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Development summary for January:


  • June and Erik buttons in computer class have been redone to match their new art and current game art quality.
  • Multiple assets for computer class teacher (Farah).
  • Missy face assets touchups and improvements.
  • Music classroom location redone to match current game art quality across the game. Including splitting all elements into layers, character buttons and crowd layers being redone.
  • Science classroom location redone to match current game art quality across the game. Including splitting all elements into layers, character buttons and crowd layers being redone.
  • Art classroom location redone to match current game art quality across the game. Including splitting all elements into layers, character buttons and crowd layers being redone.
  • School changeroom/showers location redone to match current game art quality across the game. Including splitting all elements into layers, character buttons and crowd layers being redone.
  • New Anon faces and arm holding plate.
  • New Jenny faces.
  • New Mia arm asset.
  • Erik gamepad flipped on body variant.
  • New Ms. Ross arm holding paint palette.
  • Small fixes to Bubbles assets and nametag flip variant.
  • New Justin arms and body assets for his costume outfit.
  • New Karl arms assets for his costume outfit.
  • Debbie kitchen button fixed pan held.
  • Small edits to the water VFX in the shower.
  • Anon jerking on Debbie's bed now has an extra frame that was missing (end of the sequence).
  • New dynamic shot of Grace fixing her bike now has her arm motion the wrench.
  • New cutscene when Anon spies on Jenny via the attic floor.
  • Mrs. Smith office location small adjustments to the lighting.
  • All magazines you had to fetch around the school have had some form of rework done in order to make better sense of them in the quest, as well as their visuals being improved.
  • Various inventory items/icons improved and added variants (like the single vs multiple wood planks).
  • New inventory icon for the pharaoh costume box that was added to the quest.
  • Jenny 1st day scene assets tweaks (more to come though, for the background specifically).
  • Continued assisting the Code/Posing devs with optimizing art and fixing inconsistencies. Such as unused art assets , missing shadows, missing character button variants and so on.
  • 2 new dynamic shots for future Missy content were made (they are also used as wallpapers).


  • Upgraded game and reposing tool to Ren'Py 8.2.
  • Expanded support for animation in various shot and location backgrounds.
  • Wrote several graphical shaders including a radial zoom and a steam effect.
  • Improved blur quality and performance over that which is provided by Ren'Py.
  • Optimized dynamic backgrounds to allow for more activity without frame drops.
  • Updated look and feel of the dialogue window at DarkCookie's request.
  • Linked(tied posing to game logic) multiple early-game quests bringing them to a state fit for QA. Including:

Prologue, day one introductions.

First Miss Bissette quest and her buttons (classroom and office).

First five main story quests.

First four Debbie quests.

First three Jenny quests.

Buttons for Cedric and Jane.

Attic peep-hole event.

Numerous passive events like unlocking the attic, and joining the library.

Various item inspection dialogues, such as Debbie's painting in the attic.

  • Completed wiring of Miss Ross's route.
  • Added basic button logic for Angelica and Veronica.
  • Implemented a system to randomly place some characters in the staff room.
  • Updated staging for Farah's button on the school tech lab.
  • Various tweaks to support improvements being made to day one narrative.
  • Fixed a few bugs in reposing tool which is used to ensure posing consistency.
  • More metadata as needed (i.e. making the fishing rod spawn in the attic).
  • Various small changes and fixes to posing and code flow as encountered.


  • Finished the Lock Checks For: 

School, Debbie's House, Bank, Map, Tattoo Parlor

  • Finished missing labels for Jenny's Route including pregnancy and post pregnancy.
  • Tweaks to labels for Main Route 2 and Eve.
  • Tweaks and finished majority of out-standing labels and h-scenes in Jenny's Route.
  • Finished Posing scene with new Grace art.
  • Fully completed Routes for Dewitt and Okita that are complete on Kanboard.
  • Reposed all sex scenes for Iwanka & Melonia.
  • Eve Button Labels.
  • Odette button labels.
  • Odette h-scenes done.
  • Grace button labels.
  • Grace/Odette h-scenes done.
  • Tuuku button labels.
  • Roxxy h-scenes scenes done.
  • Roxxy button dialogues.
  • Mia h-scenes scenes done.
  • Mia button dialogues.
  • Crystal h-scenes scenes done.
  • Crystal button dialogues (may need review).
  • Farah introduction and button dialogues.
  • Debbie shower h-scenes scenes and interaction done.
  • Maria button dialogues.
  • Helen's church sex scene done.


