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Ok, I think I've licked this bug I've been having with the sex dialog where if Rogue was getting herself off while doing other stuff it would sometimes throw an error. There will likely be other bugs to mess with, but hopefully that one at least is now off the table. Hopefully.

For the curious, the problem started back when I first added that mechanism, do you remember how it ended up that Rogue was basically fapping at the drop of a hat, even in public? That was a bit too much, so I added in some "safety checks" to make sure that she wouldn't do this unless she was reasonably secure in her environment. The problem is that due to the way 2-3 different elements would interact, this meant that if you got her fairly horny, and she would start doing something, but then maybe she orgasmed and her lust dropped below a certain threshold, it would try to change activities but also refuse to do so, leading to the previous activity sticking around, but no new dialog being generated, and the lack of a dialog there would cause an error. So. Now that I knew what was causing it, it was simple enough to add in a catch for such circumstances, and away we go. Unless it happens again.

Known issue:
* There is a crash issue involving the word "pre," this happens in the Danger Room, I believe only when Kitty is there. I know what's causing this and it will be fixed in version f, which I'll probably put out later tonight if nothing new comes in. In the meantime, maybe avoid the Danger Room. It's dangerous.


Mind Blow

I just downloaded this build to test, and im truly happy to see that you added the "Ask to leave" command. But i must say that only the you can go now and I insist command are working, the can i have room please still dont work. Not a problem for me, just saying. Becoz i even like more be a jerk with her. :p


I needed good news


Asked Kitty for a date when we were in the shower, and the scene shifted to Campus Square with her still in her towel.


Went to the Danger Room on Saturday morning, and Kitty followed me, quickly replaced by Rogue when we got to the Danger Room.


After training in the Danger Room, Rogue asks if I want to hang out with her. I tell her no, and get this error: File "game/script Functions.rpy", line 1155, in <module> NameError: name 'Pre' is not defined </module>

Prof. Walker

First time Rouge "Barges into your room in a tizzy" Day 5 the next line is "Rouge throws her clothes back on" (Damn... :c)

Prof. Walker

When meeting Kitty, my name was changed to default name, "Zero"


Had this error as well, but when Rogue left the dangerroom, the game crashed. This bit of the report might help: File "game/script Functions.rpy", line 1155, in <module> NameError: name 'Pre' is not defined</module>


Nice update; I love the new chit-chat responses. It fleshes out the characters and the world nicely, particularly for someone like me who isn't all that familiar with the X-Men universe. The new rooms look great, too. :) I've seen some oddities though. * Running the stat checker seems to reset your name to "Zero." I probably shouldn't use the setting unless I need to. :P * At the end of the tour, if you ask Rogue to make out with you, you can immediately ask again after she kisses you. Then you properly start making out, and you get the option to "start jack'in it." which she takes little to no offense to and even lets you cum on her face afterwards. I suppose her curiosity and excitement might have gotten the better of her. :P * Eh, this happened once at least... when slapping Rogue's ass from the flirting menu, she blushes and her obedience goes up, but there is no text or other description. The "Chat with Rogue" menu appears instantly (when clicking the "Slap her ass" option), with the flirting option greyed out (like normal). Stats are L 743, O 177, and I 292. I'll see if I can make it happen again. * Occasionally, Rogue will ask you to meet her in your room later, but won't show up. * "Tell Oni that no line happened after returning fromt3set." I was fooling around with Rogue, I'll try to reproduce it to get some more details. This version seems pretty stable; personally I haven't found any big errors so far. These issues were all in 0.974d, though I figured some of them might not have been addressed. Sorry, I'm slow. :P

Josh Spicer

Whenever I'm in the Danger Room and Kitty (and maybe also Rogue) enters I have to Rollback, but then it crashes.


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/script Functions.rpy", line 1155, in <module> NameError: name 'Pre' is not defined -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "script Locations.rpyc", line 940, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 1244, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 1336, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 1155, in script File "...\Rogue-Like-0.974e-win\renpy\ast.py", line 1593, in execute if renpy.python.py_eval(condition): File "...\Rogue_Like\Rogue-Like-0.974e-win\renpy\python.py", line 1482, in py_eval return eval(py_compile(source, 'eval'), globals, locals) File "game/script Functions.rpy", line 1155, in <module> NameError: name 'Pre' is not defined Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Rogue-Like 0.974e File "...\Rogue_Like\Rogue-Like-0.974e-win\renpy\python.py", line 1482, in py_eval return eval(py_compile(source, 'eval'), globals, locals) File "game/script Functions.rpy", line 1155, in <module> NameError: name 'Pre' is not defined Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Rogue-Like 0.974e </module></module></module>


Heads up, making out with Kitty in public leads to the "Kitty noticed what you and Rogue were doing and ran away" dialogue,; Kitty's image disappears, then reappears at normal talking distance and zooms in to intimate scene distance. The scene continues but once ended she has in fact left the area.


