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Hey everyone! Felt like doing a little update just to let you guys know what's up!

State of Patreon:

Firstly I want to say I'm blown away by how much support I've received on this patreon, I've been working really hard to try and keep up consistent uploads and make meaningful changes to how this all works, seems like you guys have really enjoyed a lot of the changes I've made as well as the work I've been posting which makes me really happy and I feel more motivated than ever to keep putting hours into this!


As many of you probably know I was recently let go from my job and made unemployed and I figured I'd answer some questions on the subject, is this a massive blow to me? yes! Will I allow this set back to ruin me and stop me from making the content I love for all you wonderful people? absolutely not! Am I looking for a new job? Yes, while I'd love to say fuck it and just draw full time I'm not really sure how viable it would be tbh, Will I be opening comms soon? Yes! Am I at risk at becoming homeless? NO or at least not any time soon!


On Monday (the 12th of august) I'm going on a 2 week vacation with my family which is just the break I need considering the current events in my life! I'll be in Greece chilling out but worry not I've busted my ass over the last two weeks creating a backlog of drawings which I've scheduled to post throughout the two weeks I'm away so you wont be without drawings while I'm having a break!


Which brings me onto my last point which is comms, haven't really done many comms this year but with no job to work at I find myself with a lot of spare time on my hands so what better wat to fill that time than with commissions, I plan on starting comms around the 28th-30th once I'm home from vacation. You as Patreon members of course have access to commissions before everyone else for a few days so if you're interested there's plenty of time to think about what ya want!

That about wraps up everything I wanna talk about so I'll just thank you all so much for your continued support, I really couldn't do what I do without all of you at my back, I love you all <3


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