  • Assisted code with wiring up story routes.
  • Justin and Karl button dialogues.
  • Farrah button dialogue.
  • Grace dynamic shot dialogue.
  • Diane dynamic shot dialogue.
  • Veronica dynamic shot dialogue.
  • Jenny dynamic shot dialogue.
  • Mia new day1 intro dialogue.
  • Erik/Tammy new day1 intro dialogue.
  • Kim feet folder dialogue.
  • Jenny make up dialogue.
  • Various tweaks and additions made to: 

All of day 1 prologue, Debbie quests 1-7, Jenny quests 1-3, Main story 1-3, All four teachers routes.

  • Progressed writing for Rhonda's update (following the release of the Tech update).



Some new Missy wallpapers have been added which will also be used in her future in-game content. I also updated the map wallpaper to better reflect its current state as well as adding the evening/night variants.

For you high tier Patrons you can get all the 1080p high res wallpapers on our Kompas site. Check it out here: 


For the lower tier Patrons, simply wait a few hours for them to leak! (or DM me on Discord)




Enok Nivlac

Lmao finished fixing the feet I see


Hopefully we can avoid the whole "It's taking to long..." song and dance, and just enjoy the art presented.


Things are going much better than 1 year ago and it shows. Looking foward to the update

Biff Edwards

So many small things, but it all needs to be done....


Lots of work


Sweet I cant wait to play


Yep I waited and be patient 😌 🙂


When does it come out?

John Butler

Take your time, my guy I can't wait. This is gonna be awesome.




This is so faking cool


Kek, why are there goats?


Probably a meme/stream joke and it's the same goat on both images

Steven J Smith

That's a lot of updates, but no estimate on a release.

Wei Hao Jiang

Can’t wait for 2050 when this finally release


Nice, lots of good work done!


Digging the new map, my first time seeing it.

Bryan Rivera

I can tell it’s not dropping this year

jose hernandez

Agree still in 79%. is not gonna be ready this year... probably not even the next one...


Glad to see the progress but how long has it been?


wait... how do you unlock the stadium?


You wait for the update to drop and find out then ...... In case you missed the other ~10 new places being added cause the map is 33% wider

wdlloyd96 on YT

Glad to see the progress super excited about the update


Hi guys! Dark cuntie here! Thanks for the 50k! Here's a long list of things I've done but contextually is meaningless. Here's a wallpaper! Tune in next month where you'll get another wallpaper and I'll type out another long list!

Steven J Smith

You might be new here but the last update was over 2 years ago. They only started even putting out these updates recebtly because people were unsubscribing.

Ethan Needham

Hell yeah! Great work so far! Looking forward to the next playable update 😁

Francis paramaguru

Hi glad to hear about the upgrades, just wondering if this is all still compatible with Android? Thanks


The update might still be a year away, so nobody knows. Apparently, the last build (0.20.16 from 2022) isn't compatible with newer Androids version(s). Have fun


^ Yes but no. The last update was Oct 31st 2022. The last "real/main" update was March 31st 2021. Depending on whether or not you consider the pre-techs as "updates", you might have a point with the dates

Steven J Smith

It could go either way. The last one really only added like 1 event, the Vampire graveyard scene, and dialogue for it.


I’m very new here, but really enjoying the game this far.. My only question is, since it seems like final version won’t be available until next year, is there plans to add character sounds? And if so - is there plans to release this before final version?


Looking good, keep up the good work.. :P

Tom G

Amazing!!! But could be some alpha version to 3.rd anniversary of last version? PLEASE!!!

Simon Quinn

Still Love your game and i am on pins and needles for the out come of some of the story lines :)

James Mellor

This aint coming out any time soon is it


Amazing work


Vivement que l'on puisse télécharger avoir la nouvelle mise à jour


keep it up man! every update post gets me more excited 👏


2050, more like 2250... I'm beginning to think that this is all a money grab...


I'm unsubscribing, somebody let me know when it finally releases in the year 2030!

Lennart Liivamägi

Honestly this is the most beautiful porn game ever. Came for the sex, stayed for the lore. Really wanna play the full game when it comes out in 2027


ça prend du temps à développer un jeu vidéo. beaucoup de gens râlent parce que ça va pas "assez vite" selon eux. Et si DarkCookie sortait son jeu maintenant, pleins de bugs, ils râleraient. Et en plus, ils râleraient parce qu'il n'y a pas assez de contenu selon eux. Évidemment, ça prend du temps d'écrire une histoire.


