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This is NOT the "Tech Update", but a 3rd small update containing 6 new scenes for various characters already existing in the game. We are still working on the Tech Update in parallel with these new batch of scenes (see progress bar).

If you are a Patron supporting us,  you can access a unique private download link on our website by linking your Patreon account here (OLD SAVES COMPATIBLE BUT SEE BLOEW):


If you are a not a Patron but want to play our latest patch, you will have to wait for our public links to be ready, roughly within 24 hours (OLD SAVES COMPATIBLE BUT SEE BLOEW):



Old saved games:

Many of the new scenes are integrated into existing stories, as a result if you have already completed those stories in your save, you will need to use New Content mode to play them. Hints and (for those that want) instructions to find the new scenes can be found in the in-game changelog (click the version number on the main menu), by clicking on the line marked "Spoilers".


Found a bug? Report here:


Thanks to those supporting us all this time, and those who send us all the feedback. Make sure to watch our daily live stream to see the development!



Changelog 0.20.13 (Pre-tech - Part 3):

New Content:

  • Six new animations (two with two variants).     
  • Integrated to help existing events feel more satisfying.    
  • Includes the addition of an existing character to the Cookie Jar.


  • Small improvements to posing during Eve's "Never Have I Ever" scene.    
  • Minor posing tweaks in Odette buttons.     
  • A slew of minor dialogue alterations for various scenes.

Bug Fixes:

  • Added missing assets to prevent an exception when milking Diane prior to acquiring the cow costume.




Who are the character?


hyped af

Paul Sontaro

Who are the characters?


They never tell us who the characters are lol you have 2 options 1. Figure it out in game yourself 2. Wait for the comments to fill up. *****Correction 3 options lol******


Turn Up, Turn Up, TURN UUUUUPPPPP!!!

Paul Sontaro

Missy gonna be one

Mugi Boy



im just going to wait for the tech update


oh yeah


Main Menu > press "changelog" > press "-Spoilers: Click for hints about triggering the events." there are the names and if u press "Spoil me!" it tells you how to get to the scenes ingame


I hope it's not Jenny and/or Diane, I just got them pregnant. Also Debbie's getting baby fever guys. All these kids running around the house and she doesn't have any.




Can't seem to link my patreon to the site. It won't send me an email verification. Any help?


To Judith!


Hope Debbie gets a pregancy option soon


I can't open it after downloading it


Can't open after downloading on android

Andrew Pybus

Android download isn't .apk


Can't open file

지훈 김

ivy 2 odette 2 Ivanka1 terry with sara 1


Its garbage. Like we have to restart the game again to access theses scenes for 2 side characters and one main character. Really DC.WTF


How can you access the scenes if you've already finished the game?


Thanks for your work and the mini update ! Love and Kindness to you all !


Sigh... The new scenes are nice but I prefer some more story content (side stuff, I know the main is done). The "tech update" has already taken almost a year and still isn't done, and even when it is that's just system/art changes not new story content, so we'll be waiting another 6+ months beyond that for actual story stuff. I'm trying to be optimistic, which is why I haven't cancelled my patreon support, but you gotta give me something more than a few scenes guys. I'm not trying to be pushy, but please...


How do you use new content mode? I have no idea how to use that

Kaden Holder

go to odette when she is alone in the shop thats all i got for now


Unfortunate that this is probably the last pre-tech update addition. I was hoping for any missy content. Still love the product tho


To unlock all scenes after a new update (or the ones you not reached until now) just go to https://wiki.summertimesaga.com/Tools_and_extensions and follow the steps to access the menu. Then press "Unlock all cookie jar scenes". Takes less then 2 minutes.


Kompas is never working, I can't allow it since it doesn't send me an email


I've done this but can't change the unlock all cookie jar scenes to unlock.


Just "Start a new game" there is a 3rd button for "new contend"


Because the rest of the scenes are behind Story you have to do or be at a certain point. Just use new content mode. (But need to have a save at the end of Eves scene for the odette in garage scene)


Nope, one pre tech more. (Or it releases with the Tech update) At least DC said so earlier.


Does someone know what the 2nd scene is that has 2 different variants? I can only find the Odette scene.


