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Ok, unless there's something weird about this one, this build is probably in good shape, and will be the last one for the version 0.979 run. Next up, 0.980, I suppose. It's mostly identical to version e, but I added in some tweaks that should make sure that the character doesn't get stuck when transitioning from handjob pose to standing pose. It's an odd quirk of Renpy that if you try to animate those sorts of sequences, and someone clicks through as fast as possible, it sometimes sticks them mid-animation unless you hard account for that possibility.

Anyway, I'm already working on a few things for version 0.980, I'll give an update on those a bit later.


Lee Thompson

You have so much faith lol

Breon Flowers

might i inquire as to your future plans for.980


Keep at it!


Quick Question, can you code it so skipping stops on animations and answer choices? Or are you hard-coding the animations as unskipabble? I feel that if that were possible, it would be a solid insta-fix for the animation problem so images won't get stuck. I heard python was big in school as a code platform but I haven't messed with it.


Python is a very good program and easy to learn. I've used it and see it used in more and more games all the time. I don't program a lot so I don't know how it Renpy unity interact. Trying to learn them just to just know and play with things.

Pervy Rogue

Skipping is a function of the Renpy engine, not python. There are some ways to interact with it, though none entirely good with animations. Especially since the animations play during text and skipping is largely focused on the text aspect, not what you have going on in the background. There are, of course, other ways to fix some of the animations issues.


I've always found the status bars a little confusing. Could you make the color of the bars correspond to the colors of the "+1"s that float up when you interact with the girls? For example, I've never been sure what a white +1 is, but if one of the status bars was white I'd be able to tell. It would also help a lot of you explained a little bit about the addiction power in the intro somewhere. It's not obvious how it works.


* If I take a solo shower, once I strip a wild penis appears in the lower left. * When attending class in the morning, I get a “Rogue throws her clothes back on” for no apparent reason. (I had visited her room the previous evening but she said it was too late, so no real interaction).


The method I use is that I put in two animation calls in a row. The first one is "animate a transition from wherever the animation is, to where I want it to be, that will take .5 a second." If a player doesn't speed through things, that animation will play out and the next interaction will happen and everything will be fine, but if the player rushes (no blame, I do it too) then that animation might cut out early and leave the character halfway to the goal. My next line though basically says "PUT the character where I want her to end up, no transition or animation." If the first method worked, then this would do nothing, the character would already be there, but if the animation did get stuck halfway though, then this bit will instantly jump it to the final point I'd intended. Here's the actual code I implemented here: show Rogue at SpriteLoc(R_SpriteLoc) zorder RogueLayer: ease .5 zoom 1 offset (0,0) anchor (0.6, 0.0) show Rogue: zoom 1 offset (0,0) anchor (0.6, 0.0) There's some complicated stuff there, but the important bit is the "ease .5" in the first one, which tells it to animation those changes over half a second, while in the second one there is no "time factor" to it, so it just executes instantly.


They mostly do correspond. Red, yellow, and blue correspond to the bars of the same color. Pink is "lust," basically if the girl is getting hot, white is the default, so theoretically it can mean anything else, but I don't believe I ever use it to show anything other than player arousal. I might also expand the tutorial a bit.


1. That's to show that while in the shower, you're naked. It should go away after the shower ends, right? 2. I'll try to figure out the catch with that Rogue issue. There are a few of those. But basically what you're telling me is, Rogue should have been in her room the night before while you were in your room, then you went to class, I assume Rogue was not there at the time? Then you actually "took a class," which would have shifted you into the afternoon time block, was Rogue visibly there in either the morning or afternoon?


Ah! White is player arousal, okay. I got the vibe it was something undesirable, but I couldn't figure out what. Is that tracked somewhere? It'd be good to know how close the player is. Also: There is a bit of a gap between the girl's modesty while fooling around and when the player orgasms. Rogue can be unwilling to even take off her top, but has no problem taking a facial. That seems.... odd.

Pervy Rogue

Yo Dubs. Oni, I've played with #2 quite a bit. Its the Inhibition check / the exhibition trait check. It happens frequently when the player has one or the other and at the same time has gotten an outfit saved/put into the calendar that fails one of those checks. The player isn't seeing the original outfit, sometimes, like when you see them in class.


