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Edit: I'm replacing "d" with "e". It basically fixes a bug I missed relating to that whole "the girls don't start feeling themselves up unless they really feel comfortable about it" code.

Again, this is a risky, bugfilled (likely) mess, just less of one than version c. Only download if you want to test for bugs, otherwise wait a week or so for a more stable version, I'll let you know when. Also, please remember to not load up saves from 0.973,  0.973a, or  0.973b.  0.973c is probably ok, I haven't messed with the updater function since then, but if you try to load a save from the previous  0.973 versions, you'll keep getting that "R_SeenPeen" error, but otherwise it should be gone.

This version should remove the common " +: 'int' and 'str' " errors, but if they keep happening, let me know. I know I fixed at least one problem, and a test case I had running here was solved by my fixes, but it's possible that something entirely different is happening that I hadn't encountered.

I also made various other tweaks, like Rogue/Kitty is less likely to go to town on herself while you're making out unless she's pretty comfortable doing so, the "X puts her clothes on" thing should no longer appear when she's just handed you her panties (although it may still be too aggressive, more testing on my end is needed to sort that out), and Professor X will no longer hassle you about just kissing in public. Maybe some other stuff I forget.

There's still work to do before the fully stable build, but fingers crossed this will stop the real showstoppers.



Thanks Oni, the struggle is real


Hi Oni, thanks for the great work you do. Quick question, where can I see a full update/log of all the new fetures added in this version?


Heh, I don't really have one. I should probably keep better track of what I do and don't add to the game. The first 0.973 post has a fairly comprehensive list of the features added, but I might have missed a few things. Ok, next release, I'll make sure to keep notes on the things I add.


day 5 evening rouges room, after i followed her from class, kitty was there too, gave her a massage, got late rouge wanted to sleep and wild kitty said she is going to her room, did not invite her

Paul Calvert

Went back to Kitty's room after a movie, made out and she invited me in, started making out then when clicking Keep Going received this error: Invalid Syntax (game/kitty_sdialog.rpy, line 1564)


making out with kitty in classroom, keep on going I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: SyntaxError: invalid syntax (game/Kitty_SDialog.rpy, line 1564)


Fuck, sorry about that. I caught the Rogue version of that error but not the Kitty one. On the bright side, I know exactly what caused it. I'm flipping this one over to version e!

Paul Calvert

Could just be me but it doesn't seem possible to get caught by Professor X any more.


When you get a good night kiss after returning from a restaurant date, the text will describe the meal, i.e. "you eat your steak and juicy lobster..." etc. Sounds a bit unnerving. :P Eh, this may only be if the kiss drags on, giving you options on how to proceed. I'm not sure.


Tried to grope Rogue's breast, got the "no trigger set to 'o'" or whatever it was when Rogue said "just keep doing what you were doing." This was on version D by the way, because I had already progressed past that point before version E.


Also, not really a bug, but it seems really weird to me that both girls will give you their panties on a first date or really any date before they're ready to have sex with you. That's super weird.


I thing that you posted it before (but not stated in the change log), how the arousal work for Rogue, before 0.973 there was 3 speeds for intercourse (low, medium, high), now you can stop the intercourse, start it to low speed, increase to medium speed but no more "high speed piston". Also the arousal gain with wich trust depended on the speed of it, in low speed you got +2, and high speed like + 6 (or something like that), now it is the same (+3 or 4) just until Rogue get enough arousal and it rise to +12 or +13. (not sure about the numbers, just to give an idea :p).


Fucking Rogue's ass in the Danger room with Kitty present. As I cum, I decide to blow my load on Rogue's face, but the image doesn't change the way it used to. Something else a little odd--Rogue's arousal seems to be higher for anal than vaginal sex.


Not really a bug but if the MC and Rouge spent the night together and the following day Rouge wants to talk, it be nice if that happened after How did you sleep last night conversation instead of receiving a text after leaving the room that Rouge wants to meet up.


On Friday after taking the morning class when no female was there, had the conversation with Kitty that she was heading to the danger room and asking if I wanted to join. This was using a save from 0.973c so that might be responsible.


Making out with Kitty and I move a hand to her thighs. She asks me if I like how that feels, then asks me the same thing again after one line of text in between.


Again, making out with Kitty. I go to stick a finger in her pussy, and suddenly we're back at the menu for getting busy, makeout session over.


Also, I know it's not a priority at the moment, but Kitty wears out much too quickly now. Hopefully that's something that will be fixed soon.


