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Here's Cube from Jet Set Radio, one of my fav classic games. I also plan to put out a wider release for my new game, Rogue-Like, this Friday. It won't be a huge improvement over the initial beta, yet, but a few tweaks here and there. A more feature complete version is still months out. I am still looking for a background artist for the game though, I need someone willing to do 4-6 background paintings of decent quality, just PM or email me if you're interested.



Michael Coleman

Dude, I know I'm a bit late, but it made my day knowing SOMEONE was out there doing the Lords work, and making JSR smut. I really need to pull my finger out and do some more. Awesome work sir!


Heh, thanks. I always loved this game, and really wish they would finally come out with a sequel. Sunset Overdrive was pretty fun, but it was missing a lot of the old spark.