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Monthly status updates:

We know a lot of you are anxious about the release of the Tech Update and have voiced concerned with the the speed of development. The progress bar is not currently displaying an accurate progression of the work being done due to the nature of the Tech Update requiring a heavy amount of back and forth with content implementation (and testing). It makes it hard to "close" tasks until the update is stable and ready to ship. It also explains why art tasks were faster and simpler to close, while Posing and Code seem to trail behind. The majority of the art meant for the Tech Update is completed, yes. However I'm still improving and adding content while the remaining Code/Posing work gets wrapped up. The progress bar will be more reliable once we get back to the regular development cycle for stories and gameplay.

To better help fans understand the ongoing development, monthly status updates will be posted here on Patreon (at the end of each month) with a listed summary of all the work that's been done for each department. It won't list every single small change, but at the very least show the broad strokes of what's currently being done. This will paint a clearer picture of the development progress and perhaps get a feeling of how close we are getting to a release each month. Hopefully this will make some of you feel at ease with some of the questions you've had.

That being said, here's the first status update for this past month!


  • Assisted the Code/Posing devs with optimizing art and fixing inconsistencies. Such as unused art assets , missing shadows, missing character button variants and so on.
  • Scenes on day one meeting Erik and Mia have been improved with new character assets, backgrounds, dynamic shots, buttons, etc.
  • The new "Biker Bar" location now has an interior and Doris will be working as the bartender (non-interactive for the moment).
  • Doris now has a secondary outfit for the bar.
  • Old Debbie cutscenes and dynamic shots got a facelift (see samples attached to this post at the top ^).
  • Added new dynamic shot to Diane's story (garden).
  • All of Anna's (now named Abby) old art has been reworked and converted to new art assets + rig.
  • Further improvements to the new Mia character art.
  • Multiple assets renames to function with new codebase.
  • Some character art assets needed splitting into multiple rig parts along with their meta data (Odette and Eve).
  • Old Anon assets laying on beds needed legs extended/fixed to fit in widescreen. 
  • Daily live streams for art are still active (week days) starting around 2:00PM Eastern Time (ET) where you can watch me work and ask questions.


  • Resolved minor bugs in reposing tool used by posers.
  • Fixed some flow issues indentified in Debbie's route.
  • Added sleep-awareness to some character buttons.
  • Upgraded to Ren'Py 8.1.0, and dealt with ensuing compatibility issues.
  • Improved automatic transitions.
  • Built a tutorial for the navigation interface.
  • Improved ease with which cutscenes can be posed.
  • Added base NPC behaviour for Ivy and Jane.
  • Built out roughly half of Jenny's narrative route flow.
  • Added a new interface mode for complex interactive props.
  • Implemented Anon's phone, minus the hint system.
  • Constructed Jenny's diary, and wired it into Jenny's route.
  • Ensured that diary contents and text messages will be translatable.


  • Linked reposed scenes for the Main story and Debbie up to the game logic code.
  • Revisions based on feedback about above scenes, and reported logic oversights.
  • Reposed the Debbie scenes we didn't have art for when we did the first pass (late game/lewd content).
  • Posing work on buttons particularly for Ivy, Kassy, Lily, and Veronica. 
  • Finished posing pass on Roxxy.
  • Early Mia flow posing ongoing.
  • Finished reposing the beginning and end of Eve's route.
  • Cleaning up the posing for Jenny's route. (Jenny is the next priority for linking/playtesting this coming month)
  • Revisited posing from the start of Diane's route fixing asset names and logic state tests that were not previously available.


  • Dialogue for new Becca scenes not yet implemented into the game but animations are done (likely releasing after the tech update). 
  • New Grace, Odette, and Eve scene dialogues.
  • Assisted code with wiring up Debbie and Jenny's quest flow. 
  • Currently assisting on the hint system for Jenny.
  • Button schedule logic for Debbie and Jenny.


We hope this clears up some of fog surrounding the Tech Update and thank you for all the support.

Keep you posted!




Ray Batz

I have already cancelled my membership and will wait until the technical update is ready because I have already paid for two years for nothing. I work in the software industry and I know how much work it is, so I understand that things take time and sometimes you can't speed it up.... BUT, I also know that my clients will leave me alone if I work like this AND I know about the resources you have. If your team really works 8 hours a day with 9 people = 72 hours a day = 360 hours a week = 7,200 hours a month = 86,400 hours a year.... WOW, I know all the things I can develop with 86,400 hours of manpower in a year and that looks like you did nothing. This is the first post with a status update in almost 1 year, so what you are posting is the work of 86,400 hours of work? Hmmm.... End of the year like Chief text is too long for your members to come back again or stay. Start work now and use the next month with 7.200 hour of manpower to bring an update now. That would be pretty nice


I think it's funny how after almost 3 years of no news or updates on the tech update, You finally decided to give us Monthly updates after years of not saying and ignoring the people voicing their concerns on the lack of info regarding the update at all. From the looks of it and how These new updates will come out monthly only says that the game is no where near being finished. Since people have already had enough of your silly mind games, Your only safe haven now is to give them what they were asking for these past couple of years. You release these silly lil news updates for let's say a year or two more and rack it up even more than you already have been planned and done so far, but the people will not complain because you are spoon feeding them copium. The only reason you even considered making this type of post was to clam your supporters down from leaving and causing others to leave like they have been already, Otherwise you would have let things be just like you have for the past couple of years since you chose to do the tech update that no one asked for because you clearly knew how much you could stall this for and milk it dry for profits while doing the bare minimum for years and more years to come!


This whole rework thing is a lot of bullshit. It shouldn't have been at the same time. As before, it was always repaired, but not stopped for so long. I can't support it like this, and I don't feel like playing the game anymore. This seems like a big stretch. I'm sorry they did it that way.