On the Android version...cant open the apk file.🤔


I had the same issue, go to play store and download an apk installer, you can install it via there


I had the same issue, go to play store and download an apk installer, you can install it via there


Why cant jenny ever get a tittyfuck scene??? :(

Ron A.

Thank you doing great things. Much appreciated.

Shadow ace

thank u for a great work, can't wait to see what else is coming down the pipe


To be honest, I just want an option for anal sex with Angelina


I'm happy for the new content and I'm excited for the tech update, but this one really seemed a biit dull. Like it would've been best tacked on with the tech update. Like 4 of the 6 feel more like easter eggs to preexisting scenes/story moments and the other two are Odette.


No eve :(


Most of the scenes don't include the main character which was kinda disappointing: ( but new content so can't complain lol, cool update.


dang no new maria scenes :(


...not impressed. Missy, Sister Angelica, someone. Swing and a miss for me. I'd have even accepted the ability to get the women that we couldn't get within the story, don't know why you made us choose in the first place, or even anal scenes with existing women like Debbie, Diane, Jenny, Odette or Grace but this was meh.


Seriously, I love Odette, she's one of the few I'd legitimately wife up given her personality but this wasn't doing it for me and they wasted the librarian's first scenes.

David Brizzolara

Hey idk if it's just me but the android link isn't working. It says can't open file


Again Odette? And Ivy or Terry content? Did anyone ask for that? What a waste of 6 scenes. See you in another 5 months I guess


can someone tell me which are those 6 scene and how to get?

A matrix

This was bad


Yikes...this was a miss but I appreciate the attempt. Please consider the feedback and try to push something else out sooner. This just wasn't it but I'll give you credit for trying to give us something. We just need something else *shrugs*


Go to Odette in the garage in the morning and in the parlor at night. The other 4 are earlier in Iwanka, Diane, Jenny, and Roxie's story line.


I'm happy we got new content in general, but I am bummed 4 of the scenes were just little Easter eggs more than they were scenes. Like I probably wouldn't have realized they were new content if I wasn't looking for them


I can't download the android version, even I update my payment.


I’m confused on what to do…

Billy bounce

I'm really thankful for the update to at least see you're working on the game but I have to agree with a lot of people in the comments that this is probably one of the weakest updates I've played thus far. Yes I'm aware its not a real build and just adding scenes but this wasn't even as good as the last batch. What are you guys doing the polls for? That's not really a sarcastic comment as much as an actual question because I thought the polls were to help gauge what people like in the game and specifically for the character polls to be a way for us to vote on who's in the batch of new scenes in these mini updates leading up to the tech update. Also like many mentioned the Tech update is mostly just that, a technical update not a new build or story. You may release some scenes with it but we'll still have to wait around another half a year for the real next full story build. That's not an exaggeration and I never complained about the bi annual releases because they are PHENOMENAL quality. I love the art! The sex scenes and romance storylines are often top tier and I've become very engaged with several characters. But now we haven't gotten a real update in a very long time. I didn't really even care about the main storyline that you finished in the last real build as much as I cared about the other character storylines aside from the main story. Personally this update was very disappointing for me but I also realize that everyone's taste is different. One of the six scenes really didn't feel like a scene with the hentai. I wasn't a huge fan of the art in that one either even though I love all of your other art in the game. The Pink scenes were like the bikini contest scene which were fine but I literally did nothing. At least when watching Debbie and Diane you can control them as if you were involved. This along with the blueball head from Odette felt like I was getting cuckolded with almost all of the new scenes except for the boobjob. Like we just watched everyone else get laid haha. I'm not mad but the comments lately seem to be getting a higher percentage of frustration then normal with people feeling that they're tired of making excuses for the lack of real content lately. I honestly felt the tech update should have been done after all of the other content and character stories were done in the game. Like a remastered version. But I also don't know about the technical aspect going into making this game. Idk maybe the tech update IS necessary for like having enough space to actually include all of the content in the game without it crashing. All I can tell you is a viewers perspective and from and outside perspective it looks a lot like you're milking money out by releasing the remastered version of the game before the game is even finished. Like if GTA V (not online) had half of it's story and content available on release and said they were working on the remastered edition that would take a couple years before starting work on the 2nd half of the game you already bought. Not even a cyberpunk situation. Like if Cyberpunk released a special edition before going back and giving the finished product. Remaster should come last. But once again I realize that's unfair because I'm from the outside looking in. But that's what it feels like and I hope you can understand that and take it constructively. This update almost felt like a middle finger. I know that wasn't intentional but here's an example. You have polls that are supposed to choose who's everyon'es favorites to appear in the pre-tech update. Odette has been teasing a threesome or at least the player watching her have sex with Eve for multiple builds now. For over a year that's been on a player's mind. We get this update with seemingly almost none of the characters we seemed to vote to see (lol I didn't even know the Pink store clerk's name was Ivy haha). This update has two scenes the player is actually the one having sex and one of them we don't even get to finish and get blueballed. I'm not saying this to be a jackass haha I'm really trying to show you how easy it is for a player to perceive this update. You even had an update on which aspects of the game we valued most and romance, storylines, and sex scenes were in the top 3. I'm not saying I believe that you're doing this as a middle finger to be petty towards fans as you milk money as long as possible with this game. I get it's not that. But you can see how your fans can start to feel that way after time with situations like this. Personally I'd love an update for like 3 different characters but with a very small storyline like with Odette in the crypt. Eve seems to be a fan favorite and she's my personal favorite haha. I'd love mini storyline update with just Eve and Odette threesome or Eve and Roxxy threesome scenes. Not just another option for a new sex scene but an actual mini storyline like the crypt. I don't mind waiting but it would be much easier if you guys used the feedback we give in the polls and comments to give us substantial mini pre-tech updates until the tech update comes. Then we can appreciate the hard work done on the tech update and be able to wait the inevitably long wait necessary for a legit storyline build. Please guys just listen to the feedback I really do mean this in a constructive way and in the end this may make the game more successful. Good luck and I hope you guys get back in everyone's graces.