My girl Missy doesn’t get enough love, so I’m happy to see her get the attention she deserves :)


Is Missy sunbathing on Anon's apartement rooftop? Is there any more story between the two of them?


The first time I could find a post about the tech update was April 3rd, 2021. The updated progress bar is at 79% as of Jan 31st, 2024. April 3rd 2021 was 2 years, 9 months and 28 days ago, which is 1,033 days. It was on a Saturday 1033 is 79% of the number 1307.5 We are looking at 275 more days till the tech update. My estimate is October 31st 2024!


Can feel the hype that you guys are finally getting close to the finish line. Also love that you’ve already started work on the next update too keep up the good work


Man I can't wait! I'm so excited!


It's probably her own (new) house. Why would she bring her goat to MC's house just to sunbathe ?


keep on going, guys!


Doesn't make any sense because the increase of the progress bar is not linear. As DarkCookie explained before, a short task can make the progress bar increase by 10%, as a huge task can make the progress bar increase by 1% only.


I've calculated this out twice. last time was Nov 2023, and the date was pushed from Oct 11th to Oct 31st. TBH, without going off of anything else, I think this is a solid estimate of when we will be getting the Tech update.


It works (lol) until you figure out the debug line will have stuff in it some day and the overall % will go down to 40%, then your bigbrain math goes out the window. Also, it took 3 years to get to 80% (probably less since it's stagnating alot). That's 36 months for 80%. The remaining 20% (aka 1/5) would take around 7 months if anything was as clearcut as you think it is. Which would put us at late July. Then the above debug line happens and we're back to 2030

dehydrated monkey nipples

lol dude, they're fucking scamming you, i subbed back in like 2019 or 2020 and there has been a total of like 3 updates max


And yet you're still here now to tell us all that ...... Such a scam indeed

Robert Whitsell

That must feel like a lot of work! I appreciate the fullness of the current updates. Really creates value in my support 👍🏻🔥🥰


@Omnikuken I was wondering if they realized what they wrote.


You act like I'm not going to keep moving the goalpost back every time I feel like calculating this bs. Lol


Again, how is Roxxy friends with them?


Whats Ronaldo doing next to Missy? Thats weird


Roxxy is the alpha bitch of the school. Those tend to attract other randos who like attention/being seen with "celebrities". Also, the 3 of them are on the cheerleader squad

Elijah Kirkwood

When will this update happen? Judith, Ronda, Jackie, and the new girl should have the ability to get pregnant, but I really wanna know when will the update happen?


Between when it's done and never As for the preg girls, have fun waiting


A reminder that missy is the first of the three to show anon any respect

Julio Montes De Oca

It has been awhile since I have been on here. None of the finished updates are live correct? You are waiting to finish the big tech update and then release everything?


Nope. He'll finish the big tech when it's done and then work on the others, 1 at a time. Don't expect anything in the coming year or so. There's also 3-4 months between the "content" updates, so don't expect all 3 of them within a week either


why my game don't have all places in your map?


Cause this is the new map they're making for the tech update ...................................... Like c'mon dude


ok th


thank you for the explication <3

Cres Hallo

You can see progress for the tech update at link. 79% right now https://summertimesaga.com/news


Thanks for the update. Expanded/new map is hype!


@Omnikuken Bruh, there's a big gap between trailer park and where the other two girls live.

Cesar Medina

Ive been out of the loop. What's up with Judith? Been waiting for her....


She's still the 3rd update after the tech and she still doesn't have and won't have anything till then


Man, this update is gonna be incredible! This has to be an entirely new game!


It's only a wider map and new code ....... Plus a bunch of locations and a few new girls with no scenes. All the stuff released as wallpapers will either be "intro scenes" when you 1st meet the girls or added as new stuff in the forthcoming route updates (Rhonda/Annie/Judith) Don't expect the game to be totally new and/or have 48651374059864 new lewds, cause it won't. And people will find new ways to cry about it

Shinichi Kudo

How long this game update

Sousou Gnom

I enjoy every progress you do... hopefully there is an release this year... I really can't wait


I explain in a comment above. Buy right now. It's looking like Oct 31st


@Atis Don't summon me if you can't cope with the aftermath ......... "Insert evil laugh"


How long has it been since the last update or how long till the next 1 comes out ? Would need more details/better grammar


Can someone tell me which character im missing from cookie jar, bottom far right next to Tina?

