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With the new widescreen map and its new locations being added, we created some of the art for the front entrances that you can visit. Most of these won't have much content in the tech update, but will be used shortly after (Rhonda's update). All the old locations have been extended already to fit in the new widescreen res.

Got sick 3 times in a row and had some delays on making Patreon posts, but I've kept on working and streaming (most days).

More backgrounds to show soon and more posts incoming!




Oooo the arcade, hope to see more nerdy girls


I am in love


Does all scenes are updated? I want Debbie's older scenes to be updated to new ones


FuuuuuuuuKING FIRE!


Nice 👍🏼


sweet can't wait!


Get better King, the game is worth the wait.

Ean Lake

Take care of yourself, I appreciate all your hard work


Sorry you’ve been getting sick, I hope your feeling better now


Sorry you been sick but awesome


Your the best

Brandon Cheatham

Freaking nice bro, keep up the great work, lol Love GreatGalaxy


Hopefully this post will answer and shut up the people going nuts over it taking time. I really don't understand why they think this update should be faster when It's basically a top to bottom rework while adding new content on top of that.




Take care of yourself brother

Mugi Boy (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-20 20:53:10 can't wait to the full update, ronda chapter will be fire, thanks for the hard work DC and team <3
2021-11-11 04:50:12 can't wait to the full update, ronda chapter will be fire, thanks for the hard work DC and team <3

can't wait to the full update, ronda chapter will be fire, thanks for the hard work DC and team <3


I wish you a speedy recovery.


Bro I love this game man...I had to redo a few times but man I'm glad I haven't caught up yet... I wish he aint wear slippers all the time lol


Get well soon. DC


Yeah having an outfit selection would be a nice optional feature to have


Playing basketball with flip flops makes me laugh everytime


any of these locations going to be available as wallpapers (I'm a lighthouse enthusiast and would love this as a legit wallpaper for my PC)


I dont understand i download and open codes


This is just getting better and better. The fun seems to have no end. You're doing great, DC - keep up the good work and get well soon. Cheers!


Love the new locations cannot wait to see the tech update


I have a question, does this game work on iPad?


Nice :)))


Ah ok that's a different look - I thought they were flip flops or as we call then here "Jandals" which is a trade name. Not all brands have the big toe loop - I have a pair that just loop over the foot arch.


Totally the best computer game I've ever played - and it's an adult themed one as well - stay healthy Dark Cookie and you and you small team keep up your great work.


Apple doesn't allow this type of game download apparently - lots have comments on this to date.


Definitely worth the wait and keep up the fantastic work!!!

Daniel Mallett

Amazing as always, take good care of yourself!


Sorry to read you weren't well, hope you feel better now and that you're not over-exhausting yourself in getting back to work too soon, take all the time you need to get well buddy


Excellent content dc it would be good if you could implement a wardrobe so you could change clothes for the the mc just a idea keep up the good work and look after yourself 😀


Lighthouse looks like where you take that special someone

Biff Edwards

And fighting Dexter with flip flops (well, slide sandals, really). Same amount of ridiculousness....... hahahahaha.


looking good :) 1 question, this game is come to steam store? i want to buy it there to :D


Looks good. I'm sure my grandchildrens grandchildren will enjoy this update


This is good and all but if there's a team working on this project your absence shouldn't have made that huge of a difference. Progress has been stagnate for 2 months smh. Y'all have to do better smh or stop lying to the public a out whats really going on.

Darren S

Just a reminder that the Tech Update is a top to bottom rework of the entire codebase. DC handles the art.


This looks awesome, hope you're feeling better.


Why be an ass about it? Appreciate what they do or just do it yourself.


Nobody cares about your opinion, go play something else if you're so frustrated you have to come here and bitch about one of the best VN's patreon has to offer.


Nobody cares about your opinion, go play something else if you're so frustrated you have to come here and bitch about one of the best VN's patreon has to offer.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-20 20:53:07 can't wait for the next updates &lt;3
2021-11-11 13:55:43 can't wait for the next updates <3

can't wait for the next updates <3


Very nice 😊


That sounds good! I hope you are feeling better already. Take care of yourself and stay safe


Wow this little town has everything

Paul Beck

Rock n' Roll stay Shiny!!! 🤠👍

Mark Blythe

Really loving the game have been playing a while


Seem like forever!!!!! How much longer???


Seem like forever!!!! But it's worth the wait..... LOVE this game!!!!


And your opinion carries more weight than mine shut the fuck up. The last time I checked I have the freedom to speak on whatever I feel like. Don't commit on my shit if you don't like what I say little bitch.


The 'Pre-tech' update was literally less than a month ago. You're the one that's lying. And while, yes, you can say whatever you want, everyone is just as free to criticise your opinion - sorry - utter bullshit whining so telling them to shut up is hypocritical. You're moaning about a free game with an optional buy-in. Don't like it? Opt out.


