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Ok, this one should clear up some of the new crashes related to threesomes, along with a few other little things. It might also cause some odd visual issues with the threesomes because I changed a few things in how they work, let me know if anything seems off to you guys. 

Known issues:

- If you annoy one of the girls during sex after a date, it can throw an error message after they kick you out. Should be fixed next build. Until then, best behavior.



Just a question but why does Rogue put down her garterbelt during sex?


It's a graphics thing. It currently looks silly if she has sex with them on due tot he way things are layered. I have a theory on how to fix it but other things have taken priority.


Will you be doing brotherhood mutant chicks? Like maybe an option to travel to the savage land and pipe Wanda, mystique, etc etc


So I just realized that Kitty doesn't have a dialogue option for if you want to ask if she feels about Emma... And it appears all options from telling the other girl to get involved with your lead girl in threesomes have been disabled. Bug or feature?


Great job, nice update. What's next big update? X-23?


Not sure if this is intended behaviour, With emma, asking for handjob, (with low stats 276-140-365) and 'force' the issue, she says don't press my luck, then when I whip it out, she does the job anyway, then storms off afterward.


There's a bug where you flirt with any of the girls and if you do something with them after they ask if they can have more. If you cum it'll take you back to the normal conversation menu and there'll be the idle position of the girl but her head is gone but her face is still there. Also whatever sexual action you were doing previously is still going. Also sometimes Emma's arms disappear during her sex position.


Maaaaybe. At the very least I want to clean up a few things, finish up some stuff that's been half finished for months, flesh out some of the existing options, stuff like that. We'll see what major changes get added on top of that.


I believe the behavior is working correctly, but maybe the dialog could make more clea that she accepts, but grudgingly.


Ok, good catches. I'll try to make sure that the flirt situations reset properly. Could you offer more detail as to when Emma's arms disappear? They are set up so that I can put one or both behind her if I wanted, but I don't believe that aspect is intended to activate at any time in the current build.


I have a question, I do not know how to move forward with emma, can this character be blocked?


There are a number of soft blocks in her progression, but nothing in this game permanently locks off forward progress, everything can be overcome. If you're having trouble just getting started with her, then you need to trigger a scene in the evenings in the classroom that will start you on the path. Other than that, most of the barriers just involve reaching certain levels of stats with her, she has a relatively higher bar for public sex and threesomes than the other two, and her base stats are a bit different than theirs are.


Hey Oni I got this traceback when I was in the showers with kitty and then went to the class which she was also at. [code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/script Functions.rpy", line 2500, in <module> NameError: name 'ApprovalCheckApprovalCheck' is not defined -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "script Locations.rpyc", line 795, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 2022, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 951, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 2022, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 693, in script call File "script.rpyc", line 1276, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 2041, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 2500, in script File "C:\Users\logan\Downloads\Rogue-Like-0.980a-win\renpy\ast.py", line 1681, in execute if renpy.python.py_eval(condition): File "C:\Users\logan\Downloads\Rogue-Like-0.980a-win\renpy\python.py", line 1794, in py_eval return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals) File "C:\Users\logan\Downloads\Rogue-Like-0.980a-win\renpy\python.py", line 1788, in py_eval_bytecode return eval(bytecode, globals, locals) File "game/script Functions.rpy", line 2500, in <module> NameError: name 'ApprovalCheckApprovalCheck' is not defined Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Rogue-Like 0.980 [/code] </module></module>


Not a necessity but when asking one of the females on a date and its already evening would be nice to have the option to start the date right than and there. Especially when already at University Square.


After the Morning Wake up event got the text "What next? and Kitty throws her clothes back on."


Movie blurb on a date "You watch the move, which is a documentary about a girl is mercilessly stalked by some weird guy until she eventually decides she gets a restraining order." should probably read "You watch the movie, which is a documentary about a girl who is mercilessly stalked by some weird guy until she eventually decides to get a restraining order." or "she eventually decides she should get a restraining order."


Hmm, fair, I think I can add that option without complicating things too much.


Emma in the classroom in the evening, door was not locked, asked for her panties which was all she had around her waist ending up with both message blocks back to back "Emma looks around, but pulls her panties off." "Emma looks around and pulls her panties down, handing them to you in a ball.."


Noticed for Kitty at the restaurant letting her pick resulting in her saying "Well thanks, [MC]. I think we'll have the steak."


When picking chicken for the MC get "You eat your pangrilled chicken thighs,"


Probably an affect of Emma not having her own room but when going on a double date, picking to head back to the MC's room, and then picking to talk to Emma results as if picking to walk her to her room.


When in a threesome with Kitty and Emma. After selecting and finishing undressing Kitty "Kitty noticed what you and Emma are up to. This after already having done some threesome actions with her.


One thing I did think of for the future would be when getting a blow job and selecting "Set your own pace" if the female would choice from time to time to switch up what she is doing.


Based on the change to how dates work when it becomes evening would makes sense if the female asked wouldn't bother asking to head to her room and possibly mention heading back to her room to get ready for said date.


Could even kick the MC out of her room if asking from there to change or stay and watch possibly.


Same occurred with Rouge and Kitty with Rouge as the focus.


I'll see what I can do, it might get a bit more complicated. One thing I can't really do is have it change up constantly if you just let it sit there, because Renpy's animation systems are annoying like that, but I could theoretically have it change from time to time when you click to continue, I just need to get some flags in there for it.


