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Hey guys, just keeping you updated to the progress I've been up to. I have Emma's titjob and sex scenes finished, along with a couple other surprises. Before I release it, I still need to do some testing, and I want to get in her wet look for her alternate poses, tweak a few things, maybe try to get her threesome interactions in with the other girls, I need to write a few linking scenes for that.

I don't have all the clothing done for Emma's sex poses though, so I'm debating whether to wait until those are finished before putting out the next version, which may take a few additional weeks, or to just release the rest of the content when it's ready, and get those clothing options in on a later build. Let me know what you guys think about that.

I'll also be putting out a preview image at the $3 tier, but don't worry, all that content is coming to the game soon anyway.

Thank you guys so much for the love you guys have shown this project, I hope to continue to put out new releases worthy of that support.



Welp I know what I'm excited for this week


Oh wait few weeks nvm lol


Well excited either way


I can wait a few weeks myself


Yeah, I really wish I could get it out this week, but if I launched what I had this very minute, I'm not positive that the new dating system would work start to finish yet, and I need to make sure that some of Emma's "training wheels" are off now that her sex stuff can actually work. Once I get that stuff done, I'll decide whether to hold off for the additional art or just launch the thing.

Breon Flowers

Oni you bastard XD my world lit up when i got the email that you posted an update long expecting and anticipating Emmas sex scenes only to get this. You tease XD


Lol, sorry. I might try to get a little bonus out in a few days, but the actual update will still be a couple weeks or more.

Ian Spence

The sooner the better, in my opinion. Just want you to release the best update possible!


i don't think people would have a problem just seeing emma's nude sex scene.


Here's my vote for releasing content when it's ready. We all know it's a work in progress, so a few missing clothing options won't be a problem.


Take your time, there's no rush to push potentially unfinished things out the door.


Take your time Oni we can wait 😉

Patrick Coleman

First of all Oni we love the project. But more importantly you seem to love the project as much as we do. So long as the remains true you have no worries about putting out content that we will enjoy because as it stands you hold the project under high personal scrutiny. If you dont think we'll like it we don'see it. That's part of what makes you a great content creator.

Patrick Coleman

Pleasantries aside. Will we be able to start dating Emma this release, and will her public options be available. Final question, if memory serves (been a few weeks since I loaded the game.) When will we see kitty's titty scene as I dont think its enabled yet?


I'm working on some of the connective tissue. I have Emma's date code in now (still need to do primary testing on it). I just added a sequence discussing her doing public stuff, it's a little more complicated with the other girls since she's a teacher, but it should be in the next version. I think I need to get her basic chit-chat functions enabled too, although some of her relationship stuff still won't be in. As for Kitty's TJ scene, not in yet, I don't have a proper "chest art" for her in that pose, but I'll work on it eventually.


Other than maybe making the ass a little bigger, which could just be based on where the still image is in the middle of the action, I say keep the pose and add a more vertical pose later. As this pose might be a bit awkward for anal I know I would also want the more vertical as an additional option for vaginal sex as well. Could even adjust the other sex animations and possibly new poses as well when adding the vertical. With the reasonable start of she gets naked for the new pose whenever that comes out with clothes being added in a letter. As this is a game that is continually getting updated so a temporary partial release of something isn’t a problem for me at least.

Project 9056

Personally I’d say release the next update as soon as you can and then go back to the clothes at a later date.... at least that way you could do the clothes as well as fix bugs along the way.... if it isn’t too much of a problem hahaha


Bug: Neither Rouge or Kitty will lick each others ass when you tell them to. Also when Kitty is main girl you cant make Rouge change what she is doing. Suggestion: When girls have to leave they ask if you will tag along (unless to tell them not to) I was thinking they could ask if they could stay too. Like "I need too go to class, but may I stay with you instead?" I was also wondering what happened to cum staying in Rouges ass?


Yes the cum dosent show in rouges ass nor pussy is it still in progress or what? And dont rush the update make it a litle bit more playble


Yeah, I see the issue there, and my first try will be to just add "crease lines" to her ass like in the other pose, see if that makes it better, if not I might try widening it out a bit. On the plus side, I haven't invested a lot of time into making pants or anything yet, so it's a low-cost fix.


I like the idea of having a release sooner rather than later if the determining factor is aesthetics such as clothing and hair style. I would think most players would prefer functionality (things like the dating, communication options, relationship levels, etc...) over things like clothing and hair. Keep doing what you're doing though because it's been incredible so far!

Harry Jamerson

Yes and in addition to this, seeing where the game is at so far would allow players to contribute ideas better based on where the game is at. But yeah, as allmight23 says, keep up the good work, you're doing great!!