Update apk plead


Nice, looks amazing! can't wait to see the new story u got for us:)


Something tells me that bar has a Bucking Bronco ride hidden in the back somewhere. :D


Is so good


I am so glad that you guys don't get distracted and I am also so happy that you are almost done with the tech update! thumbs up - bigtime

Dark Hours

i'm so naughty for the next Update and i love the Game


It is incredible that you have 29,476 Patreons but isn't it time you finished Summertime Saga and started a new project ? Maybe Wintertime Saga, set in Aspen ?


I love how it all looks so far. You have done a good job! Good luck in making good progress.


Always nice to have some new locations

Justin N.

please oh please let there be bowling mini games.

Andrew Bonilla

Sorry u got sick, but glad ur hanging strong like a champ 🔥

Syahmi Haziq

Some things are just worth the wait. Summertime Saga is one of them.


Hopefully we get a bowling partner, or team. Like the Russians are trying to become part of the community post main story and Nadya/Svetlana asks you to play on the team to teach the team/help the locals feel more comfortable around them. You get the occasional call/text on your phone reminiscent of GTA 4: HEY NIKO, LET'S GO BOWLING!!! Give us opportunities to get with some of the Russian girls on the side since Nadya is so territorial. Plus I imagine it'll function as a date night location.


looking forward to all this. Thanks y’all


I'm sure my grandchildrens grandchildren will enjoy this update


I love the bar style


This is going so slow that I'm stating to feel like I'm being scammed.


I'm a Patreon member and how do I get the new map and I did download where they said to go to but still no new map


You’ll have to wait for the full Tech update for the map. DC only sent the game with new game dialogues, for the characters. The Tech map isn’t even ready yet.


Currently Tech update is 61% complete. It looks like posing and putting all the characters on the new rig is a bigger job than had been expected


OMG. This is going so slow. I feel like I should complain about it on here so that people will acknowledge my dissatisfaction and I can feel some sort of moral high for going full Karen on here. Just Kidding, Take your time Dark cookie and give us a good final product, I hate when things get rushed and fall short of what people want vs. taking the time to make sure it works well.


bruh I've been wanting that for ever 😂 getting kinda tired of MC wearing the same white tshirt and slides everyday


Really hope DC implements a wardrobe at some point. MC being the sigma pussyslayer in his white tshirt and slides is funny af but I definitely wanna switch it up sometimes


ohhhh the "i got sick again" excuse, at this point you should be getting sick every day untill this update ends, maybe in 2023 shoulnt get our hopes up


Hey, you are all doing fantastic work. Take your time and make sure its how you want it to be and I am sure we will all love it


If there is no reference of a cousin who likes to go bowling I will be very disappointed


Hey man, Love what you have been putting out so far but when comparing your budget to other projects it seems a bit weird that we have to wait this long on an update that gives about 3 hours gameplay. Many respects to you and your team, I mean I love the game so far but your communication regarding the date of release for updates seems to be lacking a bit. I mean I don't mind waiting but the waiting is made easier by a clear release date.

Bryant Reed

you can tell there is more people complaining about the long release times than defenders of DC by looking at the likes on comments. Negative or critical comments tend to average over 10 likes. Positive/defensive comments average 3 likes.


You can tell that by examining single digit responses on a project with 30,000 backers?


Why does a release date matter? DC says when it’s ready he will release it. To his standard, not your timeline. As for what he makes or what his budget is, what business is it of yours? When did you appoint yourself manager of someone else’s finances?


how do i unlock widescreen im new to this


Don’t get me wrong people. I’m itching to play this too. Especially since I haven’t touched this game for multiple updates and still won’t til Annie is put in, but a game that takes its time to be properly prepared is a lot better than one that’s rushed. Take cyberpunk for example. That game came out and had and still has multiple bugs and issues. I know y’all are losing patience, but please try to give it some more time and don’t rush it.


We have to wait for Tech update to complete before the widescreen backgrounds and map are available. Tech Update - 61% complete: 270 Tasks, Art[84/91] 92%, Posing[16/40] 40%, Writing[23/26] 88%, Code[44/113] 38% (20 Nov 2021)


Remember when they said there would be an update every four months and the tech update was only going to take six months if it was voted for? Yeah what happened to that?


not sure i remember it that way. DC posts his information here, can you reference a date where he posted that?


I’m hoping I get a chance to rail Annie’s mom, that woman needs some orgasms in her life! Also Judith, when will I get to drive that ass into the ground!?


February 2, 2020 Would you be willing to post-pone a future update by 1 or 2 months in order to switch Summertime Saga to widescreen resolution? It would mean extending (make them bigger) all backgrounds, including locations/minigames/sex scenes/etc.  The upside of making this change: The game would fit better on mobile device (and most screens). Backgrounds and environments would look nicer. Characters would have more room on screen. The downside of making this change: We would need to pause the development for a month or two while we fix all backgrounds and animations to fit the new widescreen resolution.


