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Ok, standard warning in advance, I expect lots of bugs with this one, so do not download it if you just want to play a fun game and not get crashes. This version is for people who like to hunt bugs. I'll be updating it to patch out any bugs people report, so more and more reliable builds will be coming out, so if you just want to enjoy the game, give it a week or two (or at least a few days).

If you do encounter any bugs, please let me know, either in this thread, or via PM. If it's a crash bug, there should be a crash report, please include at least the beginning of that report in your post. If it's not a crash, but just something you think is odd, just describe the problem as best you can. It can often help to include the exact lines of text displayed before and after, which can help me narrow down the location of the problem. It's also a good idea to try and make a save a bit before the bug, so you can check it again later.

And I am sorry, I'd hoped to get this out last week, but had some health issues that left me unable to put in the finishing touches for a few days. I'm feeling a bit better today though, so hopefully it's nothing major.

So disclaimers out of the way, what does this version include?

- New front facing sex pose for Betsy
- New doggy style pose for Doreen.
- New mystery feature for Betsy. I want to see if people can find this one on their own, no cheating by looking at the game files, there will be no prize, but if you find it, please post a comment. I'll let everyone know what it is later. I will note that it can be accessed during sex scenes, just to avoid banging your head into walls.

What to look out for:
- Any of the new graphics that "look weird," like things overlapping in a way that they probably shouldn't. or animating improperly. If there are any graphics that you believe should be there but aren't (like visible cum," then let me know, I might have missed a few things.
- If there are any actions that are blocked off, like you can't access one of the above sex poses in a place you think you should, let me know.

Fixed in version "a":
-Betsy showing up randomly everywhere.
-Doreen's doggy style feet and a few other effects have been temporarily disabled, to prevent crash errors. They will be re-enabled in a future build (probably this week), once the art for them is finished. :D

You can download the files here.



weird is at the start of Day 4 in the introduction of Emma. Kitty just stay besides you like a Lamp and staare at me while Emma talk to me.

Brown Eyes Red Dragon

i have something... it's not unique to this update, a think it have been in almost every update. but sometimes, a girl can ask to meet you in your room. when i press yes, i get moved to my room, but nobody is there. it's not gamebreaking in any way, i just found it a bit strange.


Just the casual classroom introduction, right? I don't think it's an issue that another girl would be there to see that. I suppose I could hide them though.