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Status update (0.18):

0.18 is getting close to wrapping up. I'm done the art and will resume daily streams working on future content for 0.19.  Posing and writing are also wrapping up their last tasks. Coding is right behind us and will tackle remaining bugs. The only thing left will be animation. There's a few we're waiting on and as soon as 

Extra Jenny content (0.18.5):

We've been talking about adding a few extra scenes to Jenny's story that give extra options in the endgame and debated releasing it in 0.18 or after. Those scenes all require animations (which takes time), so we may not be able to release them in 0.18, so we will release them shortly after in a 18.5 update while we work on Eve's 0.19. That way the team can move onto doing Eve's update while we wait on the animations for it. Once we get them we can release the expanded Jenny ending.

Character improvements:

Attached to this post are some additional character improvement's we've been doing for the past month! We also added them to the new optimised rig system (along with the art improvements!).


This coming week I will be resuming the daily streams and start work on Eve's 0.19 art! See you on Picarto! <3





We're already waiting, so might as well do the 18.5 now IMO.


Still not gonna bother playing until we can transfer save files.


I love how whenever you post updated artwork on characters I get an insta-Boner. Kudos, good people, kudos.


When is it coming on iPhone


Awesome 😍


Digging the cleavage DC.


LOVE the improved boob windows man, LOVE EM!!


0.18 new game download


You realize apple is strict against adult oriented content right? Most likely never.


Great can't wait to see the new stuff


Apologies if this has already been covered but would we see some nun action?


more than 200.000 dollars for this shit? thanks but... no thanks xd


I'm loving how each character's body curves are shown more through their clothing. Only thing I'll miss is that emphasis on the nuns chin. Kind of a small detail but I liked it

Bruce Wayne

That's great! I was hoping you would decide to polish Jenny's story a bit more with the expanded scenes before you released it! Can't wait DC! &lt;3


I agree, and since save files aren't compatible (yet) many would have to play through it twice. I personally don't mind but I'd like a full Jenny update at once. This is the update I've been waiting for since forever :) Hyped as hell


Great work DC, keep it up!


Body shaming at its finest.

Johnathon Grosse

I'm definitely looking forward to seeing all of the improvements.


No wedding ring on Mrs. Smith?


Ou yes! &lt;3

Robert Whitsell

I guess my question would be, when is the expected release. You've stated you are close to release of 1.8, but no actually expected date to look forward to? What is the date you expect to complete 1.8?


Hmm I like the new faces but the clothes are way less detailed than befor. I mean look at the teacher, theres is no stress on them even though they contain boobs as huge as her head.


No dates ever given, go to the overview pane and check the % done, or go to the kompas site and check the roadmap/dev progress


So no more crack head Jenny? (°~°)


While I am waiting for a continuation of Jenny’s story, she is far from my favorite character. I would like to see a furthering of Roxxy’s story, especially a final declaration of love. I guess I am a hopeless romantic and I find her character arc the best written. Will there be any more pregnancy possibilities other than Daisy and Diane?


All the girls you can dick will be preg 1 day, this includes previous girls like Roxxy and notmom ....

Cliff Hanger

Further Mia's story please.


i can wait till the animation are finished, that way we will not have to to start a new game again for a update in 0.18


Fountain of Youth. That's OK for me. They look better like this.


Sorry if this has been answered before. Any plans on adding voice actors to the game later down the road??


I’ll be honest if 0.18.5 takes another few months to make it will definitely feel like you’re padding out the game just to make money from patreons. This is coming from someone who’s supported for a while.


when to downloading summertime saga 0.18


This SPAMMER needs to be removed.


I still like the old nun design but great work


Love the new designs &lt;3 I am hyped for next update!


Ok so here we go. Its been over 4 months since the last upuate, most likely at least another month until 0.18 releases and its not even full release!! Are we even getting any new content or just slightly changed old art and content? Because the way this update is worded we're getting no new scenes and we'll have wait another 5 or 6 months to update the update. Lmao what joke! Seriously what s this? I play other renpy games that update monthly with plenty of new content and you know what they make thousands and thousands of dollars less then you a month. Seriously you guys make $51,918/month!!! You have all that for resources yet you trickle out content its ridiculous and its getting worse with every update. You guys should feel embarassed about how much you make versus what you deliver.