December 3,2020 tech update poll that was voted in: The current 0.20.8 update is doing well and once it is released, we have to think of what is next! For those who watch the daily stream, you've most likely heard me talk about a potential "tech update" that would convert Summertime Saga into widescreen, expand the map a bit and solve a lot of gameplay issues.  The game needs this, but it requires a bit of time to implement and the sooner we do it, the better. However, that would obviously mean that we push back the Rhonda update. Both update choice will take roughly the same amount of time (3 to 4 months) to complete.  The benefit of the tech update is that it solves issues now, instead of more to fix later (but also adds some sex scenes to existing characters). The benefit of Rhonda's update, is a lot of new story content. Make sure you read all the content for both updates and cast your vote! Thanks for your input ^-^ <3 -DC


May 14,2020 0.20.5 Status update: We're working on the new update tasks and planning to see how we can best release the content. One of the things we plan on doing is  break up the 2nd half into 2 smaller releases. This means we would release the content in 2 months increments, instead of 4. DC claims he releases content every four months right in that last sentence. In the previous two posts he first said it would take 1-2 months for the wide screen conversion and in the following vote for the tech update he said 4 months so I figured it would be 6 months going back to those two posts. how long has DC been working on the tech update now since March right? That’s 8 months now. I get he got sick but just like everyone here we are providing income to him for this game(investing in the game) all I want is honesty from DC regarding his timelines if it’s going to take a year to year and a half then say that don’t just throw a number on there and hope for the best. Provide your patrons with a realistic timeline converting artwork from the ground up to widescreen takes time I get that. Just be honest with us. DC is a great game designer and Summertime Saga is an awesome game. With that said I foresee it being June by the time we get that update with how long it’s taken since March.

Bryant Reed

my own OP is a great example of my theory. my OP is double digits likes, the first reply defending DC, single digit likes


yes he did. well done. however, it is still DC’s game until he thinks it’s ready to release. so trying to pin him down to a date when he’s focused on quality just feels like whining. as soon as it’s ready for release, he will release it. fussing about it ain’t helping.


ohja das stimmt

Allen Lewis

Annie is after Rhonda, which happens after the tech update, so over a year for Annie, probably. Judith is after Annie.


"Don't matter who did what to who at this point. Fact is, we went to Tech and now there ain't no goin' back. I mean, shit, it's what code is, you know? Once you in it, you in it. If it's a line, then we code on that line. But we gotta code"-Slim Charles


currently 0.04% OP 0.02% reply, tiny fractions both


i'm looking forward to veronica's story, shes too cute. ;)

Chalupa Batman

I don’t mind the wait if only you’d communicate well really anything. You put status updates pretty much quarterly. That’s piss poor performance especially with a nearly $100k of monthly revenue. And worse you hide these updates behind pay walls. If you were proud of your performance we surely know about it. Just look at the number of people dissatisfied with the flow of information. This is a commercial endeavour… treat it as such


nobody is being forced to donate to this game. You can sit around and wait for free if you like or you can dump money and sit around and wait as well. Not a hard choice in my book.


Bryant Reed there are always more whiners than supporters. It's the norm nowadays. Keep whining though it ain't gonna get it done any faster.


Nobody is being forced to donate to this game. Don't like the waiting, then leave. It's done when it's done and whether you donate 25 a month or you donate nothing, you'll have the same wait.


What will be the use of the Supersaga Digital Webcam? :p

Chalupa Batman

Wow so you’re DC!! Amazing! Shut up. If the creators don’t want the hassle then stop taking our money. If you want the money at least at like it’s your job. And furthermore if you can’t even see these as legitimate complaints then you keep squawking


I too would like more content in each update, but the team also have families and lives beyond the game development. I'm very happy with their efforts and results. Great job guys.


Sorry you were sick. Glad you are better. Drink more homebrew; stay healthy.


It's not the commercial endeavour you think it is. That one comes with a share certificate.

Simon Quinn

glad your better keep up the great work.... stay safe and healthy

David Abbott

Health should not be neglected, look after yourself before anything else. Why no 3somes with Roxy, Becca also Tina, Maria?

loic tells everything

Does anyone have an ETA on the update for the tech update when is it going to roll out


Fantastic artwork


I have three notes 1 Arabic 2 Sex with the principal and assistant 3 Yoga and her assistant


How can I finish my school instructor's duties

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 15:56:31 So fun to have an Arcade &amp; bowling in the game, i hope we can play mini games
2022-03-28 08:01:30 So fun to have an Arcade & bowling in the game, i hope we can play mini games

So fun to have an Arcade & bowling in the game, i hope we can play mini games


SOOOooooo!!! what happened!!??!! It has been way longer than 2 months........ I am waiting???? THIS SHOULD BE GOOD!!!!!!


Damn.......!!!!! my ball are getting BLUE already.........


THAT'S BULL SHIT!!!! Tell the people what you are doing and how long it will take and keep your word ; and you can keep your money flowing and gain more patrons!!!!