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To better help fans understand the ongoing development, monthly status updates are being posted here on Patreon (at the end of each month) with a listed summary of all the work that's been done for each department. It won't list every single small change, but at the very least show the broad strokes of what's currently being done. This will paint a clearer picture of the development progress and perhaps get a feeling of how close we are getting to a release each month. Hopefully this will make some of you feel at ease with some of the questions you've had.

That being said, here's the status update for this past month!


  • Various Diane character overlays fixed.
  • Two existing cutscenes have been reworked and improved (now also used as wallpapers).
  • New TV channel with 6 pro wresting scenes (Pink Cyclone VS Toxic Terror).
  • Jenny visiting Anon at night in his bed now has a new variant (slap!) with new art assets.
  • Old anon body assets converted to the new art rig (body stretch, etc).
  • Extra Anon arm variants for when he's in underwear.
  • New Anon faces (4).
  • New Veronica arm asset.
  • Multiple assets renames to function with new codebase.
  • Continued assisting the Code/Posing devs with optimizing art and fixing inconsistencies. Such as unused art assets , missing shadows, missing character button variants and so on.
  • Kim's picture folder in the main story plot now has content within! ;)
  • Extended old art assets for widescreen in Helen sex scene and Mia kissing scene.
  • Added crowds to different times of day inside the new Museum location.
  • Added banners to the front of the Museum to represent the various exhibits.
  • New Diane arms for her wet body.
  • New location backgrounds added for Missy's home. Now players will be able to enter her home at some times of the day. (see attached image to the post above ^)
  • Daily live streams for art won't be happening this coming week but will resume the following week. They will be active as usual (week days) starting around 2:00PM Eastern Time (ET) where you can watch me work and ask questions.


  • Wired in Jenny's night-time repeatable bed events.
  • Wrote logic to allow Jenny's camshows to be repeated.
  • Implemented the logic to underpin the TV's Pink channel repeatable scenes.
  • Added the telescope interface, and most of the wiring.
  • Defined posing set up for telescope shots.
  • Reworked how diary pages are managed and wove them unlocking into Jenny's events.
  • Tweaked tag management in views to aid display of diary and laptop buttons.
  • Revisited container logic to allow laundry basket to be inspected and collected.
  • Applied tint to laundry basket to reduce asset duplication.
  • Introduced mood tracking for some NPCs.
  • Changed slightly some TV assets to allow for more dynamic scenes.
  • Seeded a few new locations that have been drawn on stream.
  • Updated how animations were managed in old art to eliminate some frame-skip.
  • Ensured bicycle got handled correct in new shop system.
  • Improved the quest flow when catching Jenny watching adult content.
  • Built a secondary lower-level save migration system for more complex migrations.
  • Added some missing tangential dialogues to Jenny's route.
  • Aligned player tracking to a single variable instead of switching based on context.
  • Relaxed the definition of a flow to allow any entity to act as one.
  • Prevented use of incorrect container close up when viewing inventory.
  • Reduced ambiguous navigation by preventing travel via some nodes.
  • Improved NPC behaviour after spending the night in Debbie's bed.
  • Made named save prompt remember the name of save being overwritten.
  • Consolidated name management to reduce class sizes.
  • Blocked navigation when not in navigation mode so avoid unintended escapes.
  • Included a location tag when rendering view so they can respond to context.
  • Removed some automatic transitions when the new and old visual is the same.
  • Sped up the code path responsible for calculating dependent tags for views.
  • Wrote a tool to find the version of any commit to aid writing migrations.
  • Undertook a boatload of housekeeping to ensure speed and consistency going forward.
  • Allowed more than one event to attached at once.
  • Revisited post-shower clean up, and consolidated it for all NPCs.
  • Fixed a latent bug in reservation checking that could result in soft-locks.
  • Updated various bits of internal documentation for quick-referencing quests.
  • Resolved numerous timing inconsistencies in Jenny's route.
  • Made her laptop interactable when snooping in Jenny's room.
  • Fixed some navigation issues in a Debbie repeatable event.
  • Ensured TV events fire reliably despite what else is going on.
  • Updated some bad checks resulting in interruption of Jenny's route.
  • Prevented a migration quirk from potentially breaking the diary.
  • Resolved various problems late in Debbie's route.