That. . . would be a bit complicated. I'll consider it, it sounds cool, I'd just need to plug a bunch of things into several places. I did make it so that you can start a date immediately from the campus if you're already there though.


If all we get is the ability to start immediately from the campus would be cake, anything more would be icing.


Never noticed this till now but exiting from anal sex says "Back to Anal Menu"


Can I get a bit of a spoiler with what milestone unlocks the ability to buy the stockings and garterbelt, becasue I have 3 saves and all are nearly at the same point but only 1 has the ability to buy them and I cant remember anything different happening so I am unsure if I have 2 bugged saves or just forgetting something that happened on one of them that isn't on the other 2


You need a combined total of 1500 with Rogue. If you don't see them in the store, then either you or she might already have them.

Toxic FX

i was playing the new update and i found a problem with kitty she wont spend the night with me anymore after the update she says we just met when i try its also happening to rogue as well so probably should get that fixed thanks

Max Perez

Any chance we can get a scene for Emma for the first time she has to teach a class topless or nude.


What about pub hair for the Emma?


What "day" is it in the game when this happens? Rogue should not give that message after day 7, and Kitty should not after day 14.


Maybe. I could write something up. I really do need to find an associate writer someplace.


Should be in, it's under her clothing settings. It defaults to "off," but you can convince her otherwise.

Toxic FX

oh i see i didnt realize that and i didnt know the day counter reset for the new update im on day 9 now and rogue wanted to stay so i just have to go til day 14 for kitty thanks alot im on a save from the last build so i didnt know any of that


Yeah, if you start a new game from scratch then everything resets, but saves should continue from where you were at.


Id be willing to do it! I've got plenty of free time and creativity.


Well hey, shoot me a PM with some writing samples, doesn't have to be related to this project, just any sort of short story or whatever involving sexy scenes so I can get an idea of quality and tone. Ideally there would be some branching paths or something, but I get that most people don't have examples of that lying around, so anything would do and we can work from there. You wouldn't need to know how to code Renpy at the start, but it's pretty easy to pick up the basics, and hopefully if we work together you'd come out of it building scenes start to finish on your own and I'd just tweak and edit them before adding them into the game.

Toxic FX

yeah i knew that ive been a patron since before kitty was fully in the game it was just the day counter that reset on me from my previous save data so thanks for letting me know that


So, you're saying that you loaded up a save game, and it reset the day counter on that save file? That shouldn't be happening. I'd like to explore how that could have happened if that is what happened.


Got a bug with the shop, if you buy clothing for one girl it also removes one clothing option(in the shop) for the other girls. The items become available for purchase again the next day.


Yeah, and I probably should fix this at some point. The issue is that essentially it's all the same item. You can technically buy the item for one girl and give it to a different one instead, even though they display differently. I could sort of fix that, but the side effect would be that it might make it so that any players that had it in their inventory might end up with the wrong one or something. Maybe I could just have it refund the purchase price of the ones in your inventory and you'd just have to buy it again. I guess that would make sense.


speaking of weird features, is the "wear this in our rooms" clothing option implemented yet or not? Because its not working this version and i can't remember if it ever did but the option has been there for a while now. ^^


Yeah, maybe not. I need to give that system a once-over. Situational clothing elements have always been a bit flaky, because they need to carefully check constantly that they put "public ready" clothes back on when going into public, or when company comes over, or in various other situations. You never realize how much hand-holding game characters need to be aware of their surroundings until you try to build a game system. ;)


With Emma, if you have her wear her skirt and then go to her clothing menu to un-equip it it shows the option to un-equip her pants instead.

Max Perez

I pray you don't another suggestion, but if you ever add a female villain. May I suggest after you break the first 3 girls, Xavier calls you to his office, acknowledges your "ability" and you get a mission to seduce and bring back the villian. In return Charles allows your antics with the other girls.

Toxic FX

yeah i loaded a save from a previous build and i have all their stats maxed out and the day counter reset it was build 0.979e


That is troubling. I did find one thing that might be the cause, did you do the history simulation event of the Prologue? I just fixed something that might mess up the date based on that.

Toxic FX

i did a couple history simulations but i didnt do the prologue but any one of them could have possible caused it


Hmm, that's worrying though, because I went through the code, and there is *no* part of the game that would cause the date to reset to any earlier date aside from that one bug related to replaying the prologue. Every other interaction with the date function is either just looking at it, or adding 1 to it. I'm concerned that there is some sort of memory error going on or something.

Toxic FX

sounds like a pretty bad problem i remember i did some relationship milestone simulations and the prologue would be just like the first meeting with rogue right i know i didnt do that one


Quick question. Is kitty's titfuck option going to be implemented at some point soonish? i tried going through comments to see if this had been answered already but couldnt find mention of it.


Yes, eventually. I need to make new art for it, and that keeps getting pushed to the back burner a bit. I'll make it happen though.


Found an odd bug. While helping Rogue sate her addiction, I ended up climaxing. During the "clean up scene" with the close up of Rogue, her body appears in the background with her eyes and lips but no head.


Ok, keep a save before that if you can, version d will try something new. It should never be showing both copies of her at the same time.


Once I leave the room everything goes back to normal so, it's not game breaking or anything. I just wanted to bring it to your attention for QA purposes. Hopefully it gets solved in the next update. Thanks for responding. Keep up the good work.