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Hey Guys!

I'd like to talk to you about some changes I'd like to make to the way we organize our top tier!

For those who don't know, we take down old tutorials/process videos each month, and upload new ones. The main reason for this is to provide patrons with a reason to stay subbed each month and so that someone can't just come in and grab all the rewards that someone else may have subbed for a whole year for.

However, going forward, I'd like to start keeping ALL the NEW tutorials and process videos ON PATREON so that everyone has access to this backlog of content no matter when they join or leave. I understand that some people may find this unfair but I feel that having a backlog of tutorials to choose from will ultimately give more value to each patron in the long run, as not everyone wants to study the topic of a given month. I'll also try my best to provide more bonus free content here for people who are unable to remain a patron every month due to financial reasons.

I've used this current system of refreshing the patreon feed each month ever since I first started patreon, I was much less experienced then. And over the past 3 years I've constantly struggled with the idea of keeping this system going. Of course, previous tutorial videos that have been deleted will not be brought back, but NEW ones going forward will remain on the patreon feed each month. I'll still make sure to send everyone a download link at the end of every month, so that you get to download your rewards and keep them for the months when you remain a patron. That will not change. I'll also make sure to maintain the same high quality for the tutorials each month, that will not change either!

To support this change, next Month, I'll be working on a Tutorial called "My Essential Tools and Tips for Digital Painting." This will extensively cover things such as my workflow, my indispensable tools, key techniques, and things to avoid. Aiming to build a strong foundation as one of the first Tutorial videos in this new patreon arc!!! Very very excited and I know it will be absolutely essential for beginners and intermediate artists alike!

On another note. I've also seen other artists such as Loish do Q&A's with their patreon community each month, and wanted to ask if this is something you guys would be interested in as well? I'd love to be able to better connect with fellow artists in the community and potentially help you in more ways than just tutorials and process videos.

If you have any suggestions, any feedback, or just wanna say hello, please leave a comment below! I'd love to hear from you. And thank you so much for all of your support!



I agree with the changes :) If there is a Q&A, I hope it will be accessible outside of Discord because I don’t have Discord.

Rachel T.

I would love a Q & A


It’s a shitty topic but maybe the discord?? I have been trying to find the link to get in but I can’t find it. 🥲


Your discord needs to be connected to your Patreon account, and then Patreon will automatically add you to the Discord servers gained through memberships. To connect your account just go to your settings in Patreon > More > Connections, and Discord should appear as an option.

Vicki Morrow

Thanks. Excited to be a new Patreon subscriber.