I kind of prefer the old version of Principal Smith. Why? because there was less cleavage. Don't get me wrong, can't have too much cleavage. But in the Principal's case, if there were less cleavage in her daily attire, her bust line would seem more impressive on the rare occasions we do see it. Just my $0.02.


love the redesigns. keep up the good work. Your my favorite type of cookie


Nice work boss, please release soon as possible, can't wait more for this masterpiece

David Mohr

Wanna bang the principal now.


Make it soon bro we've waited much than we can wait


Principle, Nun, and Beth lookin' good with this update Edit: I guess Seth Rogen is too lol


I wonder how many lamborghinis Darkcookie has in his driveway


That's half body guy. Is that a pewdiepie reference? xD


make a louncher for the game PLS!! coz i dont want to download the game over and over &lt;3


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


I want to see wat DC Will do with Maria


you need more time to play games on stream with people money?


would be nice to see those, but when you have to go through 3-4 different links and get asked to install 9 different programs/addons... just not worth it


Use adblock &amp; pop-up blocker, don't click any ads and you'll be fine...


The softer shading and slight redesign is working well in the faces, but the clothing has lost some of it's definition and sharp detail. Optimally I'd want to see those new heads on the old bodies. I liked the old heavy look of the Principal's rack, for instance. Now they look more inflated and balloon-like.

Cinnamon Cookie

it is funny how animation has become bottleneck somehow...I can't help but think AEHentai is someone's nephew or close friend, otherwise its embarrassing that he cannot work at normal pace ,or maybe he doesnt have hardware or something? Still, it's a shame that we are getting only 1 new scene at best because this guy cannot render animation quickly enough, but i guess this is how it is when you hire someone by being acquainted

Gray Metal Fox

I like the new revised artwork on Principal Smith.


Good thing AE only does this game, no commisions/other projects and he's helping 24/7 ....


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Nathan Weber

Nice. I like how you're tightening up their designs.


Wish we could fuck the principal


Will this game ever actually be finished? (spoilers: It wont)


Someday sometime far far into the future


If this update is as shallow and incomplete as the last one I'm pulling my money. This is frustrating. I feel like we're getting conned.... So it will be another 3 months to get 0.18.5 which should be in this one? So they will make another $150k for 2 more scenes? Yeah this is shady as fuck.


why do they keep fucking up perfectly good characters?


So what about Vanilla M/M


This update has to be the longest one so far yeah? And for a Jenny update only? Shit, even the patrons are complaining about this one. I hope that this update will satisfy the needs of the patrons. 4 months man.. almost half a year. Free supporter here. Fight me. Also, 121st day without summertime saga: I have learned how to use gravitational force.


Gotta admit the ladies look hot af with mega boobies and cleavage. 50/50 on the looks. But hey, they kept changing it because of the sex scenes animation. Soon it'll happen to Helen and Mia. Movie ticket guy looks more like Seth Rogen for some reason.


Ikr. It's better if we were near a black hole, by then it's still 0.2X something and still far from 1.0 release yet because the polls don't matter.


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


P.S. looks like the Principal redesign suggest there might've added another story half-done. Probably some nude scenes. We can only hope.


Finally I was waiting for an update ! Can't wait to play more of summertime saga !


Oh wow, this news has made them lose about 4k $ in patreon money. People finally realizing the team is taking it way too easy because of how much money they make :/


Yes, it has nothing to do with it being the 1st day of the month, where every declined/unpledged stacks up all at once ...... It's 100% tinfoil hat theory like you said

tee galaxy

almost here yeah


i'm with you Trevor Black.


Any chance we may see another Jenny Wallpaper?

Bruce Wayne

I much prefer the team taking their time with this one. Diane update was rushed and came out sooner than usual but the story was poor and it didn't add much to it anyway. Jenny is my favorite character and I don't want them rushing this one!


I cant wait for you to only add a single scene for months of work, while also taking away a scene. So excited!


I also agree that I hope they get this update right.. The Diane update was by far the worse in terms of story line and overall content. They took the milking H-scene from the shed and moved it to the barn... The only true new scene was the 3 some with Debbie and the cow girl... Everything else was lot of bloated stuff that led to nothing. Also the dialogue and story was poor. Hopefully 0.18 will be better or as good as Roxy's update.


Many inconsistencies with the Diane update. Wish DC would have 'created' a bedroom for Diane where she can live rather than sleeping on the couch. That way you could see Diane in her bedroom alone at night. You can do 3some by adding option to Debbie. Also when you do Debbie on the couch.. Where is Diane at night?


