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Knives Out WA 2



This movie is so much fun and I love that most of the actors are playing outside of their usual type cast, Chris Evans is so good here, he is such a scumbag but at the same time is still charming and funny and yes, everyone fell in love with him in that sweater, we all were talking about it. What's funny is it became a meme for a while, lol. Jamie is also really good here, I think the cast had such good chemistry. There's a few things that's fun to go back and re-watch for just in case you missed it. Such as the family always said how she's like family but everyone said a different place she was from and multiple people said they were outvoted when it came to inviting her to the funeral. The ball is a fun side story, it started with Richard throwing it out the window but eventually the dog finds it and that's how Linda gets it and brings it back to her dad's office where she finds the note, if Richard hadn't thrown it she never would have gone in there. Also she did confront him, at the end when they are all looking up at Marta if you notice he has a black eye and he didn't have it before then. And just a fun fact, Chris Evans is actually a really big dog lover so him having to act like he didn't like them is pretty funny and must have been torture for him but also he had their toys in his pockets and that's how he got the dogs to jump on him, if you really look at the dogs they are clearly wanting to play, lol. This movie has such fun details and are brilliantly put in there that they didn't need to do but just makes the film that much better.

Rosanne Stewart

I absolutely LOVE this movie. I watched a lot of the extras and commentary and these are my favorite tidbits: The cast tended to hang out in the basement of the house when they weren't needed on camera. And Jamie Lee Curtis took over the kitchen. She loves to cook so she cooked for cast and crew quite a lot. Twice Ransom is taken into custody. The guy who plays Trooper Wagner was the one to do it both times and he had a hell of a time getting his hand around Chris Evans' bicep. Rian Johnson, director, also directed one of the Star Wars movies, which is how Frank Oz came to be cast as the lawyer who read the will. Mr. Oz provided the puppeteering and voice for Yoda, as well as a bunch of other Star Wars characters before they all became CGI.