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Ok, so I'm wrapping up the work on version 0.978 of the game, version f will hopefully be bug-free enough that we can settle on that one, if not soon after, and I can start working full steam ahead on version 0.979. So what will that mean?

One thing I plan on doing is reorienting the order in the basic sexual encounter menus slightly, in a way that won't be directly noticeable to you guys, but I think will flow better, making the dialog in its current state a bit less chaotic (adding dirty talk sort of mixed up a formula I'd been using), and making character orgasms a bit more flexible in terms of timing.  This means changing every menu around, which shouldn't be hard, but is time consuming and game breaking, so I can't release a new build until at least that's over.

At the same time I plan to add more direct control over the second girl in a scene, expanding the threesome control options that I introduced in the lesbian make-out scene (which will also be added to Kitty's menu), and also perhaps add the option to switch between the girls without completely backing out of the scene first.

As for Emma, I'm starting work in earnest on her BJ/TJ/Sex sprites, though I can't make any promises as to when those will be ready to play with. I should have her shower scenes ready by next version, as well as her towel, and hopefully a few other clothing options. I also hope to have her handjob scene ready.

Probably various other things in there too, we'll see what comes up, but those are my plans at the moment.

Oh, and just a "state of the game" thing, if you haven't been following the various patches that have come out and the discussions in the comments, there is a new word balloon system, and at first is clashed hard with some of the character positions, but hopefully I've smoothed that out, and I also intend to do something about positioning the second girls better during sex scenes than they currently are. Some of the decision menus were expanding beyond the borders of the screen, but I've tried to mitigate that wherever possible, either branching the options into more menus so each is shorter, or just using shorter lines to describe each option.


Matt Ahn

So this means we have to wait awhile for more Emma content right? I can live with that.


I just now started following this game but any plans on expanding on the characters as far as like clothes and more positions? Maybe even more areas? Any additional characters in the future?


Well, I do add more clothing sometimes, Emma definitely will be getting more, and maybe a few more pieces for the other girls. Right now I aim for three core positions for each girl, the main sprite, the BJ pose, and one sex pose. The reason I don't tend to expand beyond that is that as a sprite-based game that allows for a LOT of customization, there are certain limitations on the total number of poses. See, for each pose I do, I need to take each available variation in clothing, hair, and other details that are available for one pose, and expand it to work on this other pose (in most cases). And then each time I add a new piece of clothing, I need to make a new version of that for each pose, so it grows exponentially. I hope to eventually have enough support artists on board that I could manage such a thing, but for the time being it's just more reasonable to focus on covering the bases on each character. Now, new settings? Yes. I plan to add some more, maybe the pool by summer, certainly Emma's room at some point. New characters? Definitely. X-23 is next on the list (but probably won't get started until the fall), and I plan to just keep on going from there, for as long as there continues to be interest in the project. Thanks for the support!

Steve Jones

Not sure if it's an intentional placeholder or a bug, but Emma's responses to receiving a new risky pet name are all Kitty's lines. When you call suggest Pet she says, "I'm no house cat, MC" which is clearly a Kitty line. Also, when you suggest Sugartits she says, "These little things?" which is patently false.


Hmm. I guess I didn't completely finish up that portion. I'll give it some work.


Hi, just started being part of the train ride and such (hoping all goes well, will bump up my contribution), just wondering if there will be consequences like pregnancy since there is no protection of such or preference whether Kitty/Rouge/Emma prefer raw sex by default? Sorry if this have been discuss before in-advance.


Rogue and Kitty actually mention this in their "chit chat" sometimes, but basically, no, all the X-ladies have higher advanced birth control and STD protections, so there is no pregnancy aspect in the game. I might add condom use as an option at some point, it probably wouldn't be that difficult to throw in, but it's not a priority. Even with those added, pregnancy won't be on the table, it would just make things too complicated.


Psychic handjobs aw ye sick!


I hope we'll be able to be naughty during class while Emma is teaching. Also great work. Glad I decided to finally become a Pateron user and support you and the game.