Can you add the blood on this update?


Like blood when you lose your virginity?


What is main story?


Find out who killed your father, get $ for school and invite a girl to the prom (including notmom)


When l can get update 0.18


Is there an estimated ETA?


Within the next month, probably before May 1st. Maybe surprise buttsex Easter release in 3 weeks


Happy that they are pushing through with the update. However, still very interested in the expanded story for Jenny. So, very cool they are still doing that.




When will ne the 0.18 update released


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i want the principal so much . please let us have an affair or something with her shes so hot . i want the coach 2 :****

Natasha Art

Amazing, I love it!


looks like 2% a day.. probably done in a week


so we still wait for the 0.18 witch is gonna be completed in 18.5...but he told us that he will start working on 0.19...and now on the stream he works on 0.20...this is unreal...47k$ per month for...4 months by now on this update for a 2-3 hours content to play? while you were sitting there and enjoy the fact that he plays games on the stream...he got around 180k...for what? and now we will wait another 3 months for 3-4 unfinished scenes...another 140k...so few of you praise him like a god...like he cant do all this work alone...but he will never look for another artist...when i've asked him about this on stream he told me to go and look for one...like he don't give a fuck about us...he dont want to speed up the progress...he don't want to finish this game...because there a lot of money at stake...adn dont tell me this is a free game...when you win 50k per month...you will never finish that project..there are other creators who work alone on the whole project...with a lot more content, better quallity, and around 3k per month...and guess what...every update is finished in only a month...but keep in mind that there is a unanounced project on their website...tell me...you want to play that game when you will be old and you will dont have power in your dick to enjoy it? edit: imagine this scenario : every patron will unpledge...every single one...no more money to win...an absolute free game...what do you think? he will speed up the progress or not?


This is something I've thought about as well. 0.17 update was released late november. It's been over 4 months since the last update. The development of this game is going at a snail's pace and according to the calculations the 1.0 version of the game would release in 11 - 13 years if they keep going at this pace. It's laughable considering they are making around $540,000 a year which is more than a lot of indie devs have as their game's budget. I honestly don't understand people who are pledging more than $5 considering how slow the development is, more money clearly wont speed things up.

Thomas S

Who are those other creators with better quality and lots more content? I've been looking for stuff similar to Summertime Saga but found nothing even close to matching yet, so I'm genuinely curious. On another note I think you guys miss the point of patreon. You don't buy stuff on patreon you choose to sponsor creators. Just because the creator has a lot of sponsorship it doesn't mean that he owes you anything. It's not crowdfunding like kickstarter. I've chosen to support with $1 per month because I enjoy the game. I don't have to support him if I don't like to, I've done so of my free will and DarkCookie doesn't owe me anything, no matter how many other people support him too.


4 me ... DC can forget about Evie And start with Maria.... Ohhh Maria fuck yeaaaahhh


Make a crapton of bot accounts and spamvote for them in the coming poll(s)


So excited to play full game in 10 years! ....


God, 10 more percent to go. It's killing me. But waiting for full version release 1.0 will be the death of me.


Just an opinion needed to express. I feel like DC is just wasting time with the poll votes. I get that it's for the patron, pledges and even the non-patron fans likings and fetish, but to the contrary, it's a waste of time and money on just one person story arc and sex scenes vice versa. Take No Man's Sky for example, they released an in"complete" game with later updates until NMS Beyond; the game got better. In this case, it's the latter in reversed. DC should just focused on the main story first, the MC's backstory, the 'mom' (✔?), 'sister'(✔) &amp; 'aunt' (✔) story arcs, the main MILFs', &amp; unlock main locations. And then they should focused on other side-quest characters &amp; locations to the MC story; quest to bang all the woman in the town before prom night. Since it seems that the poll votes are just somewhat "biased" that the Eve update is just a waste of time, LITERALLY. We've waited so long for the main story progressed, to be hindered by Eve. I do hoped that 0.18 and 0.18.5 it's worth the wait, I know Jenny's story is long overdue for impregnation arc.


People haven't been waiting for main story, if they did, that poll option woulda won way earlier (before Diane update). Also, people have been whining for save comp for years, guess what they never voted for ? Save comp, it failed pretty hard in the last 2 polls it was featured in ...... DC does poll votes to let some degree of variety to Patrons, let them participate in the development of the game more than just throwing $ at their screen.


