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A number of you have expressed some anxiety about how much longer the Tech Update will be in development, and specifically that the progress bar on our website has not been providing much reassurance, along with questions about why it appears to be "stuck" at times.  

This is because progress bar is task-based, and not all tasks are created equal. In a normal story-centric update tasks and the work they entail are fairly well understood: write scene X, draw new arms for character Y, etc. The Tech Update has been a very different beast. While we did our best to accurately come up with a task list for rebuilding an entire game, the result was a lot of fairly high-level tasks. As a recent example "Rewire Jenny" was a single task that closed recently; internally that meant rewriting the game logic for her entire route, repeatable events, and pregnancy. With over 550 tasks to date, when it closed it contributed less than 0.2% to the progress bar despite the weeks of work that went into it. A task can encapsulate work spanning anywhere from hours to months, but they all count for the same percentage. Often tasks also require input from other departments, so while art tasks are mostly complete, there's still a daily influx of work from code and posing to fix, adjust, and update things so their work can continue.  

So on to what we plan to do about it. We will meet this coming week to try and find a better way to represent the remaining tasks specifically with a view to keeping the progress bar more representative going forward. As we will very likely be splitting large tasks into smaller pieces you should be aware that the total % of the progress may drop significantly but to not be alarmed.  

tl;dr: The progress bar will drop this week as we reorganise remaining tasks to provide better visibility leading up to the release of Tech Update.

That being said, here's the status update for this past month!


  • School cafeteria buttons are now fixed and have no crowds in them on weekends.
  • Coach Bridget office button remade to match her new art (hair style) and missing back leg.
  • Checking out books from the library now has a new look and closeup at the front desk.
  • Small adjustments to library location buttons.
  • The player now has a library card in their inventory.
  • Improved bike fixing minigame (old background was a bit rough).
  • Jenny handjob animation scene now converted to widescreen (old background didn't match).
  • Continued assisting the Code/Posing devs with optimizing art and fixing inconsistencies. Such as unused art assets , missing shadows, missing character button variants and so on.
  • Debbie's bedroom floor shadows fixed and split from the basket casting.
  • Swimming pool location splitting of assets from the background and small improvements (lifeguard button for example).
  • Serum minigame adjustments
  • Assets for future content in Judith's story created (used as a wallpaper earlier this month).
  • Created Judith's bedroom location and started work on all other room's in her home.
  • Created a washroom location at the biker bar which is accessible from the main bar lobby.
  • Assets for future content in Annie's story created ( of Mr's Smith, used as a wallpaper earlier this month).
  • Assets for future content in Rhonda's story created (of her Mom, used as a wallpaper earlier this month).
  • Additional rooms are being worked on for the Bar and Missy's house.
  • More work has begun on extra location for the bar.
  • Small edit to the arcade location background (shout out to PinkPluto!)
  • Small addition to Rhonda's bedroom (stripes).


  • Wired up story routes, repeatable events, and hints for Miss Bissette.
  • Added Judith's existing events - her full story will be in a future update.
  • Created basics for Bridget, Dexter, Erik, Judith, June, Mia, Roxxy, and Viv.
  • Ported some mini games to new codebase:
  •   French quiz, Mia's tattoo choice, Okita's keypad, Okita's serum brewing,
  •   Grace's bike repair, Liu's deposit box search, and Melonia's hot tub purge.
  • Expanded shop logic to support multiple carts/baskets backed by new tech.
  • Wired up library to shop system complete with a custom cart.
  • Added progress tracking to todo list and report card in Anon's locker.
  • Installed passive logic for library and school; locks, keys, membership etc.
  • Allowed for chaining steps outside flows, simplifying parallel event chains.
  • Implemented logic for the homework document on Anon's PC.
  • Optimized the hint screen on phone.
  • Restored overlooked variant of the Pink stock room scene in Jenny's route.
  • Added support for weekday based tagging, i.e. swap assets for weekend.
  • Reduced asset count by generating some more night time assets in code.
  • Fixed issue with button states in the ATM interface.
  • Installed Missy's house.
  • Added best-effort TTS support to some mini games.
  • Resolve being able to leave a shop while still technically in buy mode.
  • Improved art analysis as it pertains to mini game assets.
  • Stopped unusable images being defined for tech props.
  • Factored out dynamic type generation into reusable class.
  • Simplified and optimised inventory tech.
  • Substantially optimised view system tagging for timeless layers.
  • Improved inventory item close up transitions.
  • Refactored some view mutators/assemblers to aid readability and performance.
  • Various metadata updates and management.
  • Updated third-party assets.
  • Fixed some issues with poser tooling that lead to confusion.
  • Added menu to quickly access mini games for QA.


  • Listed all missing art in routes that need finishing touches.
  • Added the finishing touches to Main Story (part 2 - Fully complete) .
  • Fixed missing art references in Main Story (part 3).
  • Posed Liu's h-scene.
  • Added some tweaks and missing art to labels in Jenny's route.
  • Added some backgrounds/missing art to labels in Okita's Route. 
  • Created a list of missing lock_check labels across the game. 
  • Made note of missing labels in other routes. 
  • Started splitting lock_check labels up into separate callable labels. 
  • Created new labels for lock_checks. (Still in progress.)
  • Collected and reviewed art problems reported.
  • Updated labels to match changes and revision in the wiring logic.
  • Minor changes and fixes to linked dialogues in Debbie and Jenny's route.
  • Finalized posing work on Roxxy and Mia.


  • Assisted code with wiring up story routes.


Thanks for all your support and feedback!




Will Randolph

i have only been on the patreon for a few months at this point, but how long has it been since the tech update has started?

Gio Martino

Long (sigh) so fucking Long

Menace AD

Understandable. But at this point haven’t you been essentially rebuilding the game from scratch?

victor herrera

Does this include the aroid app

Justin wright

Thank you for detailing everything that you have done and are continuing to do in the future.

Enok Nivlac

Keep up the good work I’m sure it’ll be worth it in the long run.

Carlos Gaines

Handle your business 🤙🏽

James Hanson

Love you guys and good things are always worth the wait! I have been one of your patrons since you guys started and I can wait!


Thank you for your hard work and giving a detailed update on progress. You are appreciated and I am certain the effort on your part and waiting on ours will be rewarding in the end.


