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KB2 wa



I wrote this on the YouTube comments but I want to make note of it here also: Totally off subject but what in the world is this young lady doing for her subscriptions???? Giving away free kittens with every sub???? I first saw her 3/20/21 (The Exorcist) and immediately subscribed. At that time she had 55.5K subscribers. Any day now she'll be at a well earned 90K. How about 100K by the end of Hallobeans. As Ashleigh would say: "You Go Girl"

Kevin Mowery

I briefly met David Carradine (Bill) at GenCon in 2004. He was there signing autographs and selling photos to promote this movie. I didn't have the money to buy an autograph or a photo, but there was no line at his booth, so I thought I'd just go up and say, hey, I loved you in Kung Fu when I was a kid and it's great that you're in this new movie. He was clearly not happy to be there.


When I first signed up a few months ago, I sent Ashleigh a message and what it said was true then and still is true today. Her Patreon is the only one I’ve ever felt I needed to sign up for. I watch a few movie reaction channels, none of them come close. She’s funny and incredibly into the experience.


Go to YouTube….look up “David Carradine No Limitations Be Anything”….and you will have all the answers to your questions.