I agree in so much as I personally would have liked to see the main story line progress handled better. All of these little "side stories" could have been extra stories outside of the main. How long can DC stretch this out with other games coming out with 3D characters, music and sound effects?


There's at least 10 more updates purely for the side girls, then you got Debbie reremake, a few builds on older remake girls (Roxxy and maybe Diane again), the 2 remaining main story and the crapload of non-girl related stuff (like dating/poker/prom invite/etc) ...... He can go for a while still


I love it all. I want to see Jenny get knocked up! I pretty much want everyone possible to get pregnant and see what a mess that story line can become! I love this whole game concept. Thx and keep up the good work.


it looks like, from Natural Boobs to Silicon? nah not good. i hope not.


I agree.. bring back the natural state of them.. looks like silicon and its disgusting


Natural looks much better.

William Pierson

I agree, a natural look is preferable. Also, how about anal scenes!


So much to look forward to! Nice work!


So whats new with Jenny than? Since we are not getting anything new till 18.5


Her story was remade, you don't need to spam Somrak to progress and we're getting new scenes in 0.18 ..... 0.18.5 will be animated stuff (scenes already in-game for 0.18 most likely)


If he keeps earning 50k a month, he's going to keep delivering a shit update every 5 months, it's up to you, if anything goes from 50 to 20, I'm sure he would stop being lazy by working only 2 hours each 2 days and would work at least 6 hours a day and would deliver an update every month instead of 5 months as he has done for sheer laziness to be with life gained from so much that you give of money to him


Aside him doing only the art and storyboards, 90% of the game doesn't involve his input


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i feel bad for DC I really like the characters and they natural and the updated ones but im tired of seeing people say they look horrible and just giving him bad feedback but cant wait for update 0.19


Version 018 is almost done...... Cant wait to play Maze Runner again, to train Muay Thai again and lets not forget about the Rap Battles.


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


Seth Rogen! 😂


Are there gonna be a erotic story for principal Smith ^^ COUD BEHOT !? :p

Doctor Viper

I wonder when the Annie Story will come🤔


Thank god i'm only pledging $1 i can't imagine giving more for this project i'm not going to sit here and get my tin foil hat like others but man if i did pay more i would have pulled it by now and just gone to a brothel to get off would have saved time at least.


Any date for the next update?


Found this through a friend on DevianArt and I'm very very impressed with what I've played so far. Great game and more in-depth than what I expected. Truly talented team. I'm a huge fan of pregnancy art and I'm chuffed that this game accommodate some pregnancy but obviously I'd welcome more people you can impregnate :) Would love to see some kind of humorous alien pregnancy or demonic pregnancy element to the game for giggles :)


So, I still see 22 Bugs/Fixes tasks on the update bar. I am assuming those will be resolved before this update comes out? Because the last one was a pretty buggy mess when it dropped. I would rather they take the time to fix those beforehand then after the fact.


OUTBREAK: The Beginning ,patreon/GmGaming Secrets the game -patreon./elun are just new games that have a lot of potential to be top 10 best if u want to check it out i know u wont regret it . DirtyNovels this guy might also need some help since is a rough diamond .


We are waiting for that


7% to go. I can hear the back of my mind that it's chanting it like it's in dementia or withdrawal symptoms. Plz just more % updates. When it's 100%, public download would be available in a week.




Tbh not a fan of the stretched neck on the new teacher look, just my opinion though


It's funny, I just now noticed that. Yeah she has an ostrich neck going on there.


Keep up the good work DC you’re awesome as always


If the update release this week would be real nice but seem not. the progress bar look stuck again lol.


No progress. Again. He worked so hard in the past to this game. Monthly updates. Now he make an update/year. And art was also better. DC becomes a trash.


That's what happens when you throw 50k/month to someone without expecting anything in return :/ And frankly, I just feel like DC does not care at all. Have you seen him answering any of the people complaining above? No, he just occasionally tells them to go fuck themselves, or lets that other dude who has his tongue up his ass answer. DC always has been very clear on how updates will come out when they are ready. Wich sadly means he (and his team) are not pressuring themselves to get work done, since they have no deadline. And I think that's just the problem. I'm not even sure if DC (and his team, again) work fulltime on the game (and that means an actual fulltime job, like 7-8h/day) Maybe DC does, but I doubt the entire team does. They just need some rigor, and to treat this project like an actual job.

tee galaxy

Ok I missed the last two livestreams, so he really did make Eve into Steve, or is the video where he's drawing a scraggly,ugly guy someone other than Eve/steve?


