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So last week I added the PSD tiers of support, offering inked and paperdoll versions at the $20 level, and a full work-level PSD at the $25 level, but there are no takers so far. Is this just something that nobody's interested in? I noticed other artists doing this at much higher support levels and figured I'd give it a shot, but if there's no interest then it really wouldn't be worth the hassle of continuing.



It's a nice idea, but I do not have Photoshop. Also keep in mind you are newer to Patreon than other artists. I'm confident you'll continue to build in numbers and draw in people who want the Photoshop files.


I haven't started going to those levels simply because I haven't started my new job yet. But I'd keep it up if I were you! I'd also suggest that you do what some of the other artists have done, which is toss out a little bit of incentive now and then. The artist SillyGirl is a perfect example of this - they started out on HF putting up hentai, and once they got enough followers, now almost EVERYTHING is just on their Patreon, and their HF account hardly has any hentai now (except for a few commissions here and there).


Ok, there does seem to be interest at least, and I can totally feel the money concerns. I've been trying to throw some fun stuff on here, I added the HU zips at relatively low levels, I'm posting the hentai-lite promo versions at the minimal level (I thought that was safer than making them "public," since they are slightly explicit). I might try to get some more material up, maybe some of my older work.


Sometimes it takes time to build a following and sometimes you need help to get your name out by posting as a creator on other Patreon pages or getting them to give you a shout out to their supporters.


Heh, maybe, and anyone that wants to help get the word out would be much appreciated, although I think it'd be a bit gauche to cold-request that other artist share their customers with me. ;) I've been promoting my Patreon on the places I usually frequent, but if there are any other neutral spaces that could get some attention here, please let me know!


Maybe labelling some of your work with the link to your patreon and putting it on "free sites" could boost your profile. I know there's Hentai Foundry and I can't remember the rest at the moment.