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Here's a pic of Nico Robin from One Piece. I met my first goal over the Thanksgiving week and have now added the ability to view the full uncensored versions of these images at the $15 price level, including a "post time skip" alternate of this one. I'm still trying to figure out what I should add for goals and funding levels, so if you have any ideas, options you'd like to see, just let me know.




Fantastic! I also saw your Sabrine one and it was epic! I was wondering if you have done any art from Big Hero 6 yet? As far as ideas, do you do any animation? You could either set animation as a goal for yourself or work with someone else? If you do want the option to work with someone, I recommend someone with a good track record of working well with others like this artist: <a href="http://www.patreon.com/Jasonafex">http://www.patreon.com/Jasonafex</a>


Thanks! No Big Hero stuff yet, haven't gotten around to watching it and I like to avoid doing pics without some grasp of the characters. I did some animation way back, nothing you would have seen or would want to, but haven't really kept my skills polished to do anything recently. I've kinda wanted to try it at some point, I dabbled in Flash and SFM but didn't like how it was turning out. I might see about some collaboration though, that could be fun.


And thank you! You are really easy to talk with. I was on your waitlist awhile back but I had to drop off when I had some financial trouble. I used the email enteredwithhonestintentions@gmail.com and you were really nice about it and appreciated me telling you. The reason I mentioned that is because when it was my turn I was going to see if you would do the artwork and allow that person to animate? I'm still interested in doing this twice if you are interested? To be honest, it would have to wait till January/February for me to same up for the commission.


Yeah, commissions are kind of tricky lately, I can't really find the time. I try to fit in as many as I can, but I only tend to manage one every few months lately.


Wow, I had figured that would be a good source of income for you? My new email is novothule@gmail.com so please use that if you want more details? And thank you again for the chat.


Huh, I can't reply to your comment. Maybe it's just a limit on how long the chain can get? Anyways, the thing is the way I work takes a lot of time, I really can't complete more than five or so finished pieces per month (depending on complexity). That's the beauty of crowd-funding though, that many people can pool their resources to pay into producing that art.


Yes, I cannot reply to yours either. It's a good thing I checked here instead of waiting for an email. I can see why, art as detailed as yours is rare. I am still interested in commissioning you if you want to email me your prices? You can also post it here, HU, and anywhere else you want? I know some people are picky about that, but I am not because I feel like even if I commission it, if you draw it you should still be able to post it where ever you want.

Michael Coleman

Hey Oni, have you ever considered Livestreaming your work process? Part of the reason I donated, aside from the awesome art and the opportunity to support a fellow artist, was the Tutorial images, as I'd really love to see what I could learn from your process. I remember the EAW group put together a tutorial .PSD a few years ago, and it was fascinating stuff, but I can't find it anywhere now..


Yeah, I should track down those old files and bundle them up for you guys. They're still mostly accurate to my process (along with a few new tricks). As for livestreaming, I've considered it, I know it's a popular thing with people, but I don't know that my workflow is well suited to it. For one thing, I often work very late at night, and I also tend to work in fits and starts, sometimes working for a couple hours without a break, sometimes only a few minutes and then I surf the web a few minutes and then back to art, then web, then art, and so on. ;) I could maybe do an edited-down video thing though, I really need to update my video tools, the last time I did video editing was with After Effects over a decade ago. ;) Anyone know a good and efficient video capturing program? Preferably a free one?