I know people want their hands on things asap, I totally get that, I'm a gamer too. ;) But when I'm between the releases the game isn't terribly playable and direct feedback on this version wouldn't be all that useful, because most of the problems I already know are problems and I'm working on it. ;) You guys will definitely be helpful once I get a mostly-ready build going though, and feedback is very important to building out the features. I fully expect a bunch of feedback on the dating system and how I could tweak it further.


I'm of the opinion that you can release it for public testing right now minus the clothes (in that case you'll probably put a temporary script in to make her fully undress before any sexysexy fun time happens, though I hope you included the piercings ;c) but it's all up to you


Piercings are *not* in yet, see, more time is needed! I hope to work on those next, actually, they shouldn't take *too* long.


As much as I would like to see Emma's "story arc" asap, I feel it should be you who can decide what gets public. Keep up the awesome work.


Personally, I don't care that much if her clothing is finished for sex or not. It's a relatively minor thing in my mind that's easy enough to add in later. The real feature is the next pose.


I found another bug: when having Rouge and Kitty play with each other (both girls lead) I start "jacking off" and keep until I cum. When I cum I "warn" girls (both at where they will swallow when warned) then when they ask to clean I say "yes." when it goes back whatever lead girl stays like she is licking you but the menu stays like they are still playing with each other.


Hmm, ok, I'll see what I can do there. Just to make sure I have the idea, you mean if Rogue is lead, she'll stay close to the camera in a BJ pose? I don't think that'll be too hard to fix, and I have a guess as to why that isn't caught.


doesn't matter which girl is in lead, Kitty or Rouge, happens to them both

Harry Jamerson

Ok, sounds good. Thanks for all the working you're doing and all the effort you've put and are continuing to put into this game. It's fantastic


This month it won't let me pledge with Paypal. Apparently I'm not the only one. Most people using Paypal to pledge to people on Patreon are having issues. I don't feel comfortable linking my card directly on Patreon. It also won't let me follow you without pledging. It used to let me follow people without pledging. I don't know if it's a glitch that is happening now or it was always supposed to be like this and they just fixed it. It's not just me, apparently a lot of people on Reddit are having the same issue with Paypal and Patreon. Just wanted to give you a heads up, Oni. I don't know if any of your other pledges are affect by this.


Apparently it's something going around, but there isn't much that I can do about it. Patreon knows that they have issues to sort out, and I don't have any "levers" on my end to mess with stuff like that. Thanks for letting me know, and maybe get in contact with Patreon about it, but hopefully they will be able to work this nonsense out at some point within the month. I'll try to keep the valid updates "free for all" until it is sorted out.

Ryan Ebbert

sorry if i just missed it but i cannot find a guide to figure out how to start with emma after you meet her. she just doesnt respond to anything i d at all


Do you have a team of debuggers/guinea pigs? I'm actually learning python right now and I don't think that ren'py, from what I've looked and checked out in the tutorials, is altogether that different (The very name indicates that it's a python variant, like numpy and scipy)


*Everyone* is my guinea pig! Mwahahaha! No, seriously, the first release of a version is usually pretty buggy and only intended for people who like to find stuff, then I refine it from there. There would be no real point sharing half-finished builds because they just straight up wouldn't work in a lot of cases. And yes, Renpy is a Python overlay, so the structure is similar and a lot of the actual code I use is straight Python language, which you can run from inside Renpy. Basically anything in Renpy that isn't directly related to showing and moving images and text is handled using Python, so knowing Python would probably be handy when it comes to deciphering error messages.


Not sure if anyone has written this yet, but found a bug where i already told rogue that i loved her and we are dating yet she proposes a bit later to become sex friends.

Harry Jamerson

Sorry if I seem pushy, but any idea when the next update is due?


I'll have a better idea by the next few days, but it's looking like about two more weeks. I'm getting close to feature-locking the version and getting final testing in place.


Hey Oni i dont know how patreon works, but if it is possible u shoud make a pole on your ideas.


What sort of topics would you like to see polling on? I've done some in the past, but it can be tricky to find that balance of having interesting topics where I can actually deliver on the results. I mean typically, I try to just do "all the things." ;)


Hello Oni, it is possible to get the update for free use ?


Idk something to the next added locasion ro the new characters. And i dont know how i got the next update already i just dowlanded the some update and puff more clothes falmost fully releast emma and things i dont realy want to spoil. My question is is this a mod, a leak a play test or im just paranoid and there is an new update.


I only post it to Patrons, not only to recognize their support, but also to have it pass through Patreon's age verification. That said, it's probably not impossible to find a copy someplace, I just hope you'd support the game's further development when you're able.