I get this when Rouge leaves the Danger Room. I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/script Functions.rpy", line 1155, in <module> NameError: name 'Pre' is not defined -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "script Locations.rpyc", line 793, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 1231, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 393, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 940, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 1244, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 1336, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 1155, in script File "C:\Users\Media\Desktop\Rogue-Like-0.974e-win\renpy\ast.py", line 1593, in execute if renpy.python.py_eval(condition): File "C:\Users\Media\Desktop\Rogue-Like-0.974e-win\renpy\python.py", line 1482, in py_eval return eval(py_compile(source, 'eval'), globals, locals) File "game/script Functions.rpy", line 1155, in <module> NameError: name 'Pre' is not defined Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1 Ren'Py Rogue-Like 0.974e </module></module>


Is this normal? I am in class with Rogue and Kitty, have sex with Rogue, and it is Rogue who puts out her vibrator and masturbates, while Kitty bends down and licks my dick. While it is inside Rogue. I am confused. Also, I thought sex and tit job with Kitty was supposed to be in this update?


I must add that I did not start a new game but took the old version 0.973i seve over. Maybe that broke something?


Also: is there something that can be done in Prof X room? Only option for me is to wait or to leave.


Bah, I'll fix that. It was something I was messing with and in my rush to fix the bug above, I dropped in an element that shouldn't have been there.


Yes, I was just alerted to the name thing and fixed it. I also added a name changer to the tutorial so you can set it back how you want. I'll have to do something more about that making out thing, that does seem a bit, awkward for a first meeting. ;) For the ass slapping thing, it should always play a dialog string. The only reason it wouldn't is if the game thinks that some sort of other sex act is happening, and if that's the case then it means that a previous one is not clearing out for some reason, which is always should pretty quickly. For this, "Tell Oni that no line happened after returning fromt3set." this is what version e should fix. And don't worry about it, every bit of feedback helps to narrow things down, and I know I keep releasing a bunch of new versions until I get a stable one. ;)


Try ignoring it if you have the option, otherwise I think I know the cause and it should be fixed in the next build. If it's the problem people describe above, it only applies in the Danger Room and with Kitty there.


Ok, I think I have an idea of what's causing this, was this taking place in Rogue's room? It may have been because I accidentally had Kitty leaving to Rogue's room when she runs off. ;) I'll fix and also expand that element a bit.


Well, the dildo is the one that goes into her, the vibrator is more a surface thing. And not, the other Kitty scenes will be later.


Well, "can I have the room" is a request. It SHOULD work at least some of the time, IF the girl had somewhere else to be and was only there because you asked her to be. If she feels like sticking around, she will. The stat checks on that one are fairly high. If that doesn't work you can either accept her choice or push harder.


Hmmm. Well Rogue should be there on a Saturday morning, but I'm not sure what would cause Kitty to leave. You asked her to follow you? And she showed up for at least a moment? What was the sequence of dialog?


Was in the danger room with Rogue. When she asked me to follow her afterand I said no the game crashed. Error looked like this: <a href="https://gyazo.com/9855417c677bbeb094c41cac21a5e846" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gyazo.com/9855417c677bbeb094c41cac21a5e846</a>


Wow, I just noticed that you moved the Plan Omega option. Where is it now? Edit: Nevermind found it, but I am wondering about the ability to fuck Kitty. Has that not been implemented yet?


Not sure if this is something you where asking for Oni but I got a message 'How did you get here?' and the activity was in the MC's room with Rouge started a study session. Which became a make out session, whipped it out, Rouge noticed and asked if she wanted me to suck on it, that is her favorite activity if that matter, and agreed to the offer than got the message.


Lol, I put a few of those in as backstops. ;) Ok, yeah the issue is that I'd added that system before I allowed you to do that when kissing or fondling, so I need to go back in and make sure that the proper hand-off happens.


You can do a bunch of stuff, but not actual sex yet. Still need to finish the animations.


Oh yeah, thank you Oni!


Making out with Kitty and Rogue is in the room. The text reads "Kitty notices what you and Rogue are up to"


Kitty and Rogue in Kitty's room, a crowd just showed up while I'm making out with Kitty.