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One of the new locations coming with the Tech update (Lighthouse) is done and will be implemented upon release. Some of you may have followed the live streams while I worked on it, but for those who haven't, here it is!

I'm now working on the "Biker bar" interior location. check it out during our live streams!


I got a 4 new wallpapers (as part of ingame scene improvements for the Tech update) coming soon!




Paul Sontaro

Can’t wait for the tech release!!!


Another 60k another wallpaper


Cant wait for the story for this location.


Oh wow, Sploosh’s home looks great XD


Seriously is this update being released in 2029 cause that is how long it seems to be taking


Work on the tech update has just begun let's goooo

dehydrated monkey nipples

I would just like to say that this tech update was announced in 2019 I'm pretty sure


Thanks for the update. Fuck the haters. You guys do ya thing…




These look stunning! Can't wait to see them in their full glory. 😁


Do your thing. I'm hoping for more preggo action and dp,even put them together 😃


You keep replying, so it's clear you're just paying to complain at this point.


Hope the tech update is going smoother.


Looks good!

Billy bounce

Real talk though guys check out “What a Legend” I think the patreon creator is named “Magic nuts” or something but it really is good. I noticed someone mention it in the comments of one of these past posts and I checked it out for myself and DAMN was I surprised by how much I liked it lol! Apparently it’s a married couple making the game with just the two of them instead of a whole team and they much more frequent updates apparently. I can’t confirm that last part because I just started following them and I’ve only played the most recent release but everything else I heard about it was true so I have no reason to be liege the people in the comments were lying about it having much more frequent updates then Summertime Saga. This isn’t a bash against Dark Cookie. Personally I’ve come to believe they’re purposefully stretching out updates to make more money for longer simply because they realized they struck gold with this game. But I also reeeeally enjoy summertime saga lol. At least the one or two real updates you used to get before they started this tech update everyone voted for and since we’ve only gotten mini updates which although appreciated have to slow down the tech update even further. Point is even though I feel like they’re stretching it on purpose and sort of scamming people in the sense I feel they could speed this up and save some people money in the long term if they truly wanted…I don’t really care anymore lol😂. “What a Legend” is basically the same if not better quality of and art style of Summertime Saga with apparently more dedicated and attentive creators that give you faster updates with a good deal of content. But I guess I’ll see for myself when I play their next release. So I just pay the bare minimum to Dark Cookie to stay updated and play the game I love when it eventually comes out so they don’t take all my money when I feel they’re purposefully dragging their feet to make a little extra. Then l’ll just actually put my support into “What a Legend” while I wait for Dark Cookie to get it together. And hey if I’m wrong Dark Cookie the I’m sorry for being a dick I guess lol and more power to you guys for working on making a great game. But now I can have something to enjoy for however long it takes for this tech update to finally come out. And before you guys say it no I’m not a plant or a plug for What a Legend 😂lol. I’m just mentioning it because I was out on to it by a comment from a previous Dark Cookie post and I’m it turned out great for me so I’m tryna to push it forward and maybe put others on. Its free btw too and I haven’t pledged to them but after playing this release I’m def going to become a patron while I wait for Summertime Saga just because I appreciate the hard work where I personally feel(like I said I could be wrong) Dark Cookie is failing. Anyways check it out guys. Or don’t idgaf lol😄

jose hernandez

Why is the tech update still in 80% !?!? In 3 months didnt advanced at all... I feel a little disappointed, please DC, give us any details of the progress, please man!!


In the What a Legend discord you have a DAILY update tracker were you can more easily see the game growing, this is something I miss here in Summertime Saga, in may tier i have access to SS "update tracker" but it never seem to metter what they put there...next month I will move my patreon to What a Legend.


I love What a Legend too, as I love Summer Time Saga. The stories in both and graphics are really amazing. DC post every day a video on My Kompas VOD. I do not need words I can just watch the videos where I can view the dayly work. What a legend have the same problem. I think it is almost 6 months since they not post any upgrade. Just weekly reports in words every friday. No videos. Both games are amazing with amazing stories and arts. Some day they must work together to make more games. Keep working.


I tried playing What a Legend when it was in 0.5 and it was more of a story than a game. The interface was clunky, the animation wasn't great. Unless they made some massive changes no thanks.

