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firefly Ep 1 WA


Andrew Howard

Oh my lord. I had to jump on the Patreon as soon as I saw you were doing Firefly. A part of me is shocked you never saw it, and the rest of me is thrilled you get to experience it now. The pilot was the same as the droid K-2S0 from Rogue One, and honestly I think you'd be a fan of almost anything else he's been part of. This show is so good. It's criminal it was canceled after the first season. They actually aired the episodes out of order, and even aired out of order, and even with a fan write-in campaign to keep the show going, Fox cancelled them at around episode 12, though they got to finish 14 episodes. Personally I think episode 3 is as bad as any episode gets in this whole season. I can't wait to see how that rolls for you. However much you enjoy it, I think everything just keeps rolling uphill right up till the very end, and even into the movie Serenity that came out a few years after it was canceled. I'd mention the episode I'm looking forward to most, except it's basically just "All of them". This is going to be a roller coaster, and I'm going to be here for all of it.


Enjoyed your reactions for a long time on Youtube, but had to join here when I saw you were doing Firefly. Thank you for being you. You've brought a lot of delight (and smiles and laughter) to the world.

Wally Hartshorn

Why does the series have a Western vibe? Why are they riding horses? Why are the border planets all dry, dusty, and poor? Things are like that for the same reason that the real "old West" was those things -- they're on the frontier. The high tech stuff, and all of the infrastructure necessary to support the high tech stuff, isn't available on the border worlds yet. To make cars (or whatever the high tech equivalent would be), you need manufacturing plants, ore processing plants, a skilled workforce, etc. To make horses, you just need a pair of horses to get things started. The rich people live on the worlds that are green and lovely. The poor people live on the worlds that have been terraformed relatively recently and are still a bit so-so.


people use Firefly as an example of the "theory of uneven geographic development" when a small population controls the resources, and different places have different levels of technology. It's even worse when it's across a large star system. The connections between planets and the control of people are done with futuristic technology, but some of the planets don't have the ability to do much more than build an 1800s frontier level of tech. so they have laser guns but still make their clothing from what they hunt or grow. They have computers, but most people only have access to books.