  • Jenny's story is 100% posed with few art issues out-standing.
  • All but 2 of Jenny's sex scenes are posed.
  • Reposed from old to new some out-standing Jenny buttons.
  • Started reviewing and linking dialogues in Jenny's route.
  • Renamed and reviewed linked dialogues in Debbie's route. 
  • Daisy’s story is 100% posed
  • More than half way through addressing logic state tests and missing art references in Tammy and June’s story.
  • Verify and request art corrections and issues with missing art. This includes Anon, Daisy, Diane, Harold, Mia, Missy, and Roxxy, and related shots, cutscenes, and prop issues. 
  • Identify art issues that need special handling in posing; including Angelica, Aqua, Crystal, Helen, Ivy, Jenny, Melody Dewitt, Mia, and Tori Okita. 
  • Add staging for Main story part one dialogues, and fix structure issues to permit reposing.


  • Currently assisting Code with re-wiring story flow.
  • Few Jenny dialogue additions and padding around existing content.


Thanks for all your support and feedback!





aight 👍🏻


Yeahh.. it's never coming out anytime soon


I'm looking forward to exploring inside Missy...er...I mean her home.


It's taking a while, but I'm eager to play this update whenever it comes out. Thanks for everyone, DC & crew.


Can we get a pre tech update at least lol 😆


please add more Maria content


Newbie here what is posing?


Bro I f I see one more “oh it’s never gonna come out “ I’m gonna lose my fucking mind let bro cook and if you don’t got faith in the game never coming out then why are you still here?


Why so many art assets for the arms? Tattoos?


The angle the human body is in when shown in a photo or drawing. Their pose, or position. Changing their pose is called posing.


well i guess he could just let the characters stand there like store mannequins and you could just pretend. would that work for you?


Thanks for the update DC, Things look good.

esteban cr

When will the game be ready 😏😏😏


When can we get mia missy and roxxy pregnancy scenes


But at least we know a lot of work is actually being put into this unlike some people claim. Hoping that maybe they can just add some features and scenes as a Xmas present for us


So, is this all for the upcoming tech update, or should I reinstall the game now? I already have version 20.16 installed.


Can we get more grace, odette scenes or threesome between odette and eve (trans)

Brian Thompson

Also... I really want CHARACTERS to go get tattoos when the advertise! Like known characters in line that later interactions have a tattoo


Please work on game being able to run and install on Google pixel 7 pro.


Since It's "let bro cook" like as if Bro hasn't been cooking for so long he done made us starve, Like at this point just serve us an appetizer since the main dish is taking so Goodman long


A ton of “updates” of which we hav evidence of none. Until a release is made I believe none of it and I donate nothing


lmao i always say smile/relax its just a game oh when u make your pot of coffee throw in a pinch of expresso grind in itl give a boost so u have plenty of energy for the meltdowns


Bro, you deserve a medal for this one. This comment was great. It had me LMAO! :'D


Hope we can finally get Roxy Becca and Misty pregnant.

Daniel Mallett

I really love these updates, thank you!


bro its been 4 years since tech update was announced how are you still not done


Just waiting for my sub to expire. You can continue to get milked if you want, but you're only encouraging poor behavior by rewarding it. What incentive does DC have to push an update when they're making money hand over fist for nothing? I would do it too, until people caught on and started leaving. We're at that crossroads right now. If you want to actually support the game and its progress, you should cancel your sub until DC pushes an update. And frankly you should only sub for months where there's an update going forward. I've certainly paid for this game and then some via my sub. March '21 was the last major update. 2.5 years of nothing substantial. Even at $1 tier, that's $30 for some extra scenes. You can buy multiple fully realized porn games on steam at that price. Hell you could get multiple gaming classics on sale for that amount of money. And we're just supposed to pretend everything's fine? I'll be back when there's a reason to be back.


I almost feel like I'm paying a dollar a month to get slapped in the face at this point.


Have you ever read Animal Farm? "On Sunday mornings Squealer, holding down a long strip of paper with his trotter, would read out to them lists of figures proving that the production of every class of foodstuff had increased by two hundred per cent, three hundred per cent, or five hundred per cent, as the case might be. The animals saw no reason to disbelieve him, especially as they could no longer remember very clearly what conditions had been like before the Rebellion. All the same, there were days when they felt that they would sooner have had less figures and more food." These could be lists of changes that have been made over the 2.5 years they've been working on the Tech Update, spread out to fill their monthly updates. Or it could all just be bullshit, and since we aren't receiving incremental updates, we have no way to verify actual progress.


thanks, so the release window is something like 2050?




It's due to how the posing system works. To save file space, every character functions like a Mr. Potato head, where you have the body, and then you can attach different arms, faces, etc. So if a character picks up an item or makes a hand gesture, that then requires a new set of arms to be drawn.