I think it's great to add more scenes like these for the sake of content diversity. I mean, people cry all the time, but if they could, they would vote for Eve, Jenny, Debbie and Diane again and again. This is much, MUCH better. And I think all the scenes for Tech update should've been in this spirit. Making additional content for characters with small number of scenes. Because... it's great to have 30+ characters in Cookie Jar, but if the majority of them has like 1 scene, it's pretty awkward. I'd like to see scenes of characters like Micoe, Josephine, Missy and other interesting but underrated characters, just so the game would have more variability. Vox populi is not everything. Make the content you imagine, not the content others demand. So please, don't listen to these dickheads. They are depressed, because Tech update is taking too long and because there was no scene of their homo-dream Eve.

Bryant Reed

I liked the update! i had been complaining like everyone else in the past few months about the lack of updates. But we got a new update! its not hella content but they are still working the tech update. beggers cant be chosey. This is what we were asking for! If we complain now guys we look like cry babies. also side note, i believe if everyone had hindsight for how long the tech update was gonna take, they would have picked the rhonda update next. i voted for rhonda over the tech update. Just saying. Keep up the good work!


I don't know who the hidden character is. Does anyone know?


I downloaded it and I can't play it it still says that is 2.0.12


whenever i try to use kompas i get "Unexpected response from Patreon API" error?


I log into my patreon through Kompas and it always says I need to verify my email address and that I should check my spam folder but I've checked so many times and I never receive the verification email


I haven't played the new scenes out yet, but I want to say I still have great support for you and your team. You told us it was going to take a while for the tech update, and that's all you can do. I, like many others who support the hell out of you, understand the amount of time and effort you're putting into this. And I think even those who are complaining know when the update is released, it will be the same quality as all the other ones because you guys take your time. I mean think about the triple A studios with millions upon millions of dollars in their budget who crap out unfinished unpatched messes because they don't give their people enough time to finish everything. But everything you put out is gold because you have time. And you still do. And I as a fan will still wait patiently because you deserve our support for all of your hard work.

John W Northmore

Why aren't my saves compatible again It's no fun having to start again everytime!!!


it seems that i cant acess the patreon download. never send me the email


Anyone else can got an issue with turning the wrench


Dio cane, godo!


Scenes with Ivy and Iwanka are complete shit. Disappointing update.


