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Ok, I'm calling the Poll #2, pose. I have some ideas, and we'll see how they turn out. But moving forward! So Poll 3 will be about tutorials. When I started this Patreon, I wanted to do some more tutorial content, but then I got a sort of writer's block about exactly how I wanted to progress on that. I'd intended to do a single image, work my way through it, and show each step of the process, but I realized that some of that might be a waste of time. So instead, I'm going to ask you guys to post in the comments below what elements you might like to see in a "single skill" tutorial. What do I do that you'd like to know how I do it? I'll compile a list of options and throw up a formal poll to decide which I do first, although I'll likely get around to all of them over time. I'll start you off with an example of what I mean: water, how I draw and color a liquid effect in my images. Be as detailed or as simple as you like, list as many things as you like, the idea here is to collect options of things people actually want to see. Keep in mind that this likely won't be a specific program-based tutorial though, since I doubt any of you use the same software I do.


Michael Coleman

Yeah, colouring would be the thing I would like to know more about.


Ok, but anything more specific in mind? feel free to reference my previous work, like "how did you do X?"


I like to see peoples early stage work. I've had a lot of trouble coming up with a shape breakdown and posing technique that works.