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December Tutorial Poll!

  • Study Hands with Me! :') 55
  • How I Study and Learn from Artists who Inspire Me 117
  • Thinking in Shapes to Make Anatomy Easier 280
  • Study Perspective with Me! 58
  • Simple Guide for Textures! 48
  • Breaking Free from Artistic Perfectionism 51
  • 2023-11-16
  • 609 votes
{'title': 'December Tutorial Poll! ', 'choices': [{'text': "Study Hands with Me! :')", 'votes': 55}, {'text': 'How I Study and Learn from Artists who Inspire Me', 'votes': 117}, {'text': 'Thinking in Shapes to Make Anatomy Easier', 'votes': 280}, {'text': 'Study Perspective with Me! ', 'votes': 58}, {'text': 'Simple Guide for Textures! ', 'votes': 48}, {'text': 'Breaking Free from Artistic Perfectionism', 'votes': 51}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 16, 22, 42, 41, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 609}


Last tutorial of the year! We're switching back to a beginner friendly topic for December, choose which ever one you'd like to see most!

Ps. one of my goals for the new year is to get better at drawing people in general (because frankly I'm quite tired of drawing someone and having something not look right about the anatomy every time and having to liquify every sketch), and many things will go into this. For one, I feel that I need to study my anatomy even more and get more comfortable with faces in different positions. As well as poses, bodies, perspectives. Even stylization and perhaps costumes. Think of it like a back to basics training camp to solidify the foundational skills which I feel I need.

This could be a series of tutorials based on 1 learning goal each month, which all ties together somehow in the end. It could span anywhere from 6-8 months depending on how many topics I think I need to cover. It'll be a way to not only hold myself accountable for my own studies but also hopefully provide more motivation for your guys' studies as well to improve your art with me. Let me know your guys thoughts on an idea like this to temporarily replace polls in the near future.

We can also do one month Sam's learning topic, another month community poll topic, and go back and forth that way, that would work very well too. Again, just an idea right now, super welcome to suggestions, I'm just motivated to improve my own craft and wanna be more organized about it! I'd love to know your guys' thoughts on how best to do it!!



Back to basics without poll is fantastic


I like the idea of going back to basics, also it coincides well with the new year so I feel it could be a nice way to motivate oneself. I’d like this without the polls I think and once the 6-8 months are over, it would be interesting to work on a bigger, more consequential piece to apply what we learnt from the journey :) Maybe a before and after piece would be interesting to do.


I love the idea! Going without polls for a while with a structure made by you, that would be great!🙏🏻


Finally one that I've been waiting for 😭🙏


Going back to basics series would be perfect 🖤. - 🥳 Loooove the idea of studying together.


i just joined, is there any way i can get the december 2023 tutorial?