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We have begun QA testing for the Tech Update internally with selected groups of active Patrons on Discord. Which means we are looking at polishing aspects of the game in preparation for a release!

We want to be transparent about the Tech Update development and release process so here's what you need to know:


How will the Tech Update be released and what content will be accessible?

The initial Tech Update release will only consist of the main "home" stories (Jenny and Debbie), 1st day at school and minor locations. Despite having the majority of the game converted for the Tech Update, this will be the first "part" of the game to be released publicly.

Here are the reasons why we are releasing the game in parts:

  • Players have been anxious about getting their hands on the new version of the game so now you get to sample all the improvements made and our general direction.

  • It's easier for us to balance and iron out any issues, bugs or inconsistencies that may pop up. Remember, this is a complete game overhaul so many things have been moved around and affected.

  • We get feedback from the player base as we roll out the content, which makes it easier to sort different issues and potentially change direction with some of the content.

When will it come out?

All game developers dread this question, but If testing goes well, we hope to release the first build towards the end of the coming month (May). As always, patrons will have exclusive access to a high speed download ahead of public availability.

After the initial release, how long will it take to get the rest of the "parts"?

Our current goal is to aim for a release cadence of roughly 2 months, starting with the initial release. This should give enough time for us to assess how well the content and any improvements were received and also implement the next parts to be released and have them playtested. At present the plan for these releases is for them to be character centric, focusing on adding in whole character routes at a time.

Can I help playtesting the upcoming content?

We currently are full with the QA/testing team but further announcements will be made in case we require additional help.


Monthly summary ( April ):


  • Fixed lawnmower in garage.

  • Multiple new Jenny faces.

  • Jenny swimsuit assets.

  • New Jenny faces during dining table H-scene.

  • Fixed shadow during Jenny swimming pool H-scene.

  • Various Jenny and Anon asset fixes and additions to the couch scene.

  • Jenny sleep H-scene now has the blanket moving with animation.

  • Multiple new Anon faces.

  • Anon starting lawnmower scene converted to new art and rig.

  • Lawnmowing cutscenes reworked to match current art quality.

  • Continued assisting the Code/Posing devs with optimizing art and fixing inconsistencies. Such as unused art assets , missing shadows, missing character button variants and so on.

  • New wallpaper used in Jenny's photoshoot scene.

  • New Jenny various body poses when on the bed between photos taken.

  • Jenny's old cunnilingus scene has been redone with new art and animation.

  • New Jenny H-scene for the GFE ending.

  • Closeup of Anon hands holding camera.

  • Rework on cookie jar thumbnails.

  • Dewitt old body asset extended to widescreen (elbows).


  • Linked (tied posing to game logic) more quests bringing them to a state fit for QA and playtests. Including:

    • Eight more Jenny repeatable events, and their variants.

    • Six more Debbie quests (leaving one quest and her repeatables outstanding).

    • Random encounters while watching porn on lounge TV.

    • A few missing bits and pieces from events like the attic peep hole.

  • Resolved some quest/repeatable conflicts in Jenny's route.

  • Continued wiring/logic adjustments with a mind to player experience.

  • Implemented the cookie jar (replay) system, and wired in all Jenny scenes.

  • Altered the menu system to present correct names and options for replays.

  • Addressed some posing issues resulting from renames, or minor reposer errors.

  • Expanded options to allow hiding the pregnancy spinner.

  • Integrated new art changes into lawn mowing and photo shoot scenes.

  • Reworked the settings menu to allow for more options and future expansion.

  • Adjusted some sound volumes to ensure more consistent volume levels.

  • Patched in rollback support for lewd animation controls.

  • Worked on the CI tooling to facilitate nightly builds for future playtests.

  • Prepared for and made various small QoL changes to facilitate playtests.

  • Fixed bug found in Dexter's combat minigame intro transition.

  • Prevented some sounds triggering while dialogue is being skipped.

  • Improved reposing tool to handle hidden labels and explicit speeds.

  • Updated multiple bits of posing to match art attribute/asset renames.

  • Added and updated various metadata definitions in line with art.

  • Ensured the correct transitions are being used in currently linked scenes.


  • Finished linking missed/changed labels for Jenny.

  • Made a list of Buttons required in Teacher Routes.

  • Finished June Button for School Tech Class.

  • Finished Erik Button for Science Class/Erik Bedroom.

  • Finished Mia Button for Science Class.

  • Finished Rhonda Button for Track.

  • Finished Melody Buttons for Classroom, Office, and Teacher Lounge.

  • Finished Tori's Classroom Button.

  • Finished Angelica Church Nave Button.

  • Finished Annie School Hallway 2nd level Button.

  • Finished Kevin Cafeteria Button. Finished Veronica Store Button.

  • Finished Judith School Hallway Button.

  • Finished Dexter Basketball Court Button including new dialogue.

  • Added new Intro and Outro to Angelica Nave Button.

  • Added new Intro and Outro for Chad.

  • Finished Buttons for Tammy: Gym, Home Lobby, Bedroom, Sex Ed, Private Yoga.

  • Finished Iwanka's Pregnant Buttons for Yacht and Bedroom.

  • Finished Melonia's Pregnant Buttons for Bedroom and Yard.

  • Finished Bridget's Buttons for Track and Office.

  • Finished Eve buttons for school French and school hall east.

  • Finished Roxxy button for school French.

  • Checked Priya button hospital basement.

  • Checked Micoe button hospital ward, Roz button hospital lobby.

  • Finished Roz storage BJ h-scene.

  • Roz hospital storage sex h-scene still in progress.

  • Daisy diane barn button in progress.

  • Finished button for Barb.

  • Finished home couch scenes (Debbie and Jenny foot).


  • Assisted code with implementation of Jenny and Debbie content.

  • New dialogues for Jenny improvements.


Live streams:

There's been some issues with Picarto for the last couple days and we hope that they get sorted out so we can be on again.

This is also a good reminder that for those who may have questions about the development of Summertime Saga to join our live streams and ask in person. It's by far the fastest way to get a hold of me or get answers about various topics.

The song request bot should also be working tomorrow during the stream. Thanks Sam!


New wallpaper:

A new wallpaper of Jenny! Which is part of the Jenny improvements we did for the Tech Update during the camera shoot scene...

For you high tier Patrons you can get all the 1080p high res wallpapers on our Kompas site.

Check it out here:  https://my.kompasproductions.com/wallpapers

For the lower tier Patrons, simply wait a few hours for them to leak! (or DM me on Discord)




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