Auburn Zero

They're beautiful! BTW: Any plans to further flesh out, or complete, stories for Aqua, Thotbot, Pink Cyclone, or Odette in the cemetery? Making new locations is great, but finishing or rounding out what was already introduced would be cool, too. (I see you're already working on wrapping up Ronda's story, and I'm looking forward to it.)

Paul Beck

After checking out the lighthouse I do see a potential for some hammock sex!!! 🤠👍


One of the WaL developers was very sick in the ICU. That's why they are behind


I keep seeing people pushing What a Legend. The art is nice, but not the quality of SS and the animation isn't even close. SS is definitely superior. I understand people getting tired of waiting for the update and hopefully it won't disappoint, but there is no way Legend competes with SS at this point.




When will it be possible to play there?


great work


This Biker bar, it is the one Crystal works at?

billy orr

I lost count of the amount of years this tech update has been in progress.


100% agree. It's hilarious that people are still thinking that SS is better, enjoy your 2025 pre-tech update whilst the tracker is still stuck at 80% scrubs


Great update yet again. Really glad we waited a month for more stills (which btw were worked on/completed back in late 2022 for those not aware). I'm sure everyone is really happy that you've given a really in depth update on progress of Tech Update and appreciate that those who don't have time to watch all the live streams are sufficiently informed.


Great but when


The comments section between here and WaL are such a night and day difference.

Auburn Zero

Thanks Dave. I feel like I walk a tightrope between showing my appreciation by asking for more great content, and sounding like I'm complaining (which I'm not).


Looks great 💕


Hopefully tech update is soon


Thank you for the update GMagoo. I wondered how he could be giving new pics but the percentage hasn't gone up a point in how long????


looks rly nice


Will 2023 be the year you finish this game 🥵 ?

Jamal King

I just hope that when all of this update is complete, we get some fire content

Hernan Flores

Im hella excited, im gonna play the whole game all over again when this update comes out


How can I play


Not sure if I downloaded property

Samuele Persichini

I don't want to be mean, but what's taking so long? I check the progress daily and there's barely any change. Don't you have people that work for you, with all the money we give you? I really like you're game, I've been a fan for years, but lately it feels like you're making fun of us. I hope it's just a feeling, tho... Hope we'll get to see the Tech Update soon, we've been waiting for so long... :(


Lowkey got some Gorillaz Floating Lighthouse vibes from these pics lol


news on the update?


I have been playin this game for so long and supported on and off for i dont know how many years .. im seeing perfect updates regarding the game i have no idea why some poeple online are saying its a scam .. i support you dark cookie all the way .. the game you already have now is more than enough to satisfy anyone .. cant wait for what youll release in the future ❤️


they are saying it's a scam because he has earned almost 2 million USD and hasn't released an "official" update in almost 2 years.


averaging around 1% a month, so if you are realistic about it, 2025 at the earliest.

Julian Miranovič Štefanič

I would just like to see an update some time soon. A real update, prim and proper.


how much per month (after he paid the taxes)? Think about it this way


beautiful work on the lighthouse i cant wait to see what's in store for it but as for now i will be removing my sub for the game at least until something more comes out. have been subbed for a few months now and got a handful of new scenes which i appreciate but feel as if i probably could have paid for the game, whenever it comes out.

david onan

cant wait for something new been waiting for months they should unlock all females can get pregnant and you can get with all of them not just a select few

Ralf Krumpas

Now the full update has already "birthday" 1 year of full update time has now passed. But progress is so slow. that I, as a character, didn't want to get pregnant here. It's great that since Christmas there has hardly been any progress. even in the "changes in the last 24 hours" not much is going on. A pity. At the moment, even the best paying "patrons" get nothing for their money. It's a shame.


I’m out. Donating gave me no benefits I could harvest.


agree. It's unbelievable that its been years and barely any girls in the school can be impregnated.


Right. Even the patrons who used to shout down the people "complaining" about the lack of progress have quit.


Turn off or reduce the price of memberships if you're not going to update. You're not thieves, so have some respect for your patrons.

Aaron Heath

I've been a paying patron since Debbie's Route was still in progress. At this point, I'm just gonna cancel and report you guys for fraud as there hasn't been a usable, genuine update in months. Fucking get your shit together.


Game development can be costly and usually takes a great deal of time, even with a large team. I truly like your work, but that tech update has been feeling like forever.


When I left late 2019/early 2020, the tech update was the next step in the roadmap. Still not done, incredible, inexcusable.


Aaaand we all know you're still going to play when it come out.