Rouge at 523 love, Obedience 54, Inhibitions 119. I asked to feel up her thighs and she said, 'Ok Sugar, go ahea.' followed by 'I doubt your odds will be better here, sugar...' Give me the typical options for having failed and when I l click Never mind. The game jump right into the MC feeling up her leg.


Day 4 - went to Danger Room in the morning, trained, then got the popup from Rogue asking if I wanted to go to class with her, even though she wasn't in the Danger Room with me.


Seems the actions the girls take don't affect her lust levels, this is most apparent when 'Could I watch you get yourself off?' as the lust metter won't budge at all.


If the MC has acquired Rogues panties and than the pair sleep together, when Rouge changes into her sleep wear she is without panties, even if the pair she sleeps in is the green one and the she gave up was her black pair.


Day 12, evening, studying with Rogue, she initiates making out, I start jacking it, which leads to the "never get tired of seeing that dialogue" and "sure my mouth wouldn't do better", then get the "how did you get here" message.


Day 20, in the Danger Room, flirted with Kitty by kissing her lips. She initiated makeout, and I clicked "move a hand to her breasts", which led to a "no trigger was set, or it was '0'."


Can't take classes for some reason, getting this "An exception has occurred" error...


523 love? 2min into the game and I have 600+ is it normal or is this a bug??


Started up a new 0.973e game. Day 4, making out with Rogue, the text reads "mesh top". This is after I asked her to dance for me, which she did, removing the mesh top. There's no other text.


Day 14. Flirted with Kitty in the Campus Square, then headed to the Danger room. Kitty followed (I hadn't asked her to) and I get a message "Rogue gets and embarrassed look on her face and suddenly leaves the room" My level is 3, Kitty's love level is 487 and Rogue's is 693


If you start to make out with Rogue and move a hand to her breasts or pussy, you stop kissing her.

Adam Król

First bug on game start while tour. You can loop "Make out a little". Want make out .. maybe a kiss ... maybe next and next and ... good start :P

Adam Król

Next something like bug... you can jerk in in first kiss at university square. She will be shocked but ok .. but if you put hand on her breast..


Something I've noticed over time: after the first couple of dates, Rogue asks you to spend the night, but afterwards it's a long time before she does so again.


Day 23. Spending the night with Rogue, she sleeps in the nude, I get "Rogue throws her clothes back on" before the morning blowjob.


If you ask Rogue to follow you while you're both in the shower, she throws her clothes on but the shower keeps going, making her wet. Not a bug necessarily, just and observation.


If you choose to fondle Rogue's breasts during a titjob, you have to keep choosing it each time the menu pops up.


Day 32, making out with Kitty in the Danger Room. I move a hand to her breast and she says "I could eat you up: then "Nuh Uh, keep your hands to yourself." Love is 601, Obedience 348, Inhibition 238. My level is 7


Day 47, going from makeout to blowjob, quick message "how did you get here?" Love 1000, Obedience 768, Inhibition 951, Level 8


Day 5, studying in Rouge's room, 779/206.264 , she leans for a kiss, after the message that it was a productive use of my study time Kitty says she's going back. She was in the danger room in the afternoon and I didn't wait for her to say where she's going then, so the message was probably waiting for the next change in time, a variable not changing since she didn't ask me when we were in the same place?


I didn't change anything that should have made that impossible, the change I made should ONLY impact you while kissing is the primary activity.


If I remember correctly, there have only been three total speeds, stopped, moving, and moving faster (no "moving medium fast"). Blowjobs do have more settings than that though. And yes, I probably will have to tweak the arousal numbers a bit. It's worth noting that ALL arousal in the game is relative to her current state. That is to say, lighter "foreplay" activities are much more arousing at low Lust levels than at higher levels, and more forceful "direct" actions are more arousing at higher Lust levels than at lower. Basically if you start pounding into her dry then it'll take longer to grind up to orgasm than if you ease into it. But as others have noted, there seems to be something off about the current values, and I'll have to figure out why.


That likely wasn't the issue, there seems to be something wrong with the "I'm going X want to follow" type dialogs that they play when they shouldn't. I need to figure out what's causing that, but since it isn't breaking the game at the moment, it hasn't been a priority yet. I definitely want to get to the bottom of it though.


I'd created an outfit consisting of Rogue's green mesh top and tights and saved it as custom number 2. However, she wouldn't wear it outside. When I recreated the outfit again, she has no issues with it. L 1000, O 773, I 961, Level 8.


Making out with Kitty in the danger room Moved a hand to her breast and she said "Nuh uh! Go back to what you were doing" then got an error message "no trigger was set" L 815, O 616, I 557, Level 9, Day 52


Good catch, I'll look into that, I have a vague idea what might be causing it, but that's a complicated system to look through.