Skeeta_bite pls STU


Eve does not have a hot figure. will you change her figure in 0.19??


Cmon. When is this going to get released


He just redid her art/body to be used in 0.19 (her update), he won't redo her again


Yay "2 changes in the last 24 hours"!!! I think it's said that for about 4 straight days. Gotta stretch that last couple percent until the end of the month!


Por favor, façam a atualização 21 da personagem Mia, ela esta muito esquecida e não esqueçam de quando terminar o jogo fazer no idioma português Brasil ok? Jogo ta 10!! o melhor do gênero!!


DC really squeezing the hell outta the 5% til Avengers Endgame.


well i just change form 20 to 1, supported this project for a few month, see no progess at all


So late work i have watching for 3 days but the game progres is not there


In 3 days No progress from 93 percentage


4 months and 1 update :(


Saddest thing is I do get 4 dollars worth of game value out of this per update (1 dollar a month). but the fact that so much money is generated for so little output, really must be burning the other patreon developers trying to get a foot hold with new games and ideas. As patreon supporters like me get constantly shown how if you can make a decent living off this then feel free to bludge. Darksilver another example, and only now struggling to get patreons back.


"1 change in the last 24 hours" holy shit they're really burning the candle at both ends now! How is this even defensible? They hit 95% and decided to take a week off? Wow does it REALLY look like they are trying to get to the end of the month to get that sweet $50k. This is so fucking obvious now.


yeah and people still pay 50k to these blue ballers lol. 50k man! and they cant even come up with a single update in 4 months. i cant really understand why people still pay them. i feel sad for little developers who actually trying their best to update their game while these guys get that sweet 50k for literally nothing.


Honestly while I do still support the game, the money/progress ratio has always bugged me. Maybe time to get another staff or two if thats the issue?


Hehe, if you're whining now, imagine when the bugs counter will increase more, when the posing and coding will be finished... the last % is the longest... :D


And there you have it folks, we are officially at "0 changes in the last 24 hours" progress has officially stopped. Enjoy your $50k DC, it's well earned.


To all patrons who are telling us we are "whining" or we should "stop complaining" (whilst actually just trying to reassure themselves since they most likely spent a lot of money) see it like this; Imagine DC is a restaurant owner. He has some patrons giving him money to keep it afloat. In exchange of that, you get a free meal every now and then! Yay! Now, on a beautiful evening, DC brings you a nice meal. But upon taking a closer look, you see there is horseshit in there, along with some smegma. A DC came in the dish also. Will you still eat it because "iTs FreE sO yOu ShOulDnT ComPlaIn" ?


Also, disclaimer; I do think DC does great work, again, I just think the team lacks rigor/planning/deadlines. IF DC really does work full time on this, but his team isn't, then sorry bro, but perhaps you should start to look at what is slowing you down. :/


leave. it is possible there won't be any progress for the next week. so bye bye


95%! Is it just me or do I smell a hell lot of impatience in the air? ;)


last time it was 93% for 2 weeks or so. it's been 95% for 4+ days (or more). impatience? nah. it's just the lack of updates since the latest update was Feb 1st. and so far, this is the longest update duration more than 3 months.


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


I personally like the old art better. The characters had more distinct personality. They had a mean and strict face when they should have. Now they have softer facial expression, elongated necks and unnatural bullet breast. At the end, i don't mind either way but prefer faster updates instead of re-doing the art when no one complained about them before.


I can guarantee you guys the next roadmap update is 98% for another week.


Pathetic. This guy is banking the entire Undertale Kickstarter budget every month to make a simple Ren'py porn game and can't even put out consistent updates. Backing this for even $1 game is insanity since in the end you'd end up paying a lot more than what you'd pay for any hentai game that is actually finished. With $50K a month you could easily get help from freelancers and finish this game by December while still turning a huge profit. DC should think about his legacy and what games he'll make next other than trying to keep this going for as long as possible until his name gets thrown in the dirt and the project dies. We all want to see this game done, dude - do the right thing and become the next Porn game mogul, provide us all with and endless supply of whacking material rather than blue balling us for four months to get one or maybe two good wanks out of it. I guarantee you'll make a lot more money in the long run.