Ok, I give up. I can't find any of the new scenes. There's a chance I found one but I don't know if it IS a new scene or if its one I just don't remember. Please help.


Scene were awful in this update besides the goth chick


I'm couplete Eve Diane Jenny Route, so how to see a new scene?


Support any early access game and the same will happen.


Go to Main Menu > Changelog > Spoilers > Expand.


Check your gallery,goth chick got 2 new scenes the red head to the far left got 2 scenes and and 1 new cookie jar girl


saved files didn`t work, the scenes are a bit disappointing and after complete de main route i get stuck after hearing debbie screaming downstairs appreciate the effort but i'll wait for the tech update


To be honest


The SKIP function does not work when selecting to play a new game and going right to the new content. Not good at all.


Love this update, fuck the haters. Odette is as sexy as ever, awesome teaser to Ivy's new design, Jane and Veronica, and nice action from the Captain with his gf. Eager for the next updates.


Well said, I also wanted a story update first, and the tech update last. Funny how people complain.

Bill R Pearson

Do you have a rough eta for the tech update as of yet?


Can Debbie be the next update? At this point she is so disrespected


Sorry how do I access "new Content" Mode?


Old saves won't function whilst game is in Alpha, easier just starting new with new content


Nice work DC/Sploosh/Stray, huge fan of the Sara/Captain scene and Odette's BJ. Definitely helped flush out more of the story with all these additions.

Paulo Invasao_jp2012

So much time for a bundle of insignificant scenes. Very little comes as an offense to patrons and fans in general.


how can i complete brutget story ? its stuck on (go to the gym and train) how can i fix it ?


What is taking you guys so long to finish the new tech update if you don’t mind me asking !?

Daniel Mallett

I was just watching "Transylvania 6-5000" is that where you got the idea for Odette?


Such a great game! Hope to see many more scenes with Odette and Sara! (hope the MC hooks up with Sara)


Who is the new girl?


how do you get the new scenes?


Now the cash cows got some hay so that they continue to give milk. see you at halloween with pre tech update 4 and 3 more scenes.


a suggestion for the build team would be to include a way to tell what you have already downloaded like windows or linux into the files that is easy to read and understand.


Suppose the small dose of copium is better than nothing...


Thank you very much :)


waiting for a new save


I want MC to fuck Sara come on!!

Randy Daytona

Odette additions are double plus good. 👍


Your comment doesn't make sense. You can set the Skip parameters in options (skip unseen/transitions etc.) which has nothing to do with the update.


4 months wait on an update and that's what we get


I think the speed of game development is slower than people think. And it's not like we paid $700 for a Star Citizen Ship ;). Let's let them make the game and be happy that we get pretty regular updates.


what charaters has the new scenes


How can I unlock Ivy new scenes


it's terry and miss sara. during roxxxy's storyline at the bikini contest you go to the guard tower to get the lotion and get to see them go at it.


Nice update guys! Keep up the great work! Waiting for that tech update! Kind regards!


Cool update, but I have a small question, which scenes have two variants ? I saw the variant for the Odette one, but I just can't find the other one with variant ?


Is MC ever going to get to use the bed, for sex after buying the Beach Place?


you have to start a new game + and select the third options with says "new content" then go to the mall and get the outfit, before leaving click on the "door to the backroom". Then repeat the next day for the vibrator.


Yes. There is a huge harem update planned. But first, they need to finish all individual school-girls stories (Rhonda, Annie, Judith), rework old ones (Mia, Eric, teachers, Roxxy), and only after that they can focus on Harem and Dating updates.


Really love the new scenes with Odette the most in this update. Makes me want more of her. She's so hot. Never thought I'd love an original character from a fan this much. Awesome work.

Mr. S

Wonder if the Tech Update will be done in 2022.....


Just a deep question for Dark Cookie. Have you thought of the games you would make after you finish Summertime Saga?


thanks for the little 'tech' update :p


jane and ivy on the massage table! wow

Tyler Lockrow

This tech update has been going on for 11 months. Lol


When is the scene with Annie?


we should be able to knock everyone up


Jane, Lucy, and Beth...please! I don't understand why Jane hasn't happened yet, Lucy just because she needs some relief from her punk assed husband. And Beth because she is simply full figured yumminess! She deserves some personal glazing like the donuts!