Mark Blythe

Loving the info, have a great time on your holiday.


the outside doesnt look finished *cough cough*


Waiting for the release. Getting lousy WP. Since four years you come up with this shit.

캔 요우

I think they'll even put wallpaper on their gravestones instead of name


A playable sample would be nice just to see some work is really getting done.


Agree with Finn. I think we would have faith If some playable element had been release just to give taste of what is going on but nothing for 2.5 years.


Keep up the good work and don't mind the people complaining about how long its taking


🙄 This guy. Release it already, m8


Is there a fix for the bug for dianne's drink???


" close we are getting to a release each month. " DC said same again a year ago.


Let me pull Judith's pants down! I appreciate you and your team. Fuck the people paying $1 bitching about it

dehydrated monkey nipples

Dude it's been fucking 4 years since the tech update was announced, it's not cooking at this point, it's cooked so long that the whole house caught fire, burned down and then was rebuilt. My brother in christ you guys are being scammed, I wouldn't have a problem if DC paused payments but he doesn't, back when patreon showed how .uch the creator was making a month DC was pulling upwards of 70k......70k a MONTH since then if I can even remember that far back he has had like 2 big content updates. I have literally supported the start and finishes of multiple different VN porn games in that time frame, and they have a 10th of the budget and workforce if they are lucky and they are still better games than this. The only thing this game has going for it is the animation, I beg all of you stop wasting your money on this, move on cause it is never gonna be finished. Jesus christ there are full fledged AAA video games that have taken less time to develop, this is just an update....A SINGLE UPDATE

Fadi Almohemed

Bro,i’m a programmer and i really understand what you doing and why it’s take a lot of time but at least you should publish beta versions and you can link with a account connected to patreon account because no one like waiting 🫤🙂

Jamal King

Mainstream games take time to come out, but they don’t complain about them. Just a bunch of dudes eager to beat off to cartoons. They need to chill


I'll consider becoming a patron again if/when the tech update comes out.

Peter Borg

Once again im asking why the trackers arent used more to put people at ease that are getting upset about the speed of development. According to the tracker on https://summertimesaga.com/news there hasnt been a single task completed since early July. I think by using that one and the discord one more actively would be a good thing.


I agree, the tracker on your site is the only thing that actually makes me mad. i see these updates, and go to check how much more work you guys need to do, and i just see the same 82% that has been there for a year and a half.


more Debbie!!!

Joerg Gebhard

100% agree. Bad news is that i am pretty sure that we do not get that tracker because it would who that the tech update is far from being close the finish and wont be done 2023. The monthly updates are only a belly rub to minimize the impact.


I wanna fuck jenny is her juicy asshole


Ahhe Another month where we payed for DarkCookie's mortgage, I wouldn't be surprised if the house looked exactly like Missy's. The only reason this update needs more time like you keep saying is because you obviously need more time to make more money. Now that would not matter if you have only been releasing regular updates like you should be doing as the people here are paying for more than statues updates and wallpapers that we will be soon getting again next month. We are now closing in on one year without a single content update whatsoever. Darkcuntie does not even take the time to look or even read a glimpse of the comments left by the people supporting his game which they helped bring to life, Which might sound "shocking" to a lot of you here backing this type of behavior up which only hurts the fans as Darkcunt only values the money here just as much as anyone else who's getting pumped 70k at some point. To all the cunts here that can't stop doing tricks on it while paying for it as well, You are the problem here as the only reason Datrkcuntie feel's like he can get away with this for as long as he likes while not losing any money is because of stupid cunts like you who keep on paying for absolutely nothing but to swallow for Darkcuntie since he is not here to face any of this whatsoever, hiding behind a soundproof, seeproof wall of money.


When wil the house drop

Robert Petties

Almost a full year of ZERO content. Zero updates on the tracker. Your paying patreons should of gotten at least a Beta version of you progress. I'm starting to think we're being scammed.

Robert Petties

Umm, juicy? The only thing I know that make an asshole juicy is shit. To each his own, I guess. lol


You do realize the program is not even at alpha stage, right? to get to beta testing is much farther down the developmental process.


right... but "mainstream" games provide trailers, gameplay vids and actual updates, this is definitely not a "mainstream" game, this is very much and indie game and an indie game that doesn't deliver any content in YEARS is a dead/abandoned indie game it is safe to say that the only time this guy "works" on the game is during the streams where he just paints backdrops or characters, there is zero evidence of all the coding, writing and posing that is supposedly being done because he hasn't released anything other than pictures in years... so... you are stupid and should just walk into traffic if you think you can compare and this guy deserves the same leeway as companies like bethesta or sony...

