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The world’s on fire and I’ve dropped off the face of the Earth.

Well, sort of. 

Last month, my partner and I went on a 3,500km trip to run some events that he had planned. All that driving significantly slowed down my workflow, but I still managed to get a fair chunk of work done while traveling!

Ref sheet for Razor | Icon for Aushtin | Daki for Nero | Daki for Nor [NSFW] | Christmas YCH [NSFW]

Now that we’re back and (mostly) recovered from working so hard, I’m finally getting back into my work. Progress rate has been pretty much cut in half without a computer, and I was thankfully able to build one out of parts I pulled from some old PCs from my mum’s work. Yay for free things!

Parts list

It’s nowhere near powerful enough to be a full replacement computer, but it’s the best I can do for now! I enjoy playing with computers so it’s been a fun little project to bring in the new year with. These parts are all pushing 10 years old, but this computer runs better than my regular one which has been dying for the better part of 6 months now, so I call that a win!

Computer Upgrade Project

Speaking of the new computer - I found a good deal on my new processor on Boxing Day so bought that, and am now waiting until I can afford the rest of my parts. I was hoping that I’d have a little more left over after our trip, but eh, that’s life.

Here's what I'm building

It’s been a very slow process saving up for all the new stuff, but it finally feels like it’s in motion and I’m super proud of myself for that.

Once the new computer is built, I’ll be able to focus more on creating better content! Progress will likely still be quite slow before then, as I use my computer for file organisation, final touches on art and all my social media posting.

Etsy store updates


I now have Holographic OWO and UWU stickers.. Because why not?!
They’re handmade to order and I’m going to be adding more colours as I go!


Arcanine Dakis will be back in stock VERY soon. I’m currently waiting on my payment to the supplier to go through, so those will be in before the end of the month.


I’m also working on some new premade daki designs for the future…


Commissions are now open!

I’m currently taking 10% off all daki and illustration commissions because that’s what I’ve been enjoying doing lately. 

Don’t forget that if you’re a Patron you can use your points to get money off your commission!


Australian Bushfires

Australia is just a little bit (very) on fire.

Unfortunately, unlike so many of my amazing art peers, I’m not currently in the position to participate in bushfire fundraisers. I’m hoping that I will be able to help in the very near future - but for now I would like to redirect you to a whole bunch of artists and charities who are out there raising money!

Artist Fundraisers

Australian Charities

Thank you for reading, stay safe out there!


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