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Ok, with any luck, this one should iron out some bugs. Emma will appear more often outside of class, detention will be slightly more common, the character placement should be even smoother, I added a few tweaks to various systems, it's nothing major that's entirely new to this build, although the showers do work slightly differently.  I also made a tweak to the way Emma is displayed in class, which might improve performance while she's at the podium, although that's purely guesswork on my part. Oh, and I did add the ability to ask Emma and Rogue for their panties, if anyone was interested in that. I also got the art for Emma's shower scene, but still have a bit more to do before adding that in. 

Edit: Sorry guys,l sloppy release. New one up in a few.
Edit 2: Ok, sorry guys, annoying oversight on my part with that one. Please re-download it if you picked it up earlier.



Thats great to hear, Anyway will you add in some future the Kitty's dirty talk module - both the script as well the menu in the "lets talk about You menu"?


I hate being the idea guy, but it’d be cool to put a remote vibrator in emma for class shenanigans. Keep up the good work Oni Chan

Jonathan W Bain

I just loaded the game and the start new game crashed it. got a traceback log about the error.


crsh when starting new game


[code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: ScriptError: could not find label 'Rogue_Room_Test'. -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "script.rpyc", line 559, in script File "C:\Users\acer\Downloads\Compressed\Rogue-Like-0.978e-win\renpy\ast.py", line 1552, in execute rv = renpy.game.script.lookup(target) File "C:\Users\acer\Downloads\Compressed\Rogue-Like-0.978e-win\renpy\script.py", line 861, in lookup raise ScriptError("could not find label '%s'." % str(original)) ScriptError: could not find label 'Rogue_Room_Test'. Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Rogue-Like 0.978e [/code]


Wow. So much errors. Emma and towel. Emma and piercing dont work, I think cuz there is no image in the game. Emma and her ass. I touch her ass and she offer the backdoor aaand ERROR. And if I slap girl's ass - Lust>100 and she dont finish))


Make sure to redownload if you grabbed this version, the first pass was a mess.


Redownload the version I put out last night, I fixed a few things. You still won't be able to do those things, btu they didn't work because they weren't supposed to be accessible.


Love you dad.


In your first evening encounter with Emma, when she is "enjoying" herself, if your choices end up with her dancing for you, she will happily strip down completely (with "ideal" choices, perhaps. If asked later she won't go that far). I suppose it could be the heat of the moment. :P But if you end up any other way and ask her to strip (during fondling, etc), she won't go beyond her gloves.


Do you have plans to do an Android port?


I tried to make one for this version, but for some reason Renpy only works with a 32 bit SDK, and yet only the 64 bit SDK seems to be available, so I'm having some trouble figuring out where to go from there.


That scene does have some bonus conditions to it. Make the most of it. ;) Outside it you'll get there eventually.


Found a bug traceback in reply


[code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While loading : IOError: Couldn't find file 'images/EmmaSprite/EmmaSprite_Towel_Under.png'.


I found a little issue with Emma's clothes. If you ask her to put on her white choker, it doesn't appear on her. Then you get both the options to have her put the choker on and also to take it off in the other stuff submenu.


Any chance of adding asking Kitty for her panties?


I've been seeing images of Rouge with garters on.is that a real item in game or is something that has not been implemented?


A couple of things that I've noticed: 1) When you initiate sex with Rogue (fully clothed) and she asks you what she should remove, there's an option to remove her garter belt along with the skirt and panties option. However, if you select everything but the garter belt, it will be removed once you start having sex. 2) I'm unsure if this has been implemented yet, but when you're having a threesome with Kitty and Rogue, the chibi cock doesn't show what the inactive person is doing (regardless of what the narrative text says they're doing). Like I said, can't remember if that part is actually active in this build or not. 3) Not a bug but a suggestion in regards to the threesome scenes (depending on how involved/difficult it is to include). Would it be possible to include an option to switch focus to the inactive character (who is interested in the action and participating in some way)? So far, I've found the only way to switch is to exit out to the chat menu and engage the other character, but it makes the character I've been fooling around with essentially reset (throws clothes back on, and in many instances, not re-engage in the action with the other character).


1. Hmm. I'll have to double check that, it may be a factor of it not playing nice with the animation, so it auto-removes itself. If not, I may be able to resolve that easily, although if it is an animation issue, it would take more work. 2. I'll double check the coding on that, it *should* reflect what the second girl is doing, but possibly not during all actions. 3. I *definitely* intend to get this in at some point, it shouldn't be *that* hard to pull off, it can just be a little bit complicated as I want to make sure to store all the relevant data and then swap everything around. It's not impossible by any stretch, just not something I can just slap together. Hopefully it'll be something I can manage between this and version 0.979. It's also worth noting that at the moment Kitty can't initiate a make-out with Rogue at all, that too will change, I just wanted to get one version working and tested before expanding it. Oh, and also also I intend to add a direct option to pull in the second girl for a threesome, rather than relying on her passively joining in. Again, not hard, but a lot of little busywork and double checking that it doesn't break anything.

Princess Raven

HEY EVERYONE I JUST WANA GIVE A SHOUT OUT TO ONI AND SAY THANKS FOR ALL UR HARD WORK AND FIXES Thanks man love this game, and i hope my fellow patrons appreciate the constant bug fixing ur doing :) Ty.


Do you know about the bug where were able to call/bring Emma over to the showers? When I call her there, the game has an error and it crashes. When I bring her there and talk to her/take a shower, same thing applies. And I know the scene itself is not implemented, but still.


Yeah, I need to tweak that, it's because the towel isn't properly in, and it's set to put them in towels when in the showers.