I could definitely do without the whole song and dance from embittered patrons about how DC and crew aren't being honest about doing their tasks...if you feel that way, then quit pledging, and stop bugging us with half formed theories that you have no proof of. Thank you.


nice LIE! now they can reset progress to about 40% I'm guessing and continue to do nothing while every month... or three, they increase the progress by only 0.5% so they can continue milking the patreon hahaha! but the 3 drawings per month are nice to look at =P

Will Randolph

he has to be rebuilding the game, but idk why. everything in the game so far is fine, i just want more scenes with the characters 😭

Adrian Monk

All this time has passed and you guys still manage to keep me hyped. I know that the rework/build of an already existing engine can be tough at times, I saw this with bigger studios, so take your time, I appreciate your work👍

Stretch Nutz

Remaking the game and then some must be a monumental task but a lot of people’s frustration comes from seeing stuff about “future updates” being worked on and meanwhile the current update still hasn’t come out in like 3 years


This is the longest update ever! What is taking so long. I would not be as upset if some updates would show up from time to time but nothing in a year.


legend says that it started before some old dude in a robe said "let there be light"

Grob Az

DC does the artwork. Other devs do coding, writing, and posing. The art for the tech update is basically done so DC is staying productive by working ahead while he waits for the others to finish their jobs.


Your hard work is loved. And all you do as well.


The vote to start working on the tech update happened on Dec 15, 2020.


and I could definitely do without gullible white knight idiots like you living on this earth, how about you do the rest of the world a big favor and walk into incoming traffic? thanks!


The only ones pissing and moaning are the ones that aren't patrons, you've been extremely open regarding the update and everyone voted on it.


So we can agree. I don't want to hear your bullshit, and you.dont want to hear my response...so if we both keep our fucking.mouths shut, we're good!


DC. I think everyone would be placated by more mini updates.


See you guys in April 2 years without a significant update


and yet you HAD to say something huh? hahahaha you are not even subscribed to the patreon, your profile is as empty as your fucking head, you retarded piece of shit =D, open your dick warmer when you are at least supporting the guy you are defending hahahahaha! I'm at least throwing away a buck per month to have the right to say whatever I want, until the update comes out both sides are "half formed theories" you idiotic pile of garbage...

Don Brown

I'm a patron and I'm pissing and moaning. These excuses and "explanations" are the same old BS


Umm how am I not supporting...you know what. Never mind. You have issues...wishing the best for you.

Ethan Earthblade

Last I checked your progress bar was 13 days ago, and that shit moved 0.37%. So at this rate of progression your tech update will be done in the next 577 days…


you mean the post that doesn't really say anything about the update coming out and instead says that to soothe the anxiety people have the progress bar will go DOWN instead of having any progress? yeah, that's smart... "people are asking why the progress bar is stuck at 80~ % so instead of listing the remaining tasks so they can see how much we need to get through and give them a rough ETA, we are not going to tell them how much work is left and the progress bar is going backwards so their anxiety gets worse since now they still don't know when it's coming out and the number gets AWAY from 100%"

Frank Lübbe

SSDD. Keep your bla bla lines each month to yourself.

Don Brown

The same old BS, on the day before it's time to collect contributions for another month of nothing.


1. you are not subscribed to the patreon, to any patreon, you profile is empty... asshole... and 2. no they haven't been open, every month they just list a bunch of shit that we have no proof it's actually been done, other than the 3 drawings per month, there is zero proof anything is being done


I mean I'm as eager for an update as everyone else but DC has been up front about all that's going into it. Which is more than most game designers give these days. Keep up the good work.

Darth Eadoras

It's been about 2 years and 7 months since the last big game update. The last small tech update was 1 year and 1 month ago.


Take yall time I'll be here waiting.


Says Someone who's not a Developer. Rebuilding and reworking a code base takes longer than building it the first time round.

Enok Nivlac

Y’all some greedy mfs. All this whining for a new nut, sacrificing quality for time. Just replay the game and be patient, if anything just pay the $1 or don’t pay at all this that what’s bothering you.


Stop being so impatient, a game takes lots of time to complete. Whining about an incomplete game isn't gonna get it to us any sooner. It's better to have a polished game that takes a long time than a buggy game that didn't take very long, just trust the process. The people working on this have lives outside of this work of art. They're people too.


Anyway... JUDITH ROUTE LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOO!!! She and Roxxy are my favorite characters.

Luke Burrow

I can't wait for this update as I can't play on my pixel 7 on the current version


retard, you profile even has the "This member isn’t supporting any creators at the moment." message... that's how I know, seriously, kill yourself, you are just wasting oxygen... I'm blocking you, but seriously... die.


1. You know you can make your profile private? Then no one can see your patronage


Awesome! Thanks for the update DC!


Good work! Please don't take any bad comments to heart and continue doing your best because you have some true fans supporting you. Will be there when the update is available.


Thank you mods.


with the amount of money they are getting each month... yeah, they should spend at least more than the 30min a day the progress suggests they are putting in... just think (I know your head hurts but try) there are other indie developers that without a team can finish a polished game in a year from scratch, this is NOT a masterpiece, it's a nice game, that is not being done from scratch... they are abusing the patreon and making a living out of lies and 3 drawings a month, until the game is actually out you can't say i'm not right and because they haven't actually shown anything other than those 3 drawings a month, we are justified in doubting and calling bullshit, the only way to prove us wrong is to release the game or at least show some proof, which i don't think they have...


"Will be there when the update is available" huh... two negatives XD the update is not coming out so it's not going to be available, therefor you will not be there hahaha


no they haven't, they just list a bunch of shit every month without any proof it's actually been done 1. I cured cancer 2. I finished painting the interior of the Sphynx in pink and purple 3. I bioengineered a cat that can bark and breathe underwater according to you I actually did all those things, since, you know, I said I did right? no proof needed...


Thanks for the update!

Devon Bergen

I think it would be more useful to give a timeline on when the tech update is expected to be complete.


hey hey hey!! they posted the 3 drawings we get per month already!! that justifies all the money they are getting okay? geez, talk about being ungrateful.. gah! I don't even know how you can get up in the morning being this negative! they are doing everything they can! it takes a LOT of time to draw those three images EVERY month! give them a break!

Jad L

Need to cut this into chunks or in half. This long of a wait is pretty crazy. Is this the end all be all update?


I'm happy to wait since Summertime Saga is freaking awesome, and there is so much great content available all over the internet.... but like... The last real update was 2.5 years ago. With current 'Paid Members' that's ~$846,500 (after 5% to patreon and before taxes, and if everyone is only paying $1/month) since the last story release. Like I get deciding to rework the code so that it's overall better for future development and release, but that's a lot of money and time in-between content releases. I could be missing something here, maybe there isn't a better way to progress here, maybe after the Tech update is done then everything will be expedient.... but I'm just saying... Keep up the good, hard work.


aaaaaand that's exactly why it's not coming out... would YOU give up that kind of money for making 3 drawings a month and then listing a bunch of shit that's being "done" but there is zero proof about it? and now the progress tracker is going back I'm guessing to like 40% so they can continue milking the patreon for a few more years... and just as i can't really prove that, you can't prove I'm wrong either...

the maZe

all the shitheads voted for the prior-updates, while the tec-update was a choice in the past are now the ones who are complaining about the time is needed... we could have gotten the tec-update pretty much earlier if it had been voted for in first or second time... but no, all these pubertykiddos voted just for the bouncing.


yeah, and it shows nothing, it's blank, but when you are not subscribed to anything it actually displays the message "This member isn’t supporting any creators at the moment."


and you are? cool! what's the name of your game?