Jamal King

I excited for the update and new content to come it


Have fun not getting much then. Might wanna go check what's in the update before hyping yourself too much

David Franco Johnson

Is Missy getting a story/romance that's not connected with Roxxy?


Nope, kinda. She might get a side-lewd like Becca did in 1 of the pre-techs. The brunt of her scenes will be in the Roxxy preg remake in ~ 20 years


Missy has $, doesn't mean she's as popular in school as Roxxy. She's just the clumsy and big-mouthed plank that follows Roxxy, nobody cares about her. And Roxxy was with Dexter, the basketball team captain (ish). That holds way more retention power than Missy not showing she has $ ...... Also, this is a game. If DC and co say the 3 of them hang together, that's it. Doesn't have to make any sense. Just like glueing back a cow statue spawned a "real" cowgirl and/or holding your breath for 10 mins navigating an underwater maze to go dick a literal fish


Who gives a fuck,it's a legit question. Referencing the writer is a dumb answer.


Considering they've been quite open about the new update being the TECH update, and not really a content update, what's so surprising? Yeah its taking a minute, but they're literally rebuilding their whole game. I'm confident after this update, more content will come quick with the upgraded engine.


DC let us see several scenes of her in some of his streams. one of my favorites is her kneeling on her bed.


can i ask why i do not have access to ,,compass site" level pledge? DC please take a look at this :) ps 5$ pledge btw...


Second thing is can i ask for a mobile wallpaper with map of the game?

Kiff The Kat

love the Missy content. cant wait for the update. Don't care if it takes a couple more years. well worth the wait. this is still the best adult game out there.


You can download the wallpapers in 4K with the 10$ pledge. Also, you can edit posts instead of dumping a few within 5 mins


There's a chance the Missy pics won't be in the tech build (just like every wallpaper ever, they might be 1 shot deals when you meet the girls in early game ....... Maybe not, we'll see in ~10 years)


Dear Mr. Cookie. It has been more than year since the last update and I am starting to wonder if my membership, however meager, is worth maintaining. I need more than a couple of wallpapers and I am sure I am not the only one who feels this way.


No, it's not. No1's is. And you're not paying for the game anyway. You either cope with losing 1$ a month or unpledge and move on. That's the only thing that matters and/or you can do something about.


Well, we appreciate your work and the effort to communicate everything you have done, but how many more years will it take you to achieve everything you dream of? 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 years? Then you will be adding artificial intelligence? And it will be 5 or 10 more years? There will always be an update excuse for not appear with an update. There is a great Japanese creator who experienced the same thing as you. He had great ambitions for many things in his game. He end up not taking it out and disappearing in blogs. Even the technologies changed. He programmed in FLASH. You owe it to the public that supports you, but you do not create wallpapers or videos. You create a spectacular game that doesn't have to end, because there will always be new and great ideas, so you will come with new versions. But you must now air the version you have. I compare you to an artist who spends his life time painting in the attic of his house and never exhibits his work. It is not fair either for you or for the public that follows and supports you.


Omnikuken, I've read many of your replies and you are annoying, at best. The comment wasn't directed to you and since you aren't any help please refrain from any more replies to me. I am sure DK can speak for themselves.


But they never do and you can just PM him instead of crying in here that people reply to you and you don't like it.


You do know that what they got now doesn't work ? It's not compatible with the version we got ? And that even if they released it yesterday, it would just assplode ? PS : The game isn't the end goal of anything on Patreon, you're not paying for it and DC doesn't owe any1 anything past the pledge tier rewards

Erick MK

New version of android os is no longer compatible with sumertimesaga

Erick MK

How so, just upgraded to an S24 Ultra from S22 ultra. Both had their latest UIS24 Ultra has newest version. I think it was the same with the pixel

Erick MK

Played fine on S22 Ultra, new UI no dice. The time it takes for an update so far, it'll be 2030. Maybe there's already a quick fix from 32 to 64 bit out this Quarter, if not games dead. Been waiting for the big tech update for years now.

Alexander Anderson

Hopefully soon we get to experience all this?! So excited

Shafiq Daniel

So disappointed I save what I'm play. When I woke up I look my save is gone fck every month pay I get this


User issue isn't the game's fault ..... And if on phone, lol. Otherwise, it's still a you problem. Paying DC to moan about it in here won't do anything either. Check the wiki/Discord and learn how your stuff works.


