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OKAY!!!!! after 8 fucking tries I have pleased the copyright gods in all the heavens and now this is no longer blocked anywhere! It only took 8 tries, the blood of a virgin and my sanity but here ya go.  THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR PATIENCE! 




Nestor Custodio

You sound less than thrilled about how many attempts this took. 😏

Nathan Swapp

Something Natalie Gold does for big reactions that struggle with claims is to load the thing on Google drive and then we can download it to watch.


I may have to watch-Along Titanic just because of the number attempts to upload. Keep up the fantastic work!

Mark Finley

Was the whole problem because you and Blake were not wearing headphones? I can see why that would be a problem but I can also understand why you weren't wearing them

Moni Castaneda

Yaaay, not blocked in my country!! Thank you Ashleigh... I'll watch it tomorrow since I have the day off cause it's independence day...


Could have been worse... could not have worked at all


Your copy is running a little faster than mine. Putting the play speed on your video at 0.95 seems to almost even it out, I just need to pause mine every few min (which I don't mind). Did you stream the film or are you watching like a blu-ray?

Jeff Wolff

Next time try adding orphan tears to the virgin blood and see if that helps smooth things along


If you don't have any fresh virgin blood on hand, storebought is fine.

Kenton Kruger

Might be a bit late with the suggestion, but for Hallowbeans it might be fun if you had a running heart rate monitor going on screen.

Matt Blanchette

If you think you need somebody else to fund the cost of a Google Drive for your reactions, let your patrons know. :-)

Tyler Foster

Yeah...not to make this whole debacle even worse, but this video is clearly off of a PAL copy with 4% speedup. The good news is that all that would have to be done to fix it is to artificially slow the existing video down by 4% and upload a second copy -- it doesn't distort your voices noticeably. I imagine you can just put the finished video in your editing program and do this.


To answer your question about what James Cameron can't do. Apparently make an Avatar 2!

Keith Boyd

Any way you can do a reaction to the movie Team America World Police?


The Irish woman with the two children that died in steerage was Jeanette Goldstein, who played Pvt Vasquez in ALIENS. 😁


Yes indeed . I read Cameron really liked Goldstein and always made an effort to find roles for her.