The tech update was promised to take "4 months" on the poll. It seemed like a small quality of life update.


Me, personally? No, I would release content cuz I like making things for people: generating copious amounts of glee. Now, if I was a different kind of person and knew I could take a decade to make a quality product charging people a forgetful amount per month, such as $1, since they will be fulfilled by tons of other content available in the world (therefore patient).... then yeah I would do that. *Only working on the product you care about *Large sustaining income *Being 'the boss' *Loyal/consistent fanbase *And I'm sure many other benefits


by the way things have gone the smart move would have been NOT to vote for the tech-scam at all... years without any content is a game killer for sure, especially when people keep their pledge and are content with receiving 3 drawings per month and nothing more... the devs have no incentive at all to continue working, so they stopped...


So, do I just download the latest version and then it will recognize my save from the other version? Or do I have to move the file to the new download?


Hey DC and team could we get a projected release date? I think everyone would would be greatful for it even if it would need to be pushed back or better yet maybe something good happens and it gets released earlier. Non the less, thank you for explaining the progress bar and addressing concerns. It is nice to see we are finally being heard.


yes, on that note... 1. I cured cancer 2. I invented a time machine 3. I made sweet salt and bitter sugar 4. I made myself into a cyborg just a few things I did over the last week, you know, according to your logic, because I said I did it means I actually did it, it's impossible that any of the listed thins are false right?


they are making more money than some pros tho... but I guess shitheads like you that have nothing else to live for need to believe they are not being lied to so you cling to the delusion of the devs working VERY hard and never lying about the progress they've made right? poor baby... keep on believing, when the update comes out you are sure to be gifted a flying pink pony and you'll be in the credits of the game as "the one and only true believer that never gave up and forgave every retarded lie we told" it's not wrong to question what the hell is happening since other than the 3 fucking drawings a month the "devs" have literally nothing to show for all the monthly lists of shit they say they did... get off you retarded white knight armor and accept the reality that this just keeps getting more and more muddled and scammy by the minute...


hahahaha dude... they are not going to put the noose around their necks like that... they'll just keep being vague so they can keep milking the patreon cow... HAHAHAHAHA a release date! that was a good one! thanks for the laugh... also, you should thank me for curing cancer (I mean, I just have to say shit without showing any proof for you to believe me right?)


You will have to restart the game once the Tech update is out. However, later on, the following update should allow you to keep your saves.


DC listen all this is good and well I’m not even here to make accusations or speak on you disrespectfully…. Honestly i just want a release date… I don’t even care how long it takes, just gives us a timeframe you’re working towards. If it’s “hard to determine due to ongoing tasks…” then I say do your best to figure it out with your team and then stick to one. all these updates mean nothing if we (we meaning you the dev) don’t set deadlines. I think the community that has poured in so much money into this project is owed that at this point in time. -respect


☺️ I wish all of you on the DarCookie team a 💀👻🎃Happy Halloween🎃👻💀

Andrew Schneider

We love you and the team DC and will always do! <3

mark cordova

Looking great can't wait to see all the new updates in the game


Much love to the hard work you peeps doing :)


Totally worth the wait! I can't wait for Tech update!

jose hernandez

Ok, I prevent myself of writing many things due to being a 1 dollar patreon for a while now.... But I have to say this is just tiresome. I being a Patreon since the beginning, more than 4 years ago, This tech update, organization wise, I can call it a failure, mostly because, there are objective but the whole structure is obviously a mistake in organization.... I am still in the boat but I will reconsider my pledge by the new year... I hope for the best.


I see you are making progress on your side! That sweet salt and bitter sugar sounds interesting though...


Excited for the tech update release in 2033

Benjamin Kinsman

I don't want to be negative but I think a lot of people are saying it a lot of ways and frankly I want to say it myself. In a game that has such a fluid development and kind of relies on updates to keep it replyable taking this much time on one update and not releasing it in chunks is definitely not the best decision I will not be revoking my pledge till December if this continues but I got high hopes I love the game and Y'all are good developers but this is definitely getting tiresome

Don Brown

for all those "positive people" who don't like my bitching,,,get me a refund of the hundreds I've already spent and I'll shut up. Having already spent that much I have a right to bitch!


Okay so to sum up, I'm assuming the reason for dropping the progress bar which will piss a few people off, is to allow for it to fall to around 40-60% then when it goes up 2-3% per month over the next 20 months of development people or rather I assume new patreon supporters will be less angry about it and it'd be easier to say you're working on it. It's actually a sound business plan to get new supporters on board and keep the gravy train rolling. I figure with current progress that the update will be sometime around 2024-2025 more leaning towards spring 2025 tbh. So it would make sense that to keep subs coming in you'd need a better way to show progress without increasing the speed at which said progress is being done.

Djma Draws

Was there with you those years ago, back when things were super scratchy and simple. Definitely hoping for the best, and hope a release date soon.

Djma Draws

The game will always be free. You can just not sub until the tech update. It's never been a price for the game, just a way to support the creation.

Djma Draws

Hoping that it's not as you say, as far as WHEN it comes out. Maybe they need to hide more coders like they hired more riggers December of last year.

Djma Draws

Multiple streams a week, come and hop in few streams. What they're releasing here is just wallpapers and broad strokes.

Djma Draws

Reorganizing the progress bar into more equal bits and then looking back to see what the %s of each task are in real time is going to show you how long it's taking better. The tasks are already listed out clearly. Kompasproductions.com/dev. Art tasks are all completed, everything being drawn is for future updates past Tech. 12 posing tasks in progress, 7 posing tasks to do after. Writing tasks all done. 3 code tasks in progress, 66 code tasks to do.

Djma Draws

strayerror is their coder. 3 tasks in progress, 66 to go. MindWright, Vole, ToxicCrobat & Jabzap- TA & Posing. 12 tasks in progress, 7 to do after that.

Djma Draws

DarkCookie wasn't even a developer when they started the game lol. Which is another reason it's likely taking so long, have to make everything function how it did with a better foundation.