Sooo when is gonna be ready to go this update im so exited to play the new summertimesaga is there any one who know the exactly day of the release


its sad that with $50k/month this game is not even being close to finish. forget finishing the game it take months to just go from 0.17.5 to 0.18. dont blame him for not finishing the game, blame yourself because you still support him while him being lazy. imagine if its just $5k/month, i think this game will be finished in about 3 months. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


nobody is forced to pay to play this game.


Much sexier!


It's fucking insane how slow this game progresses, they intentionally do this to milk every penny out of the sheep who donates to this scheme


It does seem upsettingly slow. I don't understand how we can get 7% in a day but not even 10% in a month. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the game but, at this point, it does feel like this is going slow for no reason. Also, why are things being streamed from future edition updates when this one isn't even done? Maybe I don't know much about writing software, but I would think that is time which could be spent doing things to speed up the edition we are waiting for.


I was donating 5 dollars a month for quite some time and then after the last update I changed it to a dollar.I think if everybody that is donating should change their donations from whatever it is to a dollar a month for a year and then you'll see how fast the updates come out.


I like the game and I want to support but DC is making it hard for me to do so.


Guys, it's easy... The more you pay, the less they work on it (because they have more money than they expect), and the less you pay, the more they do their magic (because they really need money). That's the common average freelance worker behaviour. Just stop sponsoring this project for a while and you'll see the miracle... Now, seriously, I completely agree to people who choose to pay a little bit a month if I see some sort of improvement every a couple of months (I mean real improvements, and not crap)... But first, do your maths: how much are you willing to pay for a game like this? Let's say: $20? Okay, then be sure don't put any more than that in their wallets ($1 a month in case you are willing to wait for 20 months the game to be completed). In the other hand, don't forget they surelly have to pay some sort of patreon's fees, payment processing fees, and the rest is divided by several people. It's not a lot of money but quite enough to take this seriously... @DC: sooner or later your luck will be expired (unfortunatelly it hapens allways)... Don't be naive, be cool, charming, work hard, invest, become a main reference on this kind of stuff, and take advantage of this oportunity to make something big in the future (I mean, maybe a big private sponsorship with lot of money). Now, there are people wich are starting their own projects by copying your idea (you'll have some news here in short) and, remember, you don't have a copyright. At the end of the day, you and I know that this is just a Ren'py with some nice draws / animations. You didn't even develop your own engine (and, as per what I see, you need to improve your software project management skills... You're baking the stat values on daily basis. Don't do that!) ;) My advice: listen what your patreons need. They are who really support you and therefore they deserve some respect (don't "go fuck yourself" them)... Hint: have you ever seen your game's gameplaying on pronhub? Just be curious and check how many hits they have right now... Now, think and grow up... How far do you really want to go?

tee galaxy

once again guys someone please let me know who the scraggly guy DC was drawing in the recent video, I missed the stream and don't know who is. I hope to the stars that it isn't Eve turned to Steve, sooooo disappointed if it is,ruined the girl I wanted to ask to the dance as soon as, well if we ever get that part of the storyline, but now I guess don't know who I'd take cause Missy wouldn't be a choice and the teachers, Miss Okita probably aren't choices either. Because I'm not big on Debbie, Diane, or Jenny. All my favs are the minor characters.


Really dude...this stuff takes time to do. I'm sure the people working on this work jobs and do this project on the side. Give them a break. you can't expect them to put out large amounts of content each month without the manpower that large studios have.


The game is free and you only pay if you want to support the project and help them grow. If you don't want to contribute then they aren't making you...


He's a character based on one of the users from the stream. IIRC he's gonna be a tattoo artist in Eve's update. DC didn't just decide to make Eve into a dude for no reason lol.

Cinnamon Cookie

you are the guy who just claimed that they would continue working on this if they weren't paid. tell me are you 8 years old or something? do you even ejaculate at this age?

