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Hi yes HELLOOOOO good morning. 

If your my friend on socials then you've seen where I have been quite ill the past few days.  I think it was the flu; fever, body aches, sinus shit, fatigue. Beans has been taking very good care of me.  This is the best I've felt since Sunday afternoon, still not 100% but like 70% back.

With that being said, today's upload will be late as I am still working on it.  I don't want to rush it to make a deadline and give you a shit review.  I know you guys will understand and for that, I am grateful. ❤️ I'll have all the things up for you as soon as I can.


Michael Tocci

It's sad that it may be necessary to do IN MEMORIUM viewings for only certain levels of movie stars, since entertainers are... pretty much always dying :( but Ray Liotta deserves an ep. I will be person 359827 to mention Goodfellas


Get well soon. Don't worry about rushing anything. Your health is more important.. You can get covid more than once. Regarding Ray Liotta passing. It's okay to give a shout out to an actor who has died without dedicating an entire movie review to them. Other actors who have died in 2022--who have far more name recognition than Fred Ward--that I don't recall you dedicating a movie review to includes the debonair Sydney Poitier (2 Best Actor Oscars) and the controversial William Hurt (1 Oscar for Best Actor and lots of nominations), I'm just saying don't feel obligated to do a movie review of every actor who has passed away. Although Fred Ward was probably a great guy, I vaguely recognized his face, before your movie review, and I wouldn't have been able to tell you his name or a movie he was in even if a gun were put to my head. If you do decide to do a movie review dedication to Ray Liotta, my vote is Field of Dreams. Goodfellas is a mob family crime movie that almost has an equally high rating as The Godfather on Rotten Tomatoes.

Richard Maurer

Now would be a good time to watch LORD OF TH..................Just kidding! Take it easy and get well soon.

Bruce R Wilson

Ash-leigh jones I gotta an Ash-leigh jones Ash-leigh jones Oh Baby Oooh-wee-woo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlhWPVJNAOo

Nicholas & Heather

Field of Dreams or Goodfellas imo. Partial to 'Field of Dreams'.

Kenton Kruger

Yeah I'm one that mentioned it in the Fred Ward one that in practical terms there needs to be some sort of cutoff, but Liotta is definitely A-tier on all levels and pretty much needs one, especially since Ashleigh hasn't even seen his biggest films.

Michael Tocci

Friendly reminder that if Ashleigh does a Ray Liotta tribute, the $20 tier will decide. That’s what makes them the $20 tier. :)


I'm not ready to up my monthly donation for $10 to $20, but as long as it's either Somthing Wild, Field of Dreams, or GoodFellas, I'll be happy.

Echo Moon

My suggestion is for No Escape (1994) for a Ray Liotta film. It's definitely a different feel from the other films Ray was mostly in. Goodfellas is also good, but everyone has seen that film and I like to suggest something other than what everyone knows. :) Also little sis, please take care of yourself and your health. Keep up the fluids and rest. Don't worry about trying to keep a deadline. You and your health are more important. Love ya!!

Curtis Martin

Two Words: Remo Williams. Figured All Y'all could use some help.

Curtis Martin

Yes, as it was a recommendation of the 20 Dollar Gang in the wake of its star's passing. Just looking to boost those hardworking folks in that tier. 😑

OldBroadWithBaggage (Robin)

Keep taking care of yourself. We will be here when you are feeling up to snuff.

andrea faloona

In honour of Ray Liotta, please consider reacting to Goodfellas.

James Falato

I've heard of "diarrhea"... And even ... "diarrhea of the mouth..." But "... sinus shit..." is a new one to me... Talk about Nasty... Hope You Have A Speedy And Full Recovery...


Well I'm gonna call it now and say Bo Hopkins won't make the cut although he was great in classics like "American Graffiti", "The Wild Bunch" and "Midnight Express" among many others...RIP Bo