Djma Draws

Good taste! I remember way back when Judith was one of the ONLY pairs of tits you could see lol


Possibly the issue is that coding isn't a job that is necessarily sped up by adding bodies. I mean potentially if there are more tasks than programmers you could hire more to increase speed, but speed would be increased on a much smaller scale with each additional body. I also imagine that with the stalled progress the sub numbers are down which is why we're seeing monthly updates and an explanation as to why the progress bar has stalled so bad. If that assumption is true then they most likely won't want to add more programmers. As for my projection it is just a projection, but I've been watching the progress of this update for a year and it's increased roughly 1% per month in that time. My projection was based on that speed of progress. The developer is (if I'm reading the update correctly) stating that progress is about to get slower and they want it to be more transparent as to why. If that is the case then my early 2025 projection won't be correct and the update will take longer, but I'm always optimistic.


What people don't seem to understand is that even if the tech update is released there's literally nothing new to it story wise is the same but better ig we have to wait another 4 or 5 months on top to get "new content" with Rhonda we talking about 2 or 3 years from now. Doesn't matter if we bitch about it as long people don't stop subbing he will keep cashing out and ik people won't do it.


"So we understand you guys are concerned that the progress bar is very static and slow, but don't worry, it's wrong. We actually have *even* more work to do than the bar shows."


but that is not what's happening here, these guys are posting three drawings a month and listing a bunch of lies to fool all the stupid people that still believe the game is coming, that is what I'm talking about, if you had that amount of money coming in and all you had to do is draw three pictures per month and list a bunch of shit you are not doing at all, you would not stop doing that, nobody would, that kind of money for 3 drawings a month is a fucking dream scam


hahaha ok, first of, kill yourself, you are the one that started judging people by calling them shitheads, if you can't handle it don't start... you pathetic child... second, I make more than enough money, and I don't own a flat I own a fucking house you retarded piece of shit... honestly I probably have more than you and I only work a few hours a day remotely from my house, especially in the winter where the demand slows down and some days I don't even have anything to do but I still get paid anyway, so eat shit, I AM better of than you, not better of than the guy who does 3 drawings and just reels in money, but I have principles =P and yeah, you are free to spend your little pennies where you please, I never said you couldn't, what I said is that you are a retard for blindly defending someone who is clearly just scamming people, but then again, you are free to be a retard all you want too, it'd be nice if you and your entire family died in a fire... but we can't always get what we want XD stay in your delusion, and it is a delusion until the game actually comes out or they at least show ANY proof of the supposed progress they claim has been made... blocking you btw... you clearly are a lost cause... and oh yeah, another reminder to kill yourself.


that'd be the only way the update or ANY content is released, if the money stops or at least is severely reduced, but it probably wont happen, and I don't blame the devs, I actually admire their balls to release 3 drawings and post a list of lies every month and get away with it, at this point it's safe to say the game is dead and unless some proof of progress is presented every retard still defending the devs needs to shut up, it's ok to have faith, but it is idiotic to have BLIND faith...


Holy shit, you're literally saying "We're going to correct the progress bar to show its far worse than you thought." You're gearing up for another year of not releasing anything. I really believed that you were trying and that people needed patience, but sweet fuck, you're going to take longer to 'update' the code than it took to write it in the first place.


why would he release anything? he has it made, why would he work on the game if he can just release a few drawings every month, lie about the progress being made by posting a list of things without providing any proof and still make a ton of money... people can have faith, but only retards have BLIND faith...


I haven't paid anything to this for over a year, heard there was some mention of how slow things have been and came back to see the explanation. It just amazes me how blatant the "We're no where close to finished and will be continuing with our bullshit." line is. Not even trying to hide it. I'm at least interested now to see if being upfront about "We will be giving you nothing for your money." will affect sub numbers. I dropped out of it awhile ago when the last actual update didn't interest me, but I am curious to see if people drop now that its clear there's several more years of nothing ahead.


oh no, I think people DO understand, that's why they are pissed, the update was supposed to be a 4-6 month project, it's been years since any significant content was added and now the devs are going to lower the percentage on the tracker so they can extend the time they can milk the patreon they are adding even more time to the timeline of an update that is never coming out as long as the money keeps coming in, you'll see, when the money starts to dip, then magically the "update" is going to come out, except is going to be the exact same thing with very small new additions and changes to justify it, it's not going to be "completely reworked" at all I'll keep saying this, it's fine if you want to have faith, but only retards have BLIND faith...

Jaron Mortimer

I love how people on here are like "nothing ever happens, never getting any new content, etc." Like they didn't release new scenes in September. Or April. Or Febuary. Or last October. Game dev takes time, and this game is FAR more detailed, interesting, and feature packed than most games in the genre.

Randy Sergent (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-01 04:43:16 Hey if I'm getting a used Tesla model S worth of pledges every 30 days, the thought may enter my mind to slow TF down, secure some wealth and slow stroke the audience.
2023-11-01 03:29:11


It's funny when people ask for more transparency because when they get given it they complain that it wasnt the fantasy they had in their head.


I track every progress update every time on the tech update progress bar on the website, in the last 6 months it has gone up by 3%, and I get that it's optional to sup to patreon or not but this is getting tiring and ridiculous. I've given up on this game at this point in time, but I got to respect their genius in milking peoples money for bare minimum work going into the game, they made bank and are now not inclined to work on the game. If they got paid after every update came out they would be on the ball but since that's not the case there is barely any incentive to keep working and making progress on the update. For an update that adds a few characters, a few locations, some minor over haul to game mechanics, and new art it really shouldn't take this long. I'm shocked they didnt get some other guy to do all the work and for them to lay back and watch money pore in but hey... they must know best, seriously though I just want my tiddies man...


I'm fairly certain that no "washing" has ever occurred in that particular room in the bar...


Sometimes big man, it's time to switch off the Internet and talk to real human beings because this shit is fucking deranged and you know it. No normal person tells strangers that their entire families should die in fires over a PORN GAME PATREON PAGE. Rethink your life choices and touch grass you pathetic loser.

Saren Rouge

The issue is there's like an update a year. There bigger games that take less time to update


It's just a game... why you have to be so mad??

caleb smith

Man, I'm just here for Judith at this point.

tomer harush

I'm gonna unsub now.. way too much time for a single update on an indie game..

Saren Rouge

Anyone saying this is just game development is wrong. The amount of money they make doesn't justify how slow they are making content. It's been over 2 years since a significant update. They have more than enough money to hire more people to help.


That only applies if they aren't asking for money. They want money. I want a product. They're getting the money. I am not getting a product. Can you understand this or is it too complicated for you?