Don Brown

If you're donating more than $1 per month, I have some land in Florida I'd liketo sell you!


it is safe to say that the only time this guy "works" on the game is during the streams where he just paints backdrops or characters, there is zero evidence of all the coding, writing and posing that is supposedly being done because he hasn't released anything other than pictures in years... fortunately i do have the income to throw away 12 bucks a year... but i'm 100% aware i'm wasting that money and i realize this game is dead and not coming out XD

Another Peach



@darkcookie. Maybe rather than those updates which are better than no communication, with each update maybe a more accurate % of each part of development such as art, programming, design, story etc. I feel this would help us all have a better idea of actual progress


With the amount to changes I think they mentioned once that you won't be able to carry over your save file


I maybe only giving a dollar a month, but at this rate I'll would have bought a couple brand new games


I feel like Baldurs Gate 3 worth more than giving a dollar a month for pictures and wallpapers


No actual playable game update since Last Halloween. Please toss us something soon.


so you are saying that after years of "development" he doesn't even have a 0.001 version to release? like a 20-30 min demo/alpha with like 2-5 steps on ONE questline for ONE character? just to prove he has done at least SOMETHING... you talk like you know about the "development process" when you clearly have no clue what you are saying, just go into any adult game forum and you'll see tons of games with V1.0.2 or V0.30.5 or V0.0.1 even... either you are incredibly retarded or incredibly ignorant... either way, please just do the world a favor a walk into traffic...


I really want Roxy and her mom to be pregnant by MC! Roxy’s mom is such a slut.


I want Debbie! I want her to have my baby! Them boobs make a milk jug.


I pesonally am enjoying the jurney you nay sayers can Fuck off


And yes that's my real name


Also ArmyBrat

Wyper (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-27 07:37:37 The army done musta trained you to do tricks on it huh? now bark
2023-08-27 03:48:16 The army done must've trained you to do tricks on it huh? now bark.

The army done must've trained you to do tricks on it huh? now bark.

ivanhunter- johnson

Pregnant Missy, Becca and Roxxy when? Also, Missy's home looks nice


@darkcookie. Despite the compliners (just ignore them as usual) the status update is a good read (you havce to read it, duh) and gives us useful insights in what to come. Still I will also suppport @Paul dewar's comment that maybe also giving us some %points to an actual release window would be welcomed. Just a thought. Still satisfied with the status reports though.


According to the website it is still only 82% done. For some reason it only it takes 2 to 3 months to move up another percent.

Adam Dailey

I can't download the game. Whenever I try to do so something pops up claiming that there is something wrong with the files.


ah, the usual response from retards with no argument... it's always funny... you know that what I said is true and you can't argue so you insult me... I feel sorry for you and the people that have to deal with a piece of shit like yourself every day... have a horrible day XD


that tracks, you can't even type "journey" right... and just so you know, army brat refers to kids that grew up in military bases because they had a parent working in the military...what it appears you wanted to say to "impress"... eh... someone? anyone? (nobody is btw) is that you are a veteran, someone who has served in the military... you are a waste of space, so how about you fuck off and walk into a semi at speed?


I'm having a hard time ignoring you misspelling "complainers."


Well I’m here for the whole ride


How the fuck are they friends with Roxxy?

Don Brown

I knew you'd pull my comment. There was too much truth in it.


Without a reference point, the status update is useless. If DC says "We got 150 things done this month," and has 150 to go, great, but if he has 10,000 more, then it's nothing. We need a percentage, a number, a ratio, or hell, maybe a completion date.


The monthly updates are a welcome input. However, we're here to support the developement. We do not pay you for a finished game, that's the whole point of this patreon. So just give us monthly releases. They can have bugs, they may even crash. But that's what we are here for. There is no no reason to delay it any further.


Anybody who gives more than a dollar a month is a retard and everybody who defends darkcookie for taking this long is a retarded simp.


If that's the case, you're dumb for still being here and complaining, lol. Seriously go support another creator that you don't have to bitch about monthly whenever they post an update. Your not entitled to anything and if the creator isn't meeting your standards, you have every right to pull your support. But Damn, this shit is getting old....every month there's one of you dildos bitching on the update, if things haven't changed, why the fuck are you still supporting him and calling people who do, "Retarded Simps" At this point the only "retarded simp" is yourself. lol.

Coach Boon



I haven't donated in over a year and all I gave is a dollar for this month. When it ends at the end of the month I won't be giving any more money until the next update comes out which will be this time next year probably.


