next build.


Two different old saves crashed the game. Both involved Kitty and Rogue on screen together. One was a double date, the other was in a bedroom after a date. Both caused possible infinite loops. I can post full or partial tracebacks. if necessary.


Yup, I realize what's causing that, ironically it was a measure intended to fix dates "broken" by older saves. I figured out a better way of handling it and those saves should work again next build. It should only impact any saves made between a start of a date and the next day, saved in a previous version, but either way, fixed for next time.


Do you plan on adding non-x-men females? Like maybe having black widow go undercover on the xavier school?


I don't rule it out, but realistically the near future calendar is filled with X-Men, so it'll probably be a while.


There's a "lock the door" option in the initial menu for the classroom that doesn't seem to work as intended. Locking it does nothing, but if you try to unlock the door an error pops up. Having Emma lock/unlock the door while chatting with her seems to work fine. I'll put the full traceback in if you need it. [code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/script Locations.rpy", line 765, in <module> ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list</module>

Hao P

Here's hoping Storm shows up before 1.0


Not sure if this has been brought up yet but Emma seems content to stand during the date rather than sit like the other girls. Verified with a single date and a double date with Rough and Kitty respectively.


Not a huge thing but when getting busy in public and either the female is unwilling with a crowd or deciding to manually stop. The text mentions running back to your rooms and than the MC putting his dick away. Would seem like that would be put the dick away and than head back to the MC's room.


My game seems to crash every time I leave a date to return to my room on my new game, I didn't have that problem before this patch.