I'm just as pissed as you are buddy, faith? I lost it long time ago with this game I play other so I don't have to be reminded how disappointing this whole "update" is turning out.

Literally nothing

Don't let yourself get disheartened darkcookie. Good things take time "even" indie games. People who don't understand this(or coding in general) and are also apperantly too poor to spare a 1$ subscription shouldn't concern you.


perhaps i could play GTA VI while waiting for summertime saga…

David Sankvosky

because non of them had to a complete code re-write. Are you a programmer or a game-dev? if not, talk to one of your friends that are and ask the following "Assuming you have a software, filled with images, backgrounds, code, and all based on a framework that you don't control - if you needed to rewrite the entire thing to match widescreen and such, how long might it take"


Obviously you didn’t read the newsletter. Having more money don’t make things go faster. You dumb*ss.


Summertime Saga's not an airport. Don’t need to announce for departure.


Should run for congress with this much yapping every post 😂

Albert DeJesus

How to lose a a ton of followers and money speedrun. Honestly just setting a release date could fix this. Given that you don't push it back for 2 years. The longer this takes the more money people will feel like they are losing. If you neglect to take that into account you risk losing everything. Especially with this type of game. If you lose the attention of these people they could easily forget about you for years. That's earnings down the drain and a portion of your fan base. It makes sense why so many of these bigger game companies put release dates now. I hope the fallout isn't to bad from these types of posts bit I guess we'll see. I will be sad to see the day a post says, "we can't afford to continue."

Atis Nicholson

I can't decide which is more irritating - status updates or comments from AMPZ. In both cases it's just a pain to read.

Djma Draws

Pop into the streams, he doesn't give a shit about us being on him about it lol. He's just mad at himself more than anything.

Djma Draws

If you write up solid documentation and best practice documents, more bodies just need an adjustment period before they work good. I've worked with coders before, just not one myself, so don't hold me too hard to that. As for the update, you have it a bit turned around. He's breaking down big tasks into smaller tasks. Because a task that took 3 months was being weighed the same as one that took 3 hours. Progress bar is going to drop by some %, but will update and come up MUCH faster. I mean like breakneck comparatively, if you've seen the dev lists on kompasproductions.com/dev

Djma Draws

Ya'll are some illiterate folk I tell you h'what. For one, the codes being rewritten from the ground up. Two, the progress bar is going to dip by a good few % because they're breaking up big tasks into small ones. You're gonna see it go at a breakneck pace UP. Lastly, just...sub at the higher levels once so you can check kompasproductions.com/dev for the actual list of things to do, you'll see how shit is.

Djma Draws

8-10 employees, a family, and the taxes you gotta pay to work for yourself. On top of Patreon fees. Yeah just...keep thinking that, bud.

Djma Draws

At this point I've just reported AMPZ to Patreon for their crap.

Djma Draws

Pre-tech update scene pack, not a part of the tech update itself.

Djma Draws

That was always the intent. Darkcookie is an artist, not a coder, and did this game in the beginning himself. Coder he hired (name in the about page at the top) now basically has to work with DarkCookie to redo everything in a way that can be used to fast-track later undates and work as a foundation for future games.

Djma Draws

To clarify on that a little bit, the work has been separated into 4 categories. Art, story, posing, and coding. Art and Story are where DarkCookie works primarily, now, and he's done. It's finished, no tasks left. So he's working ahead 2-3 updates. Posing team only has a handful of tasks left. I think working on 7 right now, with 10 to do after. Coding team has a LOT on their plate to go. 3 tasks in progress. 66 to go i think.

Djma Draws

Please read the update again. This issue is what they're talking about. That 0.37% could be a task that took as much time as a line of tasks that add up to 10%

Djma Draws

Technically...yes. Darkcookie made this as an artist, not a coder. The work being done here will provide a foundation for the rest of this project to be smoothly done. And then after that, other games he plans to make as well.

Djma Draws

Baby rage. Watch the streams. Actually read the updates. Maybe don't go into the comments to tell people to kill themselves like an 11 year old who shouldn't even be here. Reported.

Djma Draws

From the stream, I think they're shooting for around Christmas, maybe January. But it's not a sure thing with holidays and work interruptions and...well, life in general. But let's hope my guess from the streams is it.

Djma Draws

"We were treating a 100lb weight the same as a 500lb weight. Now you'll be able to see how fast we're actually moving by evening out the tasks to be worth the time they take."

Djma Draws

More than that even. The code base is being ground up fixed and written to fit the game that exists NOW. But give the team a stable and smooth foundation to speed along updates for this game and future games Darkcookie has planned.

Djma Draws

Please read the update again. And if that doesn't sink in, you can check the tasks at Kompasproductions.com/dev to see what's being done and what's left to do.

Djma Draws

8-11 employees, Covid, a family, patreon fees, self employment taxes, the scene updates that came out for the longest time. Frequent streams where he hangs out and answeres questions and shows the work he'd doing ahead of the coding team. Please sup to the higher tier to access the Dev listing at kompasproductions.com/dev if you're not convinced. Or drop by in a few streams.

Djma Draws

Scroll up and read a bit. They keep posting over and over horrible things like calling people retards and saying they should kill themselves. That Cookie is lying and milking people, and insulting anyone who disagrees. It's pathetic.


Dude you need to get off everyone’s jock and quit leaving comments under their own comments cause you don’t like what they say, people supported, they aren’t satisfied with the outcome of things and therefore they are voicing their disdain plain and simple, it’s not for you to just jump into the mix to give your two cents on why they shouldn’t think like that, you look pathetic going from comment to comment trying to police how people feel, no one asked for a comment hall-monitor, I’m not sure what’s your affiliation is to DC but you should quit this nonsense. do you think you’re the only person who has watched his streams to see updates etc? News flash most of the people in here have and some are still upset/irritated whether or not you think his progress is great is your business let people express the way they feel.

Djma Draws

Smoked up and did some numbers. Since they started tracking precisely, the team has finished 466 tasks in all. Art and writing is done. Posing team is tackling 12 tickets, code team 3 tickets. Posing team has 7 tickets remaining. Coding team has 66 tickets remaining. So 466 finished. 15 in progress. 73 remaining. Some of the coding tasks left are a bit significant. Doing over a few characters routes. Biggest one is in progress though. But the posing team can help move that number nice and smoothly once they also finish their own tasks.


I also reported you, using multiple accounts =P this is fun XD

Stephen Toussaint

I feel like complainers are missing the fact that someone is even trying to keep us in the loop at all now. If you played the game sub a dollar hell it's cheaper than the shit you buy anywhere else. The game is free for now. Stop moaning and just set a calendar event monthly to check in and see what new has been done. I'm a few years in watching the development of the game and I'm stoked. Alot of depth for an "indie" game. If you can do better do better otherwise appreciate the fact that somebody's trying to put out some form of entertainment I'll be it slow but hey it's in progress they gave you something to fuck with while you're waiting.


