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my last poll got a lil hate on it for being 3 comedies and one serious movie. 😂😂 SO - I'm spicing this one up a little bit.    

What should be up for May 3rd? 


Danika Silva

Lethal Weapon series 🤞🙏


Hope you can see The Stepford Wives (1975), starring Katharine Ross.


Please consider Rat Race! It’s a similar story to Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad World, but it’s shorter and the humor is tighter and riskier and funny


Who Framed Roger Rabbit... but seeing as it's not an option here... The Jerk. :)


All great options. I would say The Godfather would be the most culturally significant movie of all of those.


The Jerk!! 🙌 One of Steve Martin's best!! You'll laugh your ass off, I promise.


Oh man. These are all good choices!

Kenton Kruger

I'm iffy on if you'll like it, but these choices are forcing my hand to vote for The Jerk.


I personally don't think The Jerk holds up.


A nice mix, but I had to vote for the one I have actually seen.

Celeste Collins

"American Graffiti" I'll keep bringing it up because this movie is right in your wheelhouse Ashleigh...

David Rincon

Oh, Fried Green Tomatoes! Haven't seen that one in a LOOOONG time. Very good story, good moments of levity and great somber/sad moments as well.

Thane Greyhaven

Should have waited until May 4th and done Rogue One :D

Patrick Anderson

Normally I would select the Jerk. It is funny, has Steve Martin in it. But I think Ashley would appreciate Fried Green Tomatoes, so that's my vote.

Kenton Kruger

I've shown this movie to quite a few people and