Could you give me more details on that? Does it mention a line or a variable or something?


What do you mean by this? Is it that you select "fondle her breasts," and then it does its thing and goes back to the menu, but the next time the menu comes up you have to click "fondle her breasts" again? Note that the offhand messages don't pop up every single time, so if it doesn't appear the second time through, that might be ok.


when with kitty and touching, if you shift focus, it goes to rogue


When doing a study session that gets exiting, there seems to be two events that occur instead of just one. This seems to happen when Rouge has more options than just making out resulting in like her giving a hand job and than making out.


Ah, good catch. Simple error on my part, an "if" in a chain that was supposed to be an "elif."


I think it was mentioned, but I couldn't find it, but had the following bug: 1. Followed Rogue from Class to Danger Room 2. Trained in Danger Room with both Kitty and Rogue 3. Rogue invites back to her room, accepted 4. Study with Rogue, no making out 5. Time changes to Night, Kitty announces "I'm, Like, Heading Back to my room." She is not in the room.


Also noticed that while Making Out and selecting to "Jack It", Rogue gets surprised expression, makes the comment "I didn't know they're that big up close", then goes back to kissing but has what looks like an angry expression on her face. Not sure if that's intentional or not, but I'd figure if she didn't like that she'd stop kissing and kick the MC out. Expression did not change if I selected to stop Jacking It. Love: 667/Lust: 70/Obedience: 81/Addiction: 0/Inhibition: 125


Small thing, but for a couple game days, the morning class and afternoon class are the same.


Just tried to go on date with Kitty. She was in the MC's room when she agreed to go, and the scene switched to the other bedroom when she asked "So, like, where would you like to go?"


After date with Kitty go back to her room 1. Have good night kiss 1a. Kitty invites MC into room "Maybe… come inside for a minute?" 2. MC makes out with Kitty for several turns 3. Asks to give massage 3a. [Possible Bug] Kitty says "I'd, like, really rather not, OK?" but then says "I'll keep my top on, A." and allows massage 4. Click Make Out, Kitty says "Nope" (weird that she rejects this time, but not sure if bug) 5. Select Never Mind 6. Kitty says something (sorry missed the text) 7. [Bug] Scene descriptor text says "She wipes herself off" Also, Text Kitty from MC's room 1. As if wants to come over, Kitty says "No she's busy" 2. [bug] MC asks if she wants to go out on date, Kitty says sure (reporting as bug because she rejected the previous option but accepted the date offer) 3. [bug] BG scene switched to other bedroom when Kitty asks "So, like, where would you like to go?" Both scenarios, Love: 485/Lust: 73/Obedience: 165/Addiction: 0/Inhibitions: 48


[Grammar] Post-Date with Kitty Current: "Well was fun, A. Text me later." Suggested: "Well that was fun, A. Text me later."


Well, it randomly picks something each time, so that's just RNG, I guess.


Found 2 other typo in the same sentence I think, when you study with Rogue in her room she'll go down on you and it says : "Rogue gets a mischevious look on her face, and begins to unzip you pants." Shouldn't it be "mischievous" and "your pants" ? Oh and I didn't thank you for the 0.973 update yet, so thank you !


Ok, yeah, I changed that, and made some structural changes to the backgrounds system, since that was one of the first things I did and it was a bit dated. Anyway, it used to default to Rogue's room under various circumstances, now it will default to the campus square, so that's where you'll meet up for the date.


Ok, I'll work through some of that. It's worth noting that I think it's ok for her to reject "just coming over" but still be interested in going out.


Don't know if it's already been reported, but during the very first kiss with Rogue (before the tutorial), you can already start jackin' it without Rogue being furious. She even accepts the facial if you warn her.


Making out with Kitty in the Danger Room, get text reading "Class has ended. What would you like to do next?"


Tried to replying to your reply regarding the "just coming over" comment. I agree with you in that she could reject one while accepting the other. I think it's more what she says. She rejected by saying "I'm busy" but then accepted the date. It gives her a two-facedness that I don't remember her character having on the show. I think instead of a bug I should've reported it as a possible dialogue revision. Something like, "Sorry, I'm not really interested in coming over right now." Would be cool if there was conditional dialogue where if she rejects and says "Sorry, I'm not really interested in coming over right now.", if the MC then offers a date she would say, "I'm cool going out instead. Where too?" Or something like that.


In the classroom, flirted with Kitty with a kiss on the lips. Rogue is there as well. As we continue kissing, get me message "You see that Rogue and Kitty and sitting next to each other..." in the middle of the makeout session.