So when is it actually coming out?

Djma Draws

Update. The coward replied that they reported me with multiple accounts and has now deleted all their comments! Too bad I saved them all as screengrabs.


I'm so excited for the tech I recall at voting for this tech updates will help make future updates be developed faster. Best of luck

Saren Rouge

The argument isn't that they aren't doing anything. It's that they aren't releasing anything for extended periods of time. With as much money as it makes there should be more to show than pictures and a few streams


Is there a reason that it‘s only one person working on the code?


Same day Star Citizen comes out.


Yo if u need some to jerk off to, just watch some porn and unsubscribe ur support here… it‘s crazy how u are under every comment crying bout something that won‘t change with u wishing people to die and shit. It‘s actually really sad bc u would never do that eye-to-eye. Hope u stepped outside and noticed how wrong u are.


Are there multiple people working on the code? Because in another comment it sounded like it‘s a single person.

Will Cresson

But it does allow them to hire more people, which does make things go faster.


This is a good start to communicate better with us who cannot catch your streams at a regular intervall. This clarity is important, it's nice to see the progress is moving forward even if some tasks take a bit longer than other.


The poll took place on December 3rd, 2020, and the results were announced on December 15th, 2020.


"Rebuilding and reworking a code base takes longer than building it the first time round." True, but let's be honest, the first release of this game was in August of 2016. We're over seven years of development. In December it will be three years since the tech update was announced, and it's now been over a year since any playable content at all was released. Think of all the game developers who have started games, finished games, retired, un-retired, and started and finished multiple games in that same period.


"all the shitheads voted for the prior-updates, while the tec-update was a choice in the past are now the ones who are complaining about the time is needed... we could have gotten the tec-update pretty much earlier if it had been voted for in first or second time... but no, all these pubertykiddos voted just for the bouncing." The tech update was was estimated to take 3-4 months. The original vote was for the tech update vs another gameplay update. Per DC: "Both update choice will take roughly the same amount of time (3 to 4 months) to complete." The poll took place on December 3rd, 2020, and the results were announced on December 15th, 2020. Had the poll said "In November of 2023, we still won't even have a rough idea of a release date," can you HONESTLY say you'd have voted for the tech update then?


DarkCookie, my friend, you’re truly amazing! I’ve been your greatest fun for years, even for a decade, I must say! The ways you’re holding all those intellectually lacking individuals under control are truly legendary! Doing something no one had actually asked for, for years in a row, and getting pretty nice wages monthly without giving anything in return is truly something! Yeah, I remember you’ve been having some hard times making those stubborn individuals chose the option you desired, so you’ve been rolling out that poll again and again constantly explaining the importance and easiness of that “tech update” concept until you’ve finally made it. Easy-to-make and quick-to-finish update became your monthly and now yearly driver! You’re bloody genius! None of those mentally simple individuals with the prevailing donate instinct can truly tell whether you’re doing something or just having the time of your life! Isn’t it truly amazing?! They may keep trying to bite you in the comments, but those highly trained guard dogs of yours will reduce them to dust without you even noticing! Moreover, even the Patreon itself stood by your side, remaining those simple-minded walking wallets that you’re not a hired labor and they are not your employers – the only thing they must do is to keep paying patreon invoices and find a second job if they can’t, and your only obligation is to gracefully accept the payments without a second thought. They truly should know their place! A couple of screenshots, or “wallpapers” – as you call it, is enough for them. So, my friend, don’t mention them! Your marketing and crowd control skills are top-notch, and that’s quite enough for a successful developer these days! I’m looking forward to seeing more of your amazing tricks! Show those simpletons how the things are made! Congrats with the milestone award! You’re my hero! P.S. By the way, the game is OK, I guess. It hasn’t been updated for ages, so I don’t care.


While I understand that the code is being rewritten, it's important to remember that the first release of this game was in August of 2016. We're over seven years of development. In December it will be three years since the tech update was announced, and it's now been over a year since any playable content at all was released. Think of all the game developers who have started games, finished games, retired, un-retired, and started and finished multiple games in that same period. You don't need to be a game developer or a coder to understand that this is a LOT of time for a simple point and click game with some really nice art.


Go cry somewhere else, nobody gives a fuck what some simpleton on the internet thinks about it. His supporters voted on the update, the only ones whining about it are idiots like you who haven't supported him. I've been a supporter of his since 2017, which has been ongoing since then regardless of what my profile says. Join the discord, cry some more, catch the ban hammer pleb.

the maZe

for sure i have voted for tech-update. but as far as i remember, there have been votes before, where the tech-update had been a choice. but only a few had voted then. what i want to say is, that the game was "smaler", when the tech-update was a choice in a pol for the first time and, maybe, the development could had been faster in those days. just my two cents. i voted in any pol for the tech-update, when it was a choice.


Then why are you still here if you're just going to complain and spout the same shit others have been spouting for the last YEAR at least


I for one appreciate the ongoing transparency. I'm patient and I don't mind the care being taken by the dev team to make this, unlike some who keep talking out their asses and repeat the same thing over and over again. And the only reason they stick around is because they love the game but hate the people who make it just for doing their jobs. Keep going DC and team, there are more of us than them.


It really depends, I have been giving 1.50$CAD for like 4 years now (some months I gave higher depending on financial situation as I'm a student paying their own way through university in Canada) and honestly I think its worth it. even if I gave 7.50$CAD I'd be fine with it given that I am supporting a game that I felt was secure in terms of its future, and although it may take a while, as a computer scientist, I get why this takes a shit load of time. If you want a truly good game with talented people you are looking at 10 people (using number of people on this project) making 80k-150k/yr depending on role which so far they are not making after you deduct overhead for software sub-services and website and stuff like that, they are making about that much MAYBE. Honestly any coder knows that structural changes take a long time in the beginning and changes ramp up in the end because coding changes at the end are normally more surface nature if you structure your software design correctly.