Cinnamon Cookie

I've just counted all the updates from the poll and all other updates that will have to follow based on the descriptions of those in the poll and it turns out this game will be completed in 20 years with this release speed. Now, is there still anyone else besides 16800 sheep that still believes that this game will ever get completed? Do you even realise that everyone cept Cookie is working on this half time? he doesn't even want to pay them for full time job, all of them are fucking freelancers. If you've ever worked in real company you know what term freelancer means. and EVERYTHING is under condition that none of them FLIPS OUT. This game already had 4 coders and every swap took couple months of adaptation. What happened to Panda? Why there was never an annoucements about him leaving the project? One of the goals stated hiring 2nd coder but there is only one working right now. What happened to guy who was working on the music? Pull yourself together people. and I haven't played this junk since 0.13


Oh, look... its the Malware fairy... kill it before it has a chance to propagate.


True, I also love the fact that 0.18 was all about Jenny content, and now it's a global upgrade and jenny comes later, whereas global upgrades were always a plus coming with an update...


I have also recently started a patreon page for a game me and my wife are making together and I must say, if we could make this much every month, I would definitely hire an artist or two and a coder permanently to speed up the project. With this amount I would have invested it to build a company that produces good games in a short amount of time, but that is just me. I of all people know what it takes to produce a game, but it should not take this long to release updates. If DC wants to milk this thing, then I suggest releasing the updates with new content in a short amount of time, but always adding new stories, mechanics, characters etc. and keep on expanding the game, but leaving your patrons hanging like this is not a good business move by my and many other's standards. It is a good game and I hope it will be finished. So, despite the complaining, keep up the good work, just do it a bit faster, please.


please release the 0.18 update ASAP.


I like the game, and not only for the adult side, characters are fun, the potential is there to be a top game of its genre because there's some spirit to the story, the development and all. Buuuut... 5 months, 250k$ (unless you count 17.5, then 4 months, 200k$), wtf ? I include the $ because, there seems to be something very wrong going on. I repeat, wtf ?


Yeah, I think SS is proving to be the greatest example of what's wrong with Patreon- with the RIDICULOUS amount of money DarkCookie is being given for this, you'd expect the game to be fully complete within a couple of months... but at the same time, that's the biggest incentive he has to NEVER finish it, because then the money stops. Catch 22.


hey skeeta, long time no see. and push dude, we left warnings about that spoiler art bot. you didn't read it.


Good point. I hope DarkCookie takes these feedbacks seriously.


I hope DarkCookie reads these comments and will take in the feedback. Thanks for the great game! :)


From the head down, I prefer the old nun art.


Wen ill u update next version tell me a crt date


damn, come on and ban Spoiler Art


heck ban "Spoilers" should fix it for awhile


I hope the 5 month wait is actually worth it because the last update had only a few new scenes. If that game subverse ends up completed with far more content than this. People should start pressuring DC more.


come on cookie you shouldn´t be happy with that


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


its funny how after 2 hour of the spoiler art post you post that everytime .. are you sure you both arent related? maybe DC is doing this shit to get even more money lmao .. because they LITERALLY show you the next update scene/pictures .. i wonder who could have acess to the content of next update other than DC and his supposed ''team'' lol


what’s funny about it, steve?


Spam bot is DC in disguise and you're a bot too for posting the same warning every time ...... Pro logic by Steve


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


I recommend people stop supporting this and only renew pledge when an update is released and then cancel again (or just play the public release) you shouldn't keep rewarding this type of behavior. and on that note, anyone know any other adult games that actually have consistent releases that are worth checking out?


Lol people are getting maaaad


[UPDATED] NEWEST IN-GAME SCENES! From 0.18.5 (Spoilers): pastelink.net/r8if


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


Love your style!


They should block that Link


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


I like the subtle changes in the art. Frequently it seems to soften the character's features slightly, make them seem less harsh and more appealing.


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


[UPDATED] NEWEST GAME SCENES! From 0.18.5 (Spoilers): pastelink.net/r8if


Will it be realease?


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


Are they even trying to finish at least this update?


Extended eve's sister content it will be more likely


[UPDATED] NEWEST GAME SCENES! From 0.18.5 (Spoilers): pastelink.net/r8if


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


hey dc, I can't seem to download 18.0 despite logging onto kompas with no problem. When i try to download it gives me a message saying it was an invalid download session. I've tried multiple times with the same result so i was hoping for an explanation.


Btw thanks for the update been excited for a Jenny update. She's my favourite character


why can not download the game ? have patreon and can not download.


NEWEST IN-GAME SCENES! From 0.18.5 (Spoilers): + Saves pastelink.net/rdhl


Please, do not optimize the characters, it is not necessary to change each update new designs, more history, less details in drawings. thanks, good job!


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer or phone.