Is there an update? I don't have a lot of those places on my map.


That progress bar means literally nothing. Its been over a year for a update while he milks people. If this update doesn't come with massive amount of content that isn't just reskinning things, people will leave in mass and he knows it.

batuka ochirbat

how to tech update??? my 20.16

Maryus Maryus

0.20.16 aceasta este ultima versiune sau cum descarc ultima versiune ?

Daniel Walker

We've had minor updates in between so not totally bad. Been waiting for the big one too. How it doesn't take too much longer


You're not paying for the game. And what do you want him to do ? Coder and the 4 posers do what's on their list. His part's been done for almost 2 years now, everything he's been doing since then is adding stuff that wasn't planned to help the others or make "bonus scenes" when you meet girls for the 1st time. PS : this isn't a content update anyway. Better get mad now while you wait for nothing


Wrong. You don't invest in anything. You give a tip to a dude to say "good job, I like your stuff, keep at it". That's the purpose of Patreon. Whatever DC does afterwards isn't for you to decide. You tip, he gives the pledge tier rewards. That's it. You mad about anything ? Stop pledging. Done deal. Even if he didn't want to do the rework, it was coming sooner or later. The game we got barely runs and they need some assbackward code fuckery to make it compatible between updates. "No one asked for" was voted in a poll, and won ...... What promised characters ? The last poll (not including the bonus for the pre-techs) was in 2020


And you do know what the tech update means, right ? And that you won't get (much) anything you think you'll get, right ? Last content update was in Oct 2022, not 2 years ago too. And see my reply above for the "patreons pay for" bit. You might also wanna edit stuff around instead of double posting


its been awhile its just a game not life dependent but it has been awhile ....


Now this is what I pay a buck a month for! It's like The Real Housewives of Summerville.🤣


Why the F**K have you felt the need to answer and berate everyone that has comented on this post, you sad lonely person. The game is brilliant, no doubt. But surely even you who defends it so forcefully must see how everyone can get frustrated. You say were not paying for them to make the game but just tipping them for a job well done. It used to be updates every couple of months , now its every couple of years. If you went to a restaurant and everything was really good but you had to wait 2 hours for your food, would you tip them....would you F**K. same principle applies here. People are justified in moaning for helping a game maker make a game but never see it.


Am I the only one who was hoping for a Missy route? Lets be honest, she was the ONLY one who actually had an obvious crush on the MC prior to the events of the game. I just hate that Missy and Becca are the ONLY characters in the entire game that don't get their own moments and are permanently attached to Roxxy


The best you'll get is a side-lewd (like Becca) when the preg remake gets done. The route isn't about her, be happy to get anything at all. They might expand a bit on the 3 girls too, but doubtful

Atis Nicholson

Figh, fight, figh, fight, light, bright, glide, hide, stride, blight, height, ride, might, bride, tide, side, night, right, shite ...!!!


@Dave : You stop going to that restaurant, just like you stop pledging to DC (if you wanna apply that logic to this game : the food is free and you tip the waiter/cook. It takes them years for basic service or you don't like what they get you ? You go away and don't return). You do know he doesn't read what people reply here ? He doesn't care about you nor any1 else. You gave him $ to cry in this monthly status update, he couldn't care less you don't like the time he takes to draw stuff. Want to have more impact ? Go harass him on Discord/Picarto, telling him he blows as a dev and it shouldn't take 3 years for a recode and wider screen update. Watch how many dudes over there laugh at you and how long it takes you to get banned And you're still not paying DC anything that applies to the game. You like what he does ? Keep pledging. You don't, for any reason ? Stop and move on. Moaning in here won't do anything. Please stay mad though, it makes for easy stuff to reply to PS : You can put me on ignore if words hurt you too much

Kris Piper

We also need a compatibility update for pixel 7a


The Renpy engine itself probably updated like 5+ times since they started the tech build. It should work with newer Androids, 1 of the main reasons they're doing this whole tech stuff is to please the phoners. Would be pretty lame they do all that for nothing if the game doesn't even load on phones after the update

Mack ❤️

We need support for samsung s24 devices. It only supports 64 bit vs the 32 bit


You won't get anything until the update comes out, which could be next year. Either get an older phone or join the PC master race


If it doesn't work. 1. Stop supporting 2. Wait for next update 3. After SEEING progress, support for 1 dollar.