I don't know if this is something intended, but if I set focus, it stays set until I cum, even if that's several days later.


Thank you for the Linux build, works like a charm except the script bugs. I have yet to test version e when I write this.


I found a bug, Rogue asked me to swing by to her room without being in the classroom with me. she had asked me to go to the dangerroom after morningclass but this was afternoon class day 5.

Gerald L

Is there something specific you have to do to get Kitty interested in you? Because it's like pulling teeth with this girl unlike Rogue. Is there something I'm missing or do you really have to grind like crazy?


You just have to grind a lot. Flirt with her every chance you get, and make sure you get her phone number as quickly as possible as well so you can text her and have her come visit you.


Yeah, I do need to tone that down. It was a system I sort of threw together and it really should have more of a fail state to it.


Kitty's love stat seems to have peaked at 909. It's day 82 and it doesn't seem as if I can do anything to raise it up.


Heh, I get what you're saying. I try to make the AI in this seem as natural as possible, but certain things like that can get complicated. I may be able to make that work, I'll see what I can do.


That may be possible, a lot of the more "casual" grindy sorts of things do cap out around 900 on both girls. It'll actually be easier to get beyond that hump once her "in love" sort of events get added. Maybe I'll try to get those into the next build, I already had The Rook do one of them but didn't want to clutter up this version.


When adjusting Rouges clothes on either of her default sets, when going to underwear, it shows the option 'Why don't you wear the blank panties instead?' while she is wearing the black panties.


No, the actual content for it isn't added in yet, I just added the basic hook for when it's implemented.


If you wait till night in the classroom and chat with one of the girls to come over. Leave and enter again the text stating the girl is there and do you want to sit next to her appears.


Heh, ok. Maybe I should have some more specific details added to the classroom. Really if this dabbling with game development has taught me anything, it's how very little occurs automatically. Every little detail needs to be anticipated and planned for to get a natural response from it. ;)


If the girl is trying to keep her distance, when attempting to sit next to her, she should probably dissuade the MC sitting next to her. Obviously something for a future build but it would also be nice if both girl are sitting next to each other the option to try and sit in the middle, aka ask one to move over. With the possibility of them either agreeing to that arrangement or wanting the MC to make a choice.


Getting this error in the latest version when going to sleep after setting a outfit for Rouge to wear in our rooms : <a href="https://pastebin.com/RZxhr5Ja" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/RZxhr5Ja</a> Worth noting that this error only happens on a save that was made on the previous beta versions and not on a save made on the stable version


In other but related news, the "Wear this in our rooms" option seems to be broken in the stable version.


I honestly don't know how you're getting that error. I define that variable in the default statement AND define it in the updater code to make sure that existing saves get caught up. I have no idea how it's not getting defined on your end.


Found something else, if you change kittys clothing during the day she keeps the changes until the next day, but if you change rouges clothing she always throws her old clothes on either when you exit the menu or when you leave the room.


When will the stable (can download) build be released? I'm getting anxious for the build, lol.


For Kitty when fondling her Pussy or Ass and than shifting action, Licking for Pussy or Licking and Fingering for Ass and not removing the clothing in the way the game presents the options like I had asked her to undress, aka 'Her Top', 'Her bottoms', etc. For Rouge she immediately gets irritated shifting the necessary clothing down to be out of the way, which I'm guessing is what Kitty should do as well.


For Kitty having the ring piercings, the ring on the right nipple partially shows on top of her Sports Bra.


I'd like to try wrapping up a few things before releasing it, I'll make it worth the time.


Hey Oni are you still hunting some bugs? While running game code: File "game/Kitty_Stripping.rpy", line 1300, in &lt;module&gt; NameError: name 'K_SeenPeen' is not defined&lt;/module&gt; While running game code: File "game/Kitty_Stripping.rpy", line 1328, in &lt;module&gt; NameError: name 'K_SeenPeen' is not defined&lt;/module&gt;


These errors should not be occurring if you're running version 0.973c or higher, unless you're loading a save file from versions 0.973-0.973b Don't use save files from that version, or it won't properly update those variables.

Handsome Idiot

Do you think future updates will be less harder and take less time to release than this update?


Oh, definitely. This one was a doozy. Future updates I expect to come out at a faster pace, for at least a little while as I just start dropping in new elements I've been working on.


Hey there Oni, I downloaded the new version and I don't know if anyone has mentioned this weird anomaly yet, but it seems like the game for whatever reason is reacting really weird to my mouse clicks when I select an option. For example, I clicked on the "Do you want to fool around?" option with Rogue in class, then I asked her to undress, I told her to take off her skirt and then the game jumped back to the sex menu. I then went back into the menu for asking her to undress and then selected her pantyhose and the game randomly brought the save menu. I have also had the game bring up the save menu and act as if I clicked the option to save my game at this same point.


