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Again with the exploration of interactions between two characters. I saw this ref originally on pinterest, which was a collage of two shots from a movie called love me, love me not. The sense of safety, trust, and general carefree nostalgic vibe of this scene just absolutely captured me. Hopefully that feeling is also conveyed in this piece.

It was definitely interesting painting the same scene from two different perspectives onto the same canvas. Reminds of of the type of sequential storytelling you might find in comics. Would love to explore more of this to be able to add this skillset to my toolkit. It would help a lot in telling stories of my own characters in the future.

Files and refs are attched below for download! :)
(The colours are a bit desaturated in this recording! I was still trying to figure out the colour settings for my new cintiq at the time, sorry about that! It'll look much better in videos going forward!) 





do you have a set place where you usually look for references or do you just stumble across them? :)