So no the only retarded simp here is still you.


There is nothing anyone can say to justify this update taking this long to come out and still giving money to darkcookie.

Mukhlis Zaidan

Agree brother. We just pay for nothing at this point. I'll just unsub and wait for the update. Then i will reconsider tu sub back.


Thanks a lot!


es ce qu'on peux espérer que la version 0.20.17 voi le jour en septembre ?


because they did absolutely nothing for almost 2 years, then because of dropping below 60k a month, they just recently started posting updates.


my second year is finally over, and i am moving on, been nothing but the tech update for 2 years. i'll check back in, in 2025 (averaging about 1% a month) .... what other projects do you follow or recoomend?


You’re making $62,974 per month from patreon. Maybe you should look into hiring a few more programmers. Even in the US that would cover it, but internationally that would easily cover an entire team. Average compensation in Indonesia is 19m IDR ($1245) per month. India? 75k INR ($907). Philippines? Not even average, but 90th percentile is 42k PHP ($740). You could take half of your monthly patreon fees and have more than 40 coders working full time on this.


Check out "Twisted World" by Snats or Max's Life by Kuggazer


That's true but it would he nice to get a this is what we need done and not telling me what's done. You can list a bunch of stuff but it's all for nothing if there isn't a end goal to keep in mind.


I'd recommend not saying such things... because you never know who's watching.


did you mean reading? also was that supposed to be a threat? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


Allegedly... I would look into the employment fees and the taxes a production company has to pay and of course all the other onboarding costs for people to actually get staff who want to work and know the language.


Keep it up DC & Dev Team! Great work! Naysayers be damned, the true followers will always be here showing support.


the wait is genuinely astonishing. Bootlickers who say "give it more time" are so blind it's not even funny. This multi-year long wait was not included nor described in the poll that voters chose the tech update on. This is disgusting treatment of your fans. Do better and hire more people to build this with your pile of ill gotten patreon money.


I've been working as a freelance editor for a US based company for 5 years... fuck off, it's not that complicated to find people that wants to work, have technical knowhow and "know the language" like english is this fucking lost language or something, the devs just don't mind taking a month to make 3-5 pictures and continue charging the patreon subscribers which it's fine, a shitty thing to do, but legal and in their right if they choose to do so, as is in the paying supporters right to stop payment or ask questions, calling yourself a "true follower" will not give you special powers or the dev's appreciation, it's pretty obvious they don't read these XD also, "true follower" sounds cultish... are you that sad and alone that you need to adhere your self-esteem to a fantasy that by defending someone online you'll be rewarded? just take it as it is, I know I'm wasting my money and don't expect the game coming out, it's more charity than a pledge at this point, when I can't afford to burn that income anymore I'll unsubscribe, that's it XD edit: holy shit, I didn't mean to check, I miss-clicked and clicked your stupid face... "true follower"? YOUR ARE NOT SUPPORTING THEM!! HAHAHAHAHAHA


holy shit, I didn't mean to check, I miss-clicked and clicked your stupid face... "true follower"? YOUR ARE NOT SUPPORTING THEM!! HAHAHAHAHAHA


well blaqueOK, there is a reason it's getting old, it's because it's been so long since any actual update other than pictures, this is not a summertime saga issue, this happens everywhere, when people are exited and actively expecting something to come out, be it a movie, tv show or a game, any delay and lack of progress is stressful and prone to questioning, people have a right to lose interest in something that has had no real progress in years, if you are still giving them the benefit of the doubt that's fine, i'll keep the 1dll pledge as pretty much charity since i can, but i'm under no illusion that the game will ever come out, based on the evidence that is, to each their own i guess.


If the gameplay time double i will understand the time of making it. Second thing is this: The art and posing would be on another level.


Thank you - didn't see that one, maybe next time I will get it right :)


@Tomasz. That's also true. Any visualisation by numbers up against a certain release window would of course be great appreciated.


Seriously. They made a good game, but the last time it had a legitimate update with new content was almost 2 and a half years ago. No one really cares about the tech at this point


Cookie and team are chasing a dream. Yes it's a porn game and the fappability is waneing like a hardon after one too many rounds in a day. But .. I mean if you look at what bg3 did with publishing when it was ready... maybe this will be the baulders gate 3 of porn games?


This is turning into a winds of winter situation


what a legend was good, BUT they kinda hit a wall this year and havn't released anything in like 13 months.