I like your plan, especially about the entertainment of the threesome )


Hey, Oni, Just discovered this game and I immediately fell in love with it! I haven't played anything like this game and I can't wait for more content in the future. That said, how long exactly would you describe your update cycles? And is there a possibility for adding in group dates? Maybe you could party up with two or more girls and go on a date together?


Will Emma become more submissive over time?


Well, I have two different types of releases, "versions," and "builds." I release a new "version" about every 2-3 months, typically. I try to keep it low, but a lot of the times if I'm working on a core mechanic of the game then it's pretty much unplayable on my end until I'm finished that portion, so I can't just commit to a monthly schedule like that. Then when I do release a new "version," 0.978 in this case, I'll keep releasing new "builds" of that version, ie 0.978a, 0.978b, etc., until I've worked out the various bugs in the product, which will happen over the next couple weeks. Hopefully after a few versions I'll reach a build that is mostly bug-free, and that will be the final build of that version (which looks to be 0.978f, or possibly g, in this case), and then say "that's it, that's the good one," and I go back into the mines to work on the more significant updates that version 0.979 will bring. That said, I charge by the month, not by the released product, and all game content is available at the $1 level, so I view it as a "pay what you'd like to support the continued development of the game," rather than "pay for a product on a monthly release cycle." Whatever you do offer *will* go into making the next release a good one. As for group dates, at the moment, no, but that's definitely something I plan to add at some point here, there's no major reason why not, aside from that I'd need to add in some new dialog and other options. Do keep in mind that the current system overall is designed around two girls at a time, so even with three or more girls available, it's unlikely that you'd be able to go out with more than two on the same night. You could certainly alternate though.


Possibly. She's definitely more headstrong than the other girls in the way her dialog plays out, a bit more "cool." Her behavior becomes more submissive, like the other girls, but I might need to add some specific options to make her express truly subservient positions.


Got a little question here Is the strip study mini-game still in or was it deleted?


The stockings and the garterbelt doesn't show in the store and I already got all of Rogue's Stats maxed.


Then are you sure that you don't already have them? They would be available as "stockings" in Rogue's wardrobe menu.


I am going to test it again but I ran into an error when I asked Kitty to be my girlfriend and basically ignored Rogue unless she came to me She got stuck in a loop of asking what was up with Kitty and me and then me apologizing


Hey there. Just happened to find your game and it's pretty good so far. Are you doing all of this by yourself? Another user asked, if Emma will become more submissive over time and I was actually wondering the opposite. Will she be more dominant than the other girls? Because that would be nice for a little variety. Cheers


can i get a link to dowload this gme ????


The latest build is available here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/rogue-like-0-17871304">https://www.patreon.com/posts/rogue-like-0-17871304</a>


I'm doing it mostly by myself. I've had some backup work on some of the writing, some of the backgrounds, and some of the clothing, but most of the game I did. I'm always looking for talent to help speed things up though. ;) I do kind of want to open up some options for Emma to be more dominant. Right now there isn't really code in place for the girls to take initiative during sex, for most things they just wait for you to tell them what to do. I would like to expand to have the option for girls to start deciding what to do for themselves, and Emma would be more likely to do such things than the other girls.


how do u get interaction with emma to start?


Sorry...how do I progress with Emma? I can't give her anything and I don't see how to chat her up to a point where we can do anything

Zakey Ori

Sup Oni~ I'm glad that Emma is already in the updated version. She is... interesting, I think. Haha. This is way too early but I'll be looking forward to X-23's sprite (=~= ) By the way, about the icon on the bottom left, I'm kinda glad that you added that. It lessens the awkwardness of having a threesome. But it does feel weird having one girl get fucked in the pussy while the other gives you a blowjob. At the same time. Any chance you can fix this in the next update? Oh and also thank you for adding the toy sex scenes, it really annoys me getting that error sign everytime I "misclicked" it. When I say misclicked, I mean clicking on it like a madman. Thank god that's over! And the new chat bubble system? It feels weird at first, but then I started to get used to it. Plus it adds that comic feel to it. I'd say that's pretty neat~ Big thumbs up to you Oni. Keep up the awesome work! ( owo)


I should change the graphic there to show more of a "licking" than sucking when you dick is "occupied."