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Been a while since I did an actual update, figured it was about due. Sorry about that. I have been hard at work, I've gotten mostly through one pose that I'm adding in the next build, and like maybe halfway through the other? I think you guys will have a lot of fun with them once they're finished. I'm aiming for "end of the month, early next," somewhere in there.

I've talked about this before, but I thought it might be fun for me to discuss a bit of how I make new animated sprites in this game. After having some basic ideas of what I'm aiming for, my first step is usually to do a rough mechanical draft of the core artwork, sometimes just a sketch with flat colors sloppily applied under it, so I will know how the shapes will be layered, and whether they will move how I intend them to. Sometimes a plan doesn't quite work out and I need to try something different, because it just looks too mechanical or will leave inevitable gaps. for a titjob sequence, for example, I typically have a body layer, a head layer above that and perhaps a hair layer underneath it, a layer for the breasts under the dick, and another for above the dick, perhaps a separate layer for hands or arms (depending on how they will move), or a layer for clothing that gets caught on the dick, etc.

Once I have the basic idea working, I put in the time to polish the artwork, make all the various clothing options, etc. Then I have to test those, and make sure they don't clip each other or do something weird during an animation, such as passing over something that they should go under. I tend to like to get a project close to finished, and then work on a different part for a bit, because then I can think about it more and maybe realize some change I'd like to make, which is why the first pose is only mostly complete. I plan to do the finishing touches after getting the second one mostly finished.

So that out of the way, I've finished about half the clothes for the second pose, and I'm getting into the second half now, talk you to guys later.


Pablo Honey

Hi Oni. I was just curious if you have a Discord server where we could report minor bugs and what not. For example, when playing a new game on the latest release, the first time you catch Emma masturbating in the classroom, it's showing 2 images of her, one close and one far away.


I don't, sorry. You can always post such things on any thread here (I'll get a notification, but the "most recent release thread" is generally the best place) or PMing me. I'll try to clear up that bug though, I'm not sure the exact cause off the top of my head, but I believe it's related to not clearing out the "teaching" version of the character properly (or alternately it's showing the close up version too soon).


Thank you for the update and explanation oni!


I can't get doreen to ask about her tail. She hasn't given me the "i love you" speech or "Do you want to be called master" speech either. She has ripped her pants in the danger room and talked with gwen tho.


Question, how do I access my save files?


Take your time Oni, great dishes take time to cook 👨‍🍳🤌


While running game code: File "game/script Functions.rpy", line 4883, in NameError: name 'StageRight' is not defined Full traceback: File "script Functions.rpyc", line 4883, in script File "renpy/ast.py", line 1293, in execute File "renpy/display/transform.py", line 1075, in_init_ File "renpy/atl.py", line 306, in _init_ File "renpy/python.py", line 1159, in py_eval File "renpy/python.py", line 1152, in py_eval_bytecode File "game/script Functions.rpy", line 4883, in NameError: name 'StageRight' is not defined


Looking forward to the next update. Take your time.


Was this on an emulator? I don't know how it would be possible for that variable to not be defined under normal conditions, but sometimes emulators "forget" random variables. What was going on in the game at the time?


Please can you make some apk please


I can not get any audio, should I do something? or the game has no audio?