I'm sure the next post will have a link to 0.20.17


Over the last year they have made about 2.05$ on each patreon and make approximately 60K-65K/month (https://graphtreon.com/creator/summertimesaga). if you split evenly across 10 workers assuming no overhead (which they have overhead from software licenses and other tools or services like their website) they aren't making as much as you think. 6K/month ain't much when they can just get a job in industry for more. If I was them, this would be my side job that I put in hour into during off hours because the patreon simply doesn't make enough money for 10 workers. I can't blame them if they are doing this and if they are not working other jobs and this is full time then people should stfu over this because honestly they aren't getting paid enough to endure this scrutiny over a game that they are putting their passion into. All in all, similarly to business owners who are not tech savvy and want work done for cheap but are shocked when tech based work costs a lot, the average joe blow doesn't get the amount of work and intricacies that goes into making a game run amazingly. Like fuck, I work in AI and software development and went to the best school in Canada and am working on chemical software right now, and holy fuck is it time consuming planning out the software design. It takes more time than the actual coding because if you fuck up at the start, it takes wayyyyyy more time to fix the problem. In AI the amount of time you spend just training models and looking at statistics specs to judge models just to throw out the model or have to work on a completely different method is ridiculous. Even with all that cs people feel bad for video game makers, because it is the hardest to do at a high level and they get the lowest pay. In this case DC is taking a game made with poor code as he was not a pro and having to re-jig a game that at the time took me i think 100hours to get through. NO SHIT, it will take a long time. DC and Co., Soldier on amigos

Randy Sergent

AWW POOR GUY 🥲. Are the kids & pets part of that staff? I'd imagine 8-10 people hellbent on finalizing the update would have it done by now. I stand by what I said, and if DCs smart (diabolically, I'm sure), he will have pages worth of write offs to offset taxes EOY.


I understand these updates will take awhile the story is basically done the rest of this is you being nice XWX I hope we can see even more games and updates in the future. please take your time uwu

Djma Draws

It is one person named Strayerror, but he's being assisted as well in small ways by the posing team, which has 4 people. They're using a heavily modified version of Renpy, and building a codebase from the ground up to both do what the game already DOES and create a foundation for the team to update fast and use the foundation to make new games.

Djma Draws

Makes it easier not to get wires crossed. 1 person mainly on code, a team of 4 posing folk also helping with minor coding tasks when needed.

Djma Draws

Not all work is glamorous work that you can show the public. Sometimes it's staring at a screen of hundreds of lines of nonsense words and numbers for hours, a language not many normal people will understand.

Saren Rouge

Taking over a year for an update is ridiculous. I've seen games rebuilt completely and still pump out *something*. Be unfamiliar with the code is acceptable if this was a new project. This has been around for close to a decade.....

Kenway Auditorey

Enough for me. More than a year of this whole nonsense. No mini updates, no major updates. You receive a lot of money for this nonsense you are delivering. That being said, I am canceling my support, and I tell everyone else to do so too, until they continue to receive money from us, nothing will change.

Jamal King

This man just said they’re rebuilding an entire game and y’all still crying about the progress and when it’ll come out. Go get some real vagina and stop crying. Sheesh


Bruh should've just created a new game. I mean the story's finished anyway.


I'm happy to see honesty. Dropping the percent completed bar to show that you have a new vision for the game is a good start.

Raglan Strom

Take your time. You have already made one of the best adult games ever. So you might as well make sure its polished and can continue to make it even greater with a strong foundation. Cheers!


never mind the naysayers your decision is respected!

Suna no Gaara

One feedback considering task planning and representation: Please prioritise what's really necessary or enables progress. Things like: "[...]Improved bike fixing minigame (old background was a bit rough). [...]Optimized the hint screen on phone. [...]The player now has a library card in their inventory." Do we really need that pre-release? It doesn't take much time, but all the small things accumulate...


I know he takes pride in making sure things are polished and he may have his own method to rolling things out but I agree with this so much!!! There are things that really need fixing and are truly integral and other things I myself am like what’s the point of even completing that task, you’ve got a valid point, not that he shouldn’t work on it but it may not be as pressing at the moment, good feedback


I thought about him doing this or even like a spin off game where he’s working or something or he’s like dreaming but the game focuses on him surviving in a jungle or a futuristic time period


"His supporters voted on the update, the only ones whining about it are idiots like you who haven't supported him." I was here, and I voted for the tech update as well. Remember, though, that the tech update was was estimated to take 3-4 months. The original vote was for the tech update vs another gameplay update. Per DC: "Both update choice will take roughly the same amount of time (3 to 4 months) to complete." The poll took place on December 3rd, 2020, and the results were announced on December 15th, 2020. Had the poll said "In November of 2023, we still won't even have a rough idea of a release date," can you HONESTLY say you'd have voted for the tech update then?


I didn't vote on the tech update, not because I knew it would take ridiculously long, but because I would've rathered more story content. But I got outvoted unfortunately.


That's what NLT does. Lust Epidemic, Treasure of Nadia and The Genesis Order are all in the same universe and you even see characters from previous games in each sequel. Every time they make a new game, you see the improvements. Why DC didn't just do that, I don't know.


The game has been releasing updates roughly every 6 months until they decided to do this Tech Update that is taking very very long. Once it’ll be over, updates will show every couple of months again, as it used to be. This one is just a rough update


Mentions we are all asking how much longer it will be in development in the first paragraph and still doesn't provide a timeframe.


Appreciate the updates and the additional transparency. Task decomp and dev velocity are tricky, looking forward to the efforts to rework these. The wallpapers have been awesome, can't wait for the update!


ok. be a good pecker gnat and buzz off. didn’t get your dollars worth. bye

Djma Draws

Cry about it. Like you're crying about a free game. I'm doing this because you're all being mad about a free game, and I feel like picking through them. Like you felt coming here to cry about it. Wah.

Djma Draws

An artist dropping an alpha in Renpy in 2016 as a proof of concept before working on it full time in like 2018 is 'close to a decade'? Sure, bud. Sure. If you don't get it, then you just don't get it. No harm in not.

Djma Draws

One. 2016 is when a proof of concept was dropped on an older version of Renpy, when the artist was working elsewhere. He didn't work full time on the game until like mid-late 2018. Most of that time up until now as a solo act. The tech update was voted for in 2019. From there, we've had covid, multiple scene updates up until like December of last year, the rewire was changed in scope because from 2016 to 2018 it was being done by a dude who wasn't a coder. All to make sure nothings changed in the final product and they have a stable base for future projects. To the point they modified the engine. So hey. If you don't know what you're talking about newbie, just be quiet until the tech update comes out. For Free. Like the games always been.

Djma Draws

With teams. Experience. Schooling. and not copy pasting the same comment. Read my other one. Wah.

Saren Rouge

2016-almost 2024... yeah nea rly a decade. Once again, the pace of the updates is not acceptable. There would be an issue of they actually released some content instead of a newsletter saying "oops gonna be longer". Especially when games like ULTRAKILL is made by one person on, presumably, a tighter budget than a team making over $100k a month for the past 6 years


Just dropping in here to say the progress tracker recently went from 84% (where on average 1% was being added every month and a half) down to 74%... so now we're looking at nearly 2 more years from until Tech Update gets completed, if they keep 'working' at this pace...