This is about to be the Baldur's Gate 3 of adult games


Isnt it so weird how they do all of this stuff and it never appears on the progress bar? I hasn't moved for over a month and a half yet Dc says they did all that stuff, So why not update it then? No hate or anything just confused love Summertime saga


The quicker The amount of Money they get from subsections goes down, the quicker they will push out the tech update. For the past almost 4 years they have been getting ridiculous amounts of money monthly without giving us anything in return that is worthy of the time and money given to them. Now everyone Can make this all change very quickly if we all just come together and lower our subscriptions down to Just $1 Dollar a month as that should be equivalent for the wallpapers they love to roll out instead of the teach update each damn month. We all want this to come out as soon as possible and this is the only way to get what we are all owed!


it's funny how every time I see one of these post the time goes up by a year.

Brian Thompson

Enjoyed playing it... IF there's actually an update I'll be back.


So when are we going to be able to visit Missy's house?

Skeeta_bite (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-30 22:58:35 this was in the april 28 update. sounds like when the tech update comes out, a lot of new places will open up. possibly some new interactions with new characters. The biker bar will be open to visit in the tech update with potential minor dialogues. It will then be used intensively down the development road when we populate it with more content. More added locations should have interiors finished for the tech update: Lighthouse, Rhonda's house, Judith's house, Missy's house, Stadium, Bowling & Arcade, Museum, Woods Cabin, etc. I will be improving and adding new content for the tech update these coming weeks as well (with added wallpaper shots).
2023-08-30 20:04:16 this was in the april 28 update. sounds like when the tech update comes out, a lot of new places will open up. possibly some new interactions with new characters. : The biker bar will be open to visit in the tech update with potential minor dialogues. It will then be used intensively down the development road when we populate it with more content. More added locations should have interiors finished for the tech update: Lighthouse, Rhonda's house, Judith's house, Missy's house, Stadium, Bowling & Arcade, Museum, Woods Cabin, etc. I will be improving and adding new content for the tech update these coming weeks as well (with added wallpaper shots).

this was in the april 28 update. sounds like when the tech update comes out, a lot of new places will open up. possibly some new interactions with new characters. : The biker bar will be open to visit in the tech update with potential minor dialogues. It will then be used intensively down the development road when we populate it with more content. More added locations should have interiors finished for the tech update: Lighthouse, Rhonda's house, Judith's house, Missy's house, Stadium, Bowling & Arcade, Museum, Woods Cabin, etc. I will be improving and adding new content for the tech update these coming weeks as well (with added wallpaper shots).


Seems a bit silly goose 🪿


when is the projected release of the update


The "projected" release was 3 months when it was announced, now it has been what, 3 years? 4? I estimate we will get the update in late 2024 or early 2025.


If it happens that somehow new content appears I would really like to see some more of Iwanka. I feel like there should be more about this girl or aren't there any fans of her out there?


this is from DC’s May 29 update in first paragraph. : The progress bar is not currently displaying an accurate progression of the work being done due to the nature of the Tech Update requiring a heavy amount of back and forth with content implementation (and testing). It makes it hard to "close" tasks until the update is stable and ready to ship. It also explains why art tasks were faster and simpler to close, while Posing and Code seem to trail behind. The majority of the art meant for the Tech Update is completed, yes. However I'm still improving and adding content while the remaining Code/Posing work gets wrapped up. The progress bar will be more reliable once we get back to the regular development cycle for stories and gameplay. Hopefully this will help.

Summer Dixon

I know you guys are just trying to give us the best product possible. But it's literally been years that you have been working on this update and nearly a year since your last pre-tech update. Yet we don't even have a release window let alone a date. I want to pledge more money, but I don't see the point.

Jamal King

Y’all done made that man go silent 🤣🤣🤣


When will we be able to go to Missy's house?


this was in the april 28 update. sounds like when the tech update comes out, a lot of new places will open up. possibly some new interactions with new characters. : The biker bar will be open to visit in the tech update with potential minor dialogues. It will then be used intensively down the development road when we populate it with more content. More added locations should have interiors finished for the tech update: Lighthouse, Rhonda's house, Judith's house, Missy's house, Stadium, Bowling & Arcade, Museum, Woods Cabin, etc. I will be improving and adding new content for the tech update these coming weeks as well (with added wallpaper shots).


I really enjoy the game, wish there was a way to keep an accurate track of who you have kids with and how many you have with them, but that's neither here nor there. I will say this though, this game has inspired a bunch of clones and in the time it has taken to build this update, the wait has allowed a bunch of others to come in and grow in Summertime Saga's place. Still, I really have enjoyed my time with this game and the community.