1. Yes. OK, functioning as designed then! I just get a little rattled when disembodied dicks suddenly appear in my shower. 2. I think she was in my room, but then went to bed. She was no longer in the room when I woke up, but perhaps some part of the game logic didn't realize that, so she was kind of still in the room, and thus needed to get dressed? (I think she had removed her mesh top, so that makes sense.)

Pervy Rogue

I went looking at Ren'py's less than helpful documentation. Your code is good in most circumstances but, it looks like that built-in skip function just barrels through anything and everything it can except choices. The show layer itself is actually subservient to the text, so it suffers. I think I have a way for you though. Looks like you can add a certain amount of skip delay in milliseconds. Changing it to 75 keeps most animations from breaking in my testing: config.skip_delay = 75


ay ay thats wassup. btw are you planning on making the animations look better in the future?


Does Kitty have a "daddy scene?" If so, how do I trigger it?


So that's to basically prevent people from skipping animations any faster than once per 75 milliseconds? I suppose that's no great loss.


Colors are never good or bad, colors are just typing. numbers with negatives are typically the bad things, as positives are pretty much always good. And yes, player arousal is tracks with that green "dick" icon in the top right of the tray, the little white path moving along it. ;) I probably should tweak some of the orgasm parameters to make sure they are in line. I will note that Rogue, at least, is intended to prioritize things that put her into contact with you or your fluids, given her specific addiction reaction.


It theoretically exists but doesn't trigger yet because I need to update it a bit. I'll try to get that in the next version.


Lmao, this comment and Oni's reply. Animations look superb to me.


I dont know If Im an idiot or is Emma who is being very dificult.


Emma can be kind of icy. My suggestion would be to visit the classroom in the evening.


doesnt work for me at all.. when i start game and choose load it immediatley brings up the error page. choosing ignore starts a new game. i also accidentally clicked on quick save and it saved over all my files at once...so i can start new game but cant load old ones. also clicking load while in a game doesnt bring up the load menu..just starts a new game. only way to load a game is to click save (not quick save) which does bring up the menu then click load and load file. hope all that made sense :P


Ok, maybe I can fix that. I'd need to know what sort of error it's giving you though. If it's throwing an error right after you load a saved game, then the most likely culprit is that you have an older save game, and one of the things it's trying to find didn't exist when that save was created. I've tried to correct for that as best I can, but sometimes things slip through. You don't need to post the whole error message, but at least the part above the "full traceback" portion. My guess is that it will say something about "some word" is invalid or something. The later issues you're describing though, I have no idea what would be causing those. That seems like the entire UI has gotten jumbled somehow, and that's mostly core Renpy code that I haven't messed with (like loading and saving). I'm not sure I know how to help with that.

Zakey Ori

Hey Oni, may I know the file size for Rogue-like on win.?


Not sure if exactly an issue or me doing something wrong. Decided to start a new gane but no matter what i did i could not trigger the relationship scenes with Kitty. I could still do the girlfriend one by the relationship menu but all other never activated even with full bar on everything. I decided to look a bit (hope you don't mind) and went to the code to look why it was happening. Seems the issue was from script.rpy from the elsif on line 1131. The condition would only execute if the previous if does not fullfill (if "relationship" not in R_DailyActions: ) and since i was going to kitty only it was always true and never checked the elsif where the condtion for Kitty scenes are. It was solved only changing that elseif to if and with that scenes began to trigger normally. Could be i'm missing something but that if/elseif was making so i could not trigger kitty scenes unless i had some from Rogue the same day


Emma is stuck at 902 Love / 901 Obedience / 906 Inhibitions, is this just the end of her content?


It's possible, for now. Basically every stat-boosting element in the game has ranges to it, some offer more boost the lower the stat is, most have a cap beyond which that specific activity won't raise the stat any higher. Since Emma does not have some of her options in yet, like dating, relationship chats, things like that, it's possible there are few, if any activities currently in there that offer stat boosts over 900. On the bright side, there shouldn't be many things that require stats that high either. ;)