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Footloose WA


Jill Peterson

Leg-warmers are for dancers. They still use them. In the 80s, with dancing movies like this, and Flashdance, and with the huge rise of aerobics from Jane Fonda, people started treating them like fashion.

Jill Peterson

P.S. I never liked the female lead, either.


lol, yeah, I'm not sure why it became a fashion choice, but that doesn't mean I wasn't into it along with everyone else, thinking I was cool :) A lot of 80's fashions were questionable

Jill Peterson

I didn't wear these, but I was certainly very 80s. (We're so cool, we're so fine, we're the class of '89!) A lot of fashion is questionable in every decade, that's what I love about it! As a theatre costumer, it makes period work easier for me. Iconic pieces, good and bad, really make the difference.

Keith Jones

The county I lived in back in the 80s in Mississippi banned MTV during the whole Satanic Panic thing. The ordinance basically stated that any cable company operating in the county could not offer it to people. We held a protest, but since we were all below voting age nobody gave a shit. By the time I saw MTV again it didn't play music anymore. I would go to Jackson to visit friends on the weekend and we would record Headbanger's Ball on VHS and make copies for people in my high school.


Chris Penn, who played Willard, is the brother of Sean Penn. Chris died back in 2006.

Logan Kerlee

Holy crap, I love this movie! It's so awesome! I'm glad that we chose to watch this version instead of the new one. The other just doesn't have the same emotional impact. That and come on.. Kevin Bacon was excellent in this!

Andy Hafler

The guy who rented them the barn (Andy) was Smokey Lonesome from Fried Green tomatoes


While you were talking about John Lithgow gettin it, I’m always over here looking at Woody (friend with the glasses) 👀😏 Clark Kent vibes. It always makes me happy to know people have love for 3rd Rock From the Sun! It’s one of my favorites ❤️


I had a really rough day and let me tell you, this was exactly what I needed when I got home—to watch an old movie with my girl Ashleigh. I don’t think I’ve seen this one since I was a kid and I’d forgotten a lot of it (like how truly annoying Ariel really is). But you liked the same parts that I still find great, and it was fun to go back to my childhood for a night. Thanks for the laughs!


Oh my god I am so sorry you had to go through that. Headbanger’s Ball was my everything throughout high school, it was a tragedy to miss even one episode! I can’t believe counties could actually do that.


I always thought Woody was the hot one in this, too.