If youve played any of the older scenes, they are clearly outdated and need reworking/re drawing. Esentially, they are having to build the entire game from scratch. On top of this, coding, if not well documented, has to be completely scrapped when changing coders as each coder has their own unique codes. All of this is why the main update is taking so long. Its a porn game, there is no need to stress over how long it takes. The devs do need to inform their supporters more on their progress aside from just art on streams, yes, but it isnt fair to shit on them when the game is at its core, free.

Dizz Not Dizzy

while more transparency is very nice and appreciated i cant help but read the implication between the lines here which is that this update still has multiple months to go until it comes out which is absolutely baffling to me. i started playing this game roughly 1 year ago and there hasnt been a single actual big update since. it also worries me that this is called the "tech" update implying that this is very technical based and that this wont overall add a ton to the game, but rather polish up existing features, storylines, etc. while i am no expert at all, there is no way this game has so much depth and technicality to it that it takes this long to get an update out when you have so so so many patrons just showering you with funding for this product. one thing that would help a lot to put me at some level of ease is a rough estimate of a release date whether that be fall 2023, spring 2024, anything. and all i have to say (and i hope im not alone in saying this) is that if this update is not big enough and good enough to justify this extremely drawn out wait for it, i will absolutely not be supporting this project or any other future DarkCookie projects ever again. i am very very much hoping that this update comes in the next few months and is a absolute banger of an update. but we'll just have to wait and see what happens...


Do you have an estimate or a schedule? If you're saying you will be posting updates on it every month does that mean we are going to have to wait months for it to come out? 6 months? 8 months? When I work on a project I have to give a timeline for that project, it's just part of the job.


I liked the nips out. But I like a progress update more. Keep it up. Would love to see this project completed one day.


I understand develpoment is hard. Yall arent a triple A studio and this is a passion project. If people are upset and saying theyre unsubbing or unsupporting then good for them. Its a game not an airport, no need to announce that youre leaving. If you were regularly paying for updates that would be one thing but shitting all over a dev's passion project is stupid. Keep up the great work DC, I love the game.

Thanh Phong Phạm

I will wait for the next update. But you should have do this, I don't my waiting a bit longer. Don't keep people in the dark, I will sub again if you have some thing for release.


I had no idea these types of games existed until I down loaded this game .( Game Virgin ) Now I spend hours playing other games . Please complete the update as soon as you can because I love playing this game and miss all the characters . This from a horny old man who has lots of time .


As far as I can determine you have been talking about the tech update prior to 2021 . Now I am not a computer savant so I have no idea what this new game entails but two and a half years seems a might excessive , for a fan of your game to wait around .

Gabriel Madore

i understand the frustration of other patrons but honestly i played the game a year ago and it was the best porn game i ever played in term of quality. im just excited to see it getting even bigger.

Peter Keogh-Lynn

A big bug is on mobile phones.. I have an Android.. typing into the game. Like jenny computer, your PC, tv channel. Is that the auto keyboard on the phone covers the bar you type into on the game. So you can't actually see the bar. Maybe have the password bars be higher on screen


gonna need an extra big cum bucket when the update comes out

Jesse James

Personally, I wish more effort could go into continuing the story than remaking scenes. The scenes were great to begin with, no need to remake them. I've been waiting forever to continue the story.


they need some way to make those tens of thousands a month they get keep going

Woody George

I just am wondering about the new buildings; I would like to know when can we see them?


I agree with Jesse - updates to old scenes is somewhat pointless for those of us that have finished the game (a few times). The previous scenes were great without a remake. I've reached the end of all stories and have over 40 kids in daycare! There should be an Achievement Trophy for having a child with every eligible female (it took a lot of tries with Tina). I reduced my subscription until the new stories come out...


I appreciate the updated info but would like a rough timeline. Is this going to be 2 months? A year?


Does anyone know any other games I could play while waiting for the next update? I wanna play one like this but they’re difficult to find among all the shit 3D stuff

Joerg Gebhard

i agree. while i in know how much developers hate timelines but for the rest of us it would be nice to get an impression when it could be ready. Or at least something like 3-6month to go.


DC! that jenny shower scene omg. she is looking so good! can’t wait to see the new stuff from your video today! nicely done


La última versión que tengo yo es la 20.11, hay alguna versión posterior?


Looking forward to the coming status update for June. Have a great summer everyone. The status updates are a great addition, and transparancy is always welcome.


I like the nip slips, other than that, great

Another Peach

I prefer the old, you are losing that unique cute look you had.

添 谢

The sponsor video has appeared the embed code for the video is not valid


great stuff! keep it coming!

Eeazy A

Fantastic hope all goes well

Klaus Hellnick

Not too fond of the new blobby noses.


For patreons video doesnt work. The embeded code for video not valid.

Eeazy A

Grace is one of my favorite characters I'm glad she is getting more lines of dualogue


How do i get the game


Chris, go to summertimesaga website. on the menu, select download, pick the version you want and download the file. good luck


Im not gonna lie im not a fan of the redesign


Thank you


Honestly my issue isn't even the design it looks fine enough but that design isn't good for Debbie


Not a big fan of the redesign. I liked that she had an older look to her. She looks way to young in my opinion. I would have preferred more content around her than a redesign.


I do not like how you make her look younger. Where has my MILF gone? Please stop! This adds no value!


Why did I get a notification for this post?


Ngl it looks like shit

Mark Maek Mark

All look rly good i just dont like that we cant see her nipples anymore in the last one.


The software isn't compatible with the poco x6 pro The problem is the incompatibility of the Android 14 version