If it doesn't work. And you wanna play and not SEE a *let's play* -find another device or stop supporting it.


I get the passion. I feel ya bro. But it was based off of *polls* and *votes*


It's been a LONG. time. But hey. This may not be their passion. A project that got out of hand


Any news from the streams? I don't get to catch them


You get access to an archive of them with your pledge. Go to summertimesaga.com and click rewards on top. Allow Patreon account to link together and then go to "Vods" tab

Levi Doyle

It's not an inaccurate answer though. Just because the "real world" answer isn't as satisfying for you personally as having established "in universe" logic doesn't make that BTS (behind the scenes) logic any less valid. That aside, if you think people of different socioeconomic standings can't hang out on that difference alone, then it probably says way more about you than it does about the quality of the writing. Way to live up to the screen name lil'homie.

esteban cr

When the game is going to come out, it has been completely updated for almost 2 years and it never goes above 80%


Is that a question or are you stating stuff ? And it'll be 3 years in March

Vergil Thach

Can we at least try the broken version of the current build? That way we can see some of the differences.


I'd say nope. There's probably not even a "current build" > just a dev version for the coding and a crapton of loosely thrown around assets the posers make to re-do the scenes. The best option would be to go to the streams and see what DC is doing (or get into the archives and witness the work done since early 2021)


C'est juste mais 2 ans sans mis à jour jouable pour un jeux indé, c'est un peu beaucoup

Bryant Reed

you missed the joke. hes talking about you fighting everyone in the comments lol

Bryant Reed

This new guy @Omnikuken makes me miss the days when only @WitchHunter43 was trolling the complaint comments. I still think their DC's burner accounts lol DC definitely reads the comments, hes addressed the vibe of this comment section before

Jesse James

I'm going to go back to supporting NLT. They regularly update their games. They're on their 3rd game since 2019. Unfortunately there have been only 4 or 5 additions to SS in that same time.


But NLT does 3D asset swap pre-made models and you need 10$ a month to get the game. Pay NLT 1 time to get 2 updates or pay the same to DC and get an almost entire year of free stuff, tough choice


If I was a DC alt, there'd be 99% less comments since most of them would be banned


I don't mind the wait but I'm missing the regular progress bar updates.

Atis Nicholson

What do you mean? There was 0,15% progress this month. Pretty epic, if you ask me

Chris Burckel

When can we use the new content of the game like the new map and interact will new girls


True, but at this rate, that guy in your icon crosswalk needs to have a cane.


The Becca sex scenes were right in there somewhere. Can't remember if they were before the last one or not.


It's F2P, so it can't be a money grab if you don't have to pay to play.

Edward Walag

why do I give you 5.00 dollars to be reminded every month that there is no end date to speak of.don't get me wrong, I like to get the girls preg. but I have 53 kids now and my where-with all is wanting a new task. I used to play every day for months would go bye fast


Vote w/ your wallet. I am confident with this game's production, given it's progress, scale, art quality, and writing. Drop by some streams and you might see.


Missy is my hands down fav in the game, glad to see her getting some love!


In (minimum) 4 updates after the tech build and at least 1 poll win (for a route that's not even hers). "Love for her" will have to wait

fahmy mourad

كيف اقوم بتحميل التحديثات


I'll post this here because DC is too much of a cuck to say in a update with comments disabled that he's put together something to play and wants people to play test it. Still nothing is provided, we've waited literal years, and instead of giving the people, some of which you have received literal hundreds of dollars from, content they can partake in, you instead decide to pick a focus group to playtest what you have put together, something we have been waiting literal years for. I wonder why. You are no better than EA or any other shitty AAA company.


Dude, shut the fuck up. This game has always been totally free. AAA studios have literally hundreds of team members. DK has a couple of guys. There has never been a paywall for game content, any monetary support they've gotten has been from people wanting to show support for a free product. Be patient and enjoy your free game, you entitled prick. Otherwise buggar off and be a nuisance elsewhere. Pathetic.

WWE 2K Lover

That my friend I’ll agree on she starts being snobby Ah Ah that ain’t gon work for me

Thomas Waltl

Yes, he gets paid from thousands of people per month. And after years there is only a restart with a little bit and it will take more years. The ideas are not bad but after all this time there comes not realy anything. Bad management or planed to last forever.