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firefly 9 WA



Almost everything river says or does is extremely relevant. The chrismas comments were talking to jayne about what he did. She is living in a world of abstraction.

Andrew Howard

This one is my favorite episode. It's got a ton of great stuff. I love the heist plot, I love the storytelling about what happened with River, I love how we get a little glimpse of Simon working as a proper doctor again. And even though Jayne is very antagonistic this episode, I think it has some of his best (worst?) character moments, that really dials up the drama. Personally, I found the ending to be fantastic. I'm a total sucker for plots where bad characters get a chance to change their ways, and I really liked how the way they showed us there was at least some amount of hope for Jayne wasn't by having Mal give in while Jayne swears to 'do better', but rather by simply showing us that Jayne felt ashamed. It's not... much. But it was something, and that something at least felt genuine. I totally get wanting him to still get sucked out into space though.

Mitch M

Exactly--she's putting Jayne's feelings into words. He feels like an awesome thing was stolen from him--christmas turned into coal in a stocking. River's words are always meaningful, even if they aren't always immediately obvious or accessible.