That black guy

Ok , so ...this part about the the progress % dropping should have been front facing.


I noticed that, he touched on task management but not a time frame and the time frame thing is big for me

Emanuele Maria Giannì

Guys if you want to see the game released you simply have to remove the Patreon, I will do it this month. So they will understand that they have enough funds to release the game.

성대 조

Hello, I am a fun player of your game. Overall, I am satisfied with the game, but if there is anything you want, is it possible to upgrade the game character Liu Wang's breasts to D or E cup level, or to add sex scenes and animations for Liu Wang?


Yep I did. And with the info they've provided, I gave an estimate.


I'm glad I haven't paid much for this, because I feel like at this point it would have been better to finish the game and start another one. I appreciate your work, but this is pain.


Are patrons dropping out? There are hardly any comments one way or the other.


The amount of work is the same, just the way it's being tracked has been changed so it's easier for us to see progress happening

Ryse Phoenix

@Leon, it's one thing to be to ask for transparency when things are radio silent months at a time. It's not that we dont like the answer we got, but the idea that the long wait when progress finally started moving, we're told "yeah no, progress bar lied, there's even more work to be done" You cant be such a simp that you see how ludicrous that is. I'm still gonna tell DC and team to take their time bc a finished product is a better product but something still just isn't right. In the time this update is taking, I got married, a full-time job that pays a comfortable salary, and my wife and I are gonna start family planning next year.

Ryse Phoenix

Bro, look outside. You see that green stuff? It's grass. go touch it. I love cook too, we all do. Even if a good chunk of us are getting understandably impatient. But you? You need to go outside for a minute.

Schlong Schlonson

ive seen this dev process before. they're spamming small features and visuals nobody gives a shit abour because they dont want to/cant afford to do the coding/fundamentals. dont waste any more of your money. best case scenario DC doesnt actually abandon this in a month and drops a small update we can actually play.


I’m not entirely sure why everyone is jumping ship. They are giving frequent updates and proving their efforts via keeping everyone in the loop. None of these comments that are badmouthing the creators know anything about coding or art or corrective art or trouble shooting, or program snags or, staffing issues, or management and it shows. These consumers demand a product yesterday without any consideration for the developers. They are doing the best they can with what they have and I personally find their efforts to be excellent. Keep up the solid work.


What happened to the easily chewable updates? Now we're starved for MONTHS with only screenshots and wallpapers to look at. What happened to "The good ol days?"

Micheal Renick

I think people are forgetting that not only are playing a game that is still in development but that it is largely free (subscription by choice only)! Patience is key or we would more than likely get the massive issues that mainstream games put out now-a-days. I for one appreciate the time and care that has gone into this and will continue to look forward to all future updates and when this game is fully released :)


You have no idea who does and does not have experience. But even those without such experience can see how much time is being wasted on this project. The amount of excuses is entirely unrealistic for the scope of the work and the 'frequent updates' have only started over the last few months. In a nutshell, there are plenty of users who have gotten tired of this behaviour and have therefore withdrawn funding for a project which doesn't appear to be making any significant progress for the last nearly 3 years.

Edward Walag

I repeat the above this game is fun for me and I will continue to support and look forward to the next upgrade, with baited breath

Barry Bryson

So why do so many people have an issue with this game?

Edward Walag

I would say that they have to be able to wait for updates


I'm pretty sure if everyone stop paying at thé same Time, thé tech update would miraculously get a release date based on a financially profitable deadline for the team...


I am honestly willing to wait for this big update. Especially since one of my fav characters, Judith, will finally get her long awaited time in the spotlight. I have plenty of games to play until the update comes out. Just don't burn yourself out trying to rush. That is how bad games are made.

Brandon Thompson

Awesome and all but when can we fix the Google pixel glitch that won't let you install the game?


I'm sorry haven't been here to check in a while bur did the tech updates percentage meter drop!?


No because there isn't any try explanation as to what is needed before the game is done just a bunch of new stuff added.

Atis Nicholson

You just commented under the post that specifically adressed the issue you are talking about. What about reading the post first?


how many more excuses will it take for people to understand that it is nonsense how many times we proudly announce the level of progress to say that the progress bar is on nothing at the end of the end. And in a month or two we’ll show progress as if nothing had happened


this is cool and all but can we get a timeline I've been following this for over 2 yrs now and were still in the same ball park with a couple of new features. I mean it's not frustrating because its always been this way but can you let us know when we will be actually getting some good new content.

jules verne

so before this revision of the status bar, we were at something like 80%+. then it changed to 75%. a week or so ago it was at 76%. today it is back down to 72%. the yoyo effect is coming on strong


Please read that I have not be here in a long ass time I went to the website to see how things were then came here. I stopped reading these because if my one grip with the monthly updates being what we have done and not what need to be done


No, stop having talks about progress bars, finish the damn update


They have a team of NINE developers. That's actually larger than the vast majority of games on Patreon. By comparison, NLT has a team of 3-4 (he does art, animations, and story), and he has completed Visiting Aunt Sara (first attempt at a game), My Summer with Mom and Sis, Lust Epidemic, Treasure of Nadia, and is over 90% complete on The Genesis Order. Visiting Aunt Sara started in May of 2017, almost a year after SS was started. The Genesis Order will likely be completed by January, and then he'll start yet another game.


Whether you call it seven years, or five years, it's still entirely too long for a single game. You say they modified the engine, but they could have literally built the game from the ground up and had more progress completed. we know this, because he's done it before. We're now over a year with NO playable content whatsoever, and NO tentative launch date for the tech update. Even worse, we need the tech update to launch before we can even think about a release date for new content. Let's be real, you watch streams and you white-knight all over this board, and yet you know as much as anyone else here, which is "it will be done when it's done." While I appreciate your blind devototion, even YOU have to be running out of excuses by this point.


Can’t never win. Everyone is a critic, except the men in this chat. All the rest of you pussies stfu. It’s a great game, play the old shit over again and wait. Dark Cookie could have a life too, you know.


because of a technical update of a few months it will be 1 year and that in communication it is just " did not know when." "I still have things to do but we don’t know how much." " It’s moving even if you see nothing advanced " ...

luke player

Its his literal job and sponging money out of this patreon but hasnt finished a update that started development over 2 years ago

Edward Walag

when is the next update coming out? I am just waiting for more that I can do in the game. can someone tell me how long we have to wait?

Don Brown

kinda reminds me of the fairy tale, the little boy who cried wolf;