Humm, this is one buggy version. For some reason Rogue's clothes change randomly at the drop of a hat. Non present Kitty comments on almost everything and the I O message pops up repeatedly for previously accessible dialogue. Dunno if its any help, but the clothing changes crop up 9/10 when you have a non-talk interaction with Rogue.


Hmm. Stuff like the save menu interactions are built into the baseline Renpy engine. I haven't messed with that stuff, so it shouldn't be causing issues.


Ok, I'm working on some stuff that might impact this, a change to how characters schedule their actions. It's kind of complicated to make sure that they change clothing appropriately to a given situation, but not change clothing too often.


will there come any new girl/girls introduced soon? :)


Yeah, I was going to wait until Kitty was done to do anything with Emma, but I've been thinking I might just add her as a sprite at some point sooner rather than later. We're still a long way off from getting her fully active though.


The sprite idea is good. it would give people an idea to whats to come and make them curious and curious means more money haha^^ Btw, i just thought up an idea, jean grey,emma,kitty,rogue.. 'possible more females', in same room is going to be.. hard to fit in screen X) so maybe max 3 chars + player per party and in class maybe having 3 different classes, sports, biology,math might be the answear to future 'problems' without vr? too bad we can't just have bigger computer screens haha ;) or you can just make sure only the 2 females the player are sitting next to can be viewed on screen and if player uses talk to another female the character sprite changes to that female? :) Ps would love to have some kind of 'battle's' to earn extra money nothing serious thinking just something like a robber, or a member of dark brotherhood someone weak in beginning then maybe stronger possible like lance to get affection for kitty? or blob for jean, toad could work for rogue u know^^


Yes, my plan for the time being is max two girls per scene. Emma will count as a third in the classroom only, but in a sort of special role, you can't involve her in normal activities without one of the other girls leaving. Part of the new arrival/leaving system I'm working on involves filtering out who gets to stay and go if 3+ girls have some reason to be in the same room at once. I might also have a mechanic where they could technically be in the same room, but not be actively counted in most cases or displayed, like they are in the classroom, but far enough away that they don't get involved. There will likely also be a mechanic for the player to prioritize which girls are most commonly available, which you want to focus on at any given time. As for battling, I don't know, I could whip up something simple for that, but even a fairly simple system would take time and energy that I think would be better spent on sexy stuff. ;) That's why I went with the stipend model, it's a way of giving some resource management and budgeting, but not require grinding non-sexy mini-games. I have some ideas though. . .


well, what about limit party to 2 girls possible 3.. and simply have in class room t.ex if both rogue and kitty t.ex is in party too the class-room maybe the player can sit between both? and later same with other chars. And if the party 2 girls no other girls is shown and default busy if asking to join if party limit is full? About combat, something simple like written parts, if level 1-3 maybe kicking someone's ass would be hard but 4-5+ locking anyone's power and kicking their asses afterwards would be easy? i mean wanda and lance is the stronger one's and mr speedy is kinda fast ;P but toad is pretty weak and blob is slower than the others and easier to 'hit' so yeah X) you could also have that enough time with rogue he gains her ability and rogue gains his for herself in turning her ability off simply! :)


Yeah, I mean the difficulty with implementing combat is more in the actually work involved in implementing it, not designing it. I mean, I could do it, it would just take dozens of hours away from other portions of the game, and a bit outside the themes of the core gameplay.


i am sure you could add some h scene's if the player loose the fight the girl gets 'used' somewhat by the bad guy. And the girl gets angry at the guy for being too weak. ;) altough with rogue maybe that would only happen if her powers are nullified enough? this would also add a little spice to the game. making small challenge's for the players would increase the ammount of liked as a game really. Right now there is no challenge so this would be like a perfect add. :)


This is an interesting philosophical question of game design, and I have my own stand on it. To me, I am not a fan of erogames that have non-sexy "challenge" that then leads to sexy "rewards." I mean I can see a point to that sort of thing and it's not always a bad thing, but it's not my bag. I prefer that if I do add more "challenge" to the game, that it be directly in the various sexy activities that take place, like perhaps adding some higher risk/higher reward dialog exchanges, or moves you can make during sex, or something like that where if you screw things up it has a higher cost, but I'm not sure where I'd like to go with that. For the time being, it can just be assumed that X-Men-style combat adventures are taking place over the course of the game, just off camera.