So, what's wrong with the download? It fails every time I attempt to download.

vincent pasquariello

cool hears a idea have a option for transgender eve fuck the players ass,


Fun little update. But made me realize the game definitely NEEDS more content between MC and Sara!!!


So when’s the real update coming out…


Really want to see more done with Judith's story


Jane's is long overdue and it's take time for it to be made for us


We've been dying to see more of Jane...


gonna be honest im waiting for Judith and her Mom... big bountiful curvy wenches


Pls, just ONE ir TWO scenes for mia

Hernan Flores

hey cookie i was wondering when summer time would be available for ios?

Korben Fracture

Are you still working on the German translation? The game is now version 0.20.13 and the translation is still 0.20.11 So all new dialogues are still in English. Anything else coming?


stuck at ivy scenes unable to get maid uniform 😫 pls help

Jamal King

Scenes that you can’t replay like odette on the roof are pointless


No meu não está aparecendo os novos locais..


So 6 new scenes 2 with 2 variants . I've unlocked all 6 scenes and only 1 of the variants (odette roof & shop). which other one has 2 variants?

Allen Lewis

Where can I see the daily updates and livestream?


gotta say lol - you get a sense of accomplishment i wasnt expecting with this lol


Lmao 1% progress in over a month. This only gets worse and worse. At this rate the tech update is set to release in 2025 if we're lucky


when tech upd release?


I really like this project, but I have to say the amount of money being made a month does not fit the progress being made on a platform like this. I hate to say it because I like it, but I'm sadly very skeptical this isn't just turning into a money grab.


Interesting take. DarkCookie just wants to make a game on his terms, and that is his choice. Why would he be forced to become some huge company if that isn't his goal? He makes his choice to keep the team small, you make your choice by pledging money.


Hope they are fine health wise


I second this, and Nobody is forcing you to continue to pledge to DC; I'm here for the long run. Even if DC decides to stop Summertime Saga, I fully support him and his team. His mental health comes over everything else; without DC and having his mental stability is good, we wouldn't even have this game.

Gustave DeLior

i don't think so. There are a large number of staff and of contributors, understandably they would need to be paid on at least a monthly basis, That would be at least (if not more) half of that a month, add in other expenses and they might be putting away 18k to 12k a month, which isn't a bad padding for such a project.


Could be worse... at least we actually get a functional game outta this, regardless of how much you give... it ain't exactly the next star citizen.

Forró Richárd

Feb 19 to Mar 22 end 1% Bravo!👏👏👏👏


A month and no updates, come on fellas


It's called iterative development. Even good design can apply these practices. Read an agile book!


hey, is there any code or something i can load the save, i switch computers


Do I need to start a new game to see the new scenes


well, you are not wrong, but that's what you get when you want content they create. My suggestion, cancel your subscription and come back in a year?

Francis paramaguru

I am a new addict to the game. Am enjoying it very much but lately it seems to revert scenes on certain characters. I like the sex scenes but it's too quick, no foreplay from the main character. It's straight sex except when Jenny was involved. The Guy should make use of his carnal knowledge on the others, he he especially with eve, mainly rimming. The other thing is the scene when grace finds out she is pregnant and no info after that, in my game anyway, like I said he game seems to revert or change outcomes. Other than that well done. PS, Hoping for sex with the coach, he he




Need to enable pregnancy for Roxy Misty and Becca


i don’t care about the preg part. i would rather have more sex position options and places for all three. the mall, basketball court at night, park, woods, etc


I hope we get more pregnancy related content for old characters, cause that's what i like about this game, it makes the sex scenes feel somewhat significant and impactful.

Wolf gang

I'm new here so I'm just going to say it, eve is my favourite character and second is roxy and I feel like that need more to there story.


I want a "nyc DLC" where you can travel to new york and maybe bring in a girl or 2 to move in to your house. Idk maybe more stuff to use your money on. Or gambling


how do I know what version of the game I got?


If using the windows version, go to downloaded files. the title of the file should show the version, like 20.12, etc


current update is 20.14. it appears to be available at the summertime saga site. not sure why you want 20.13.


Why just a Kompas loading screen on Android?


Its not you just have to wait and be patient it takes a bit