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Also - just a personal update. Life has been kicking and punching me from every direction for the past couple of weeks. I'm hoping to share more about it on the second channel soon, but I'm not going to push myself to do so until I'm ready. I know y'all get it.  after a few weeks of living by the bare minimum (like, I didn't shower for a week) I'm finally starting to get out of the rut and funk I've been in. I'm slowly starting to feel more creative and take better care of myself again. I stayed quiet on social media because I never want to fake anything with you.  I didn't want to fake being funny or upbeat.  I'll always be honest about how I'm feeling and never fake something  I hope my honesty is something you can appreciate because it's unrealistic for someone to be 100% all the time - THATS A REMINDER FOR YOU TOO!!! Take time to rest, cry, sleep, recharge, scream, anything you need - because your best will look different every day.  And That is OKAY. Thank you for being the nicest people on the planet. 


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