GTA makes sense to take a decade on but this? Taking 5 years? What a joke


"wish there was a way to keep an accurate track of who you have kids with and how many you have with them" 50 years from now Summerville is going to be plagued with unintentional incest


Go to Anne moms daycare the number of kids goes up when a kid is born


I think there sorta was…not by birth mother, but if you visit the daycare facility, as you have more kids the number of students increases. Not sure if it’s a 1 to 1 but…check it out.

Edward Walag

when is the next update comming out


they do best they can think in other way when all this update done, new updates will be more smoothly and easier for future lets be abit more patience and keep our belief, this is still the best game


I can't wait for TECH UPDATE! But really, I'm excited for what's after TECH UPDATES. Ronda, Annie and Judith is still needing a new story update! One of my favorite character is Debbie. Now, Debbie really needs a new update rework. I talked to DC, and he agrees that Debbies needs a pregnancy update! I have other favorite characters, like Iwanka and Oddette. Right now, MC is friends with Oddette and can get her pregnant.


If after Judith's update, I hope we can have a Mia's update, because Yumi, the asian police officer should be with MC. That is, if Mia's mother has rekindled her relationship with her ex-husband Harry, MIa's father, (Or Henry? I don't remember). If this is the case, then MC should get with Yumi. I actually wanted some sexy police action with MC.


Once Judith's Update is finished and gets released, I would like a couple of new updates: Debbie's Update, Erik's Update, and Mia's Update. Or Roxy's update (with her friends, and her own mother too). There's so much potential with this game!

Chris Wreker

Glad Missy is getting more focus.


pretty sick how we haven't had a new build in a half year now right! keep thinking it's just $1,- but this is getting annoying man, you're getting thousands of dollars per month and all we've been getting for the past half year is updates on what you're supposedly doing. start coming out with some real stuff.

Chris Wreker

I don't blame you for feeling that since I heard Dark Coookie is losing subscribers because of this long wait.


Actually, when I was doing Mia's update last time, I felt her ending (after I got Mia's mother back together with her husband) was left on a cliff hanger. I felt there's more to it with her relationship with MC. But that was all the story there was in the Mia's update.


I have no idea. Yet they're friends with Roxy? Missy, Roxy and the freckle bitch I can't remember, are apparently a team.

Chris Wreker

Yeah but she was nice to the MC in the beginning compare to Becca & Roxxy.

Wyper (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-07 18:45:24 The facts here still remain the same! -We have not had an update in a year -The Teach update is closing in on 4 years now since it's announcement -We have no estimation date or projected deadline -Teach update was introduced as a 3 month process -They have been getting +$60k each month with nothing to show for it We all should understand what is happening since it has been happening for so long that it makes it obvious. We should have gotten the Teach Update long ago and at this point it's just silly.
2023-09-06 02:44:41 The facts here still remain the same! -We have not had an update in a year -The Teach update is closing in on 4 years now since it's announcement -We have no estimation date or projected deadline -Teach update was introduced as a 3 month process -They have been getting +$60k each month with nothing to show for it -oh and they have 9 people working on the Teach Update! We all should understand what is happening since it has been happening for so long that it makes it obvious. We should have gotten the Teach Update long ago and at this point it's just silly.

The facts here still remain the same! -We have not had an update in a year -The Teach update is closing in on 4 years now since it's announcement -We have no estimation date or projected deadline -Teach update was introduced as a 3 month process -They have been getting +$60k each month with nothing to show for it -oh and they have 9 people working on the Teach Update! We all should understand what is happening since it has been happening for so long that it makes it obvious. We should have gotten the Teach Update long ago and at this point it's just silly.


I mean, you can have sex or have anal with Mia in the end. But Mia really, really prefer anal. Because she wants to keep her virginity.


True. And she wants to have MC's babies, when Roxy and Becca didn't care for him (up until Roxy and Becca have sex with him on separate occasions, and it was so weird).


small wonder really, it might be 1$ but add 1$ here 1$ there, i'm a patreon of 20+ creators and im not earning in dollars either, so inned to take account of conversion rates + tax for each pledge. At least from most of creators im getting smth back on regular basis. Some of us here are really long time patreaons too so you know, understanding is one thing but there is also the issue of trasparency and communication

Chris Wreker

Roxy did see the MC more than just a dumb nerd 🤓 and not to mention she was pretty astonished by his big d. With Becca though, i guess in some ways it was weird with her as she was okay with the MC zoinking her mom.

Chris Wreker

Well it feels like Dark Cookie is okay doing whatever he wants because he is making so much bank 🏦 from this game, he doesn't feel as inclined to finish it. That or he & his team is already brain 🧠 storming a new idea for a new game?