Over a year and a half since the last actual updated version. Just a bunch of teasers and wallpapers. Complete scam game at this point


It's bot fraud in any way and you are not forced to pay if you have such a problem then way even still have the patreon dumb bitch


If you have a problem about paying then either reducing the payment down to the 1 dollar patreon tier or just cancel your membership


Summertime saga is all hand drawn then coded into the game so to get the amount of detail the game has its going to take time and the last real update was around the first few months of 2021


I forgot i was still pay this. 😂

Travis Nickerson

it constantly says changes have been made but the percentages never changes kind of fishy

Chris W.

Maybe they want to surprise everyone when it finally releases. ;-)


if you look at the list of processes to be accomplished it will become apparent that a change is larger than one line of code. there is a lot to fix. chillax


I keep seeing all for the changes that is supposed to be in the next release, but the status has been on 80% for over five month. When will we see any movement in the status?


I thought new staff was added to help speed up the progress. We still have not seen any changes in the status yet.

C Peter

Its because I feel as though DC is the epitome of procrastination. AAA console games will release a quality adults only dating sim on modern consoles before development has concluded. I've been around for the game since the first Judith bathroom scene AND THAT still hasnt gotten addressed. I mean, she is a shy, insecure, bullied nerd who deserves more than to be giving blowies and tugs in the can. In his defense, there is an incredible amount of potential AND he is a working family man. But how much time that he truly invests into this project is beyond me. But he is now WELL PAID and we demand a quality game that is finished. Hell, I'd go as far to say it is finished, with it being polished and side story arcs being addresed. On top of that, I even offered my writing talents to him for the project, pro bono I might add. To hell with this game, I say. I sank more than 30 dollars into it. I don't feel cheated or like my money wasnt worth it. But DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH...You'll suffocate if you do.


Thx, C Parker for your invite and I also have been playing sine Judith's first stall encounter. But as you said, they are working on furthering her story line, even though there's an option for more. Honestly I am going to be hanging on for a bit longer. I really want to get to prom night. I really like how this game is playing. I have not found a another game anywhere like this one. The animation on this game to me the best I've seen so far. If you know of better or close to this one, please let me know?


When is soon


I find it hilarious that for every negative post you respond to, you get *exactly* 3 likes on each. "Stephanie".


Its a scam because its a scam. Simply as that. Its not easy to to just walk away when over 100$+ spent on a product expecting good faith return since the announcement of the "tech update" which we all voted to prioritize instead of new content. I'm a coder as well. A good one. I work solo. In that 2 years i've updated 4 homegrown major appliances and apps that run billions of $'s in transactions across them all along with dozens of small to large coding/migration projects. Am i special? Not even a little. 2 years is just a lot of time to work on *one single project*. I make really good money....not 2 mil a year like DarkCookie...but good money. Walking away now means those that gave money in good faith get nothing. That sucks. But Dark Cookie looks to be the next "MilfyCIty" dev and watched that go down without repercussions so why not take advantage of your patrons. Its almost impossible not to find a flat out scam artists on patreon anymore.

david onan

give us a release date to look forward to that update please


Seriously is this update being released in 2029 cause that is how long it seems to be taking

david onan

think they fell asleep and forgot to drop a update or something seems all creators are being extremely slow at posting in the last year like what's the point in paying for updates when there is none


Remember when I first found this game , the updates were like with a few months of each other. It seems. Like the devs got greedy . It doesn't bother me any more how long it takes be cause I stopped my pledge a wile ago. I'm sure this game is already finished in it's entirety they are just string it along


why the negativity people????


Thank you for your hard work. I hope to play the new update soon.

Thanh Phong Phạm

they continue to update status for member that have 10$ and 20$ will retrieve more so that not much of the problem. those who 1$ member please wait duel to this time I see they update a lot (they almost remake every thing). So I will wait for 20.17 for new update to see if they correct with promise of a lot of changes. Duel to they tell me few more month so give them around 3 month to see. if not like they promise we could cancel at any time. (Even there bug) please release it too. We could be you QC too you know. I am not good at English if any one hard to understand.


Looking forward to this location in the update! I'll keep my sub to $1 until it's released....

david onan

think they forgot about the update download for the game


Lmao I mean they still do twitch or discord drawinga...they update there more than here


I guess lack of updates on what's going on.. most also don't know they tall more on their discord than they do here


The software isn't compatible with the poco x6 pro The problem is the incompatibility of the Android 14 version