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I've never really been one for vent art until recently. I used to not be able to concentrate on art during depressive episodes/times of stress, but now it seems to be a good outlet. 

I've been dealing with quite a bit lately to be honest, my sister wants to come live with me, my fiance and my dad, but my mother is trying to stop her from leaving. She tried to do a similar thing when I left, but I knew that if I didn't leave I would not be alive and typing this.. It's a really hard reality to live, and have to live again through my sister. Unfortunately nothing has changed since I lived with our mother, and my sister is bearing the full force of the abuse. We've been talking to child services, but can't get in touch with my sister to actually ask her what she wants to do... Thankfully I'm in a much better mental place since living with my dad, and can actually handle this without too much damage to my health.. I might be a little slow on updates with art ect, but they are coming!

I want to keep this Patron only information for now.. I don't want to be flooding all my social accounts with negativity and general bad news.

If you, or anyone that you know is struggling with psychological abuse/manipulation, suicidal thoughts, depression, or any other mental health issues, please, PLEASE talk to someone. Don't let other people's poor interest get in the way of YOU living YOUR LIFE!

LIFELINE (AU): 13 11 14

CALM (UK):  0800 58 58 58  (they also have a web chat!)

TRANS LIFELINE (USA):  1-877-565-8860


You can also call your country's emergency services (i.e 911 in the US) and talk to them if you need. Remember, you can't get in trouble for calling to talk about your mental health - emergency services regard mental health and suicidal intention as an emergency.



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