They could be, but the fact is that summertime saga is yet to be done so there is no excuse.


I feel you but just throw them in with the update st this point


1$ is not a big deal however it does start to add up esp since his game isnt anything crazy and he makes way too much to not be making constant ground for content


A lot of crybabies here...


WOW, just soo much factually wrong with your rant. All I am gonna say.


Will it come out at all this year?


I am almost sure that in fact the update is already ready for a long time but that it holds it to earn more money like many creator but I still wonder how many years will pass before they are satisfied


In addition I do not see the interest to add all the interior of a house and other buildings or there will be nothing to do once the technical update out. ok it is well we little visited. but zero interet in game at the time of the technical update same thing for the bar ... if it is added the building has the map why not after when a update or there will be content in this place it will still be time to work on it


please say the things that are wrong then! i'd really like to know as i feel the same way as OP


Man I love what you’re doing and keep it up but honestly more scenes and less interior details and tbh it the scenes we are more anticipated for but good work tho hopefully many scenes in this one 🙏


The question is not especially the details of the areas but the interest to do them now while it is even area will be used in 5 or 6 days ago. because there is no scene attached to it at the moment. it would be a shame to lower the quality of the areas. It would really be necessary to concentrate on updating existing content and only that.


i’m liking all the new additions DC! biker bar, missy’s house, museum, lighthouse, etc. especially cool considering we get more interaction with characters (new and old). sounds like the coach interaction is going to kick in along with the improvements (art and otherwise) to all the characters. keep up the great work! thanks for sharing on the streams, its good to hear you planning and talking out details for future updates.


I guess not? Still, I know it's a game. But at least, one can be honorable. But it's also a game where I can do whatever I want. REAL LIFE IS NO JOKE. If one is an idiot and fucked so many women, that he got so many alimony. There was a case in the US, where a black man fucked so many women, that he got them pregnant and he got so many alimonies. When I read that he asked the court to not force him pay so many alimonies. When I read that, I lost my respect for this idiot black man. I was, maybe you should've kept it in your pants, and you wouldn't get so much alimonies to pay for. Because now he's fucked. This is why I play Summertime Saga. Because I can do anything i want with no consequences. But in real life? oh shit. Real life is no joke. There's karma and consequences.


probably you should adjust some squirting scenes


what is the dirt pile and hole down by the lighthouse? bottom left on the map. what information is there about it?




why aren't people banding together and forcing the update? we should all just cancel or pause our monthly payments, give them a reason to no longer take their time. we're basically just paying their income and for their life. they have the equipment to do the job so the only real expense is their time.


so when is the tech update going to drop


I still don’t understand why so much people still whine « Huh… the guy gets so much money, and yet no progress so far!!! I want my tech updaaaaate! I’m enough dropping 1$ a month.. it’s so much when I’m only making 5k$ a month fapping in front of my computer… ». Guys it just a game. Most of us play for free. That’s probably not the developers main job and I’m sure they are doing it on their free time ! So f* off


Lot of crybabies about the game here. They think own the rights to the game. Which they don't. The game is FREE, y'all. If you don't like it, then find another game to play,Just STFU about it. I'm tired of whinners. They're really causing me a headache every time I come to check.


How do I update the game anyway?


So you've been coming back to check constantly for almost a year now?


Give us some kind of an actual timeframe or date for when the update will be released. For the love of god.


It's like you're selling imaginary Like common con artists Is it because you make money easily?


happy Sunday eavy have there 3 eggs omelet ham n onions with side order of meltdown waiting for a update???......don't forget its just a game


Not always. Been busy working. But when I want to check for updates and they do have updates. And I’m actually happy with it. Just don’t like the whiners.


I’m still a fan of Summertime Saga. There’s a lot of potential in this game and lot of people loved it. I cannot wait for the upcoming Status update for September.


I don't know about you guys, I have sadly cancelled my subscription, iit's been almost a year since we got the last secret mini update. and that stupid progression bar that always stays on 82 percent. If I felt like my money sped up any process I'd have gladly kept my subscription. but it feels like nothing happens. maybe stopping subscription will speed up stuff?


Yeah I’m out. This is taking way too long, 1 year for any new update is pathetic.


Why haven't you packaged up the screen expansion and some of the story line updates into a smaller update then release the other story updates as they come online?


If Missy now has a house, does that mean there will be more Missy action?

Edward Walag

could someone tell me if the next update is in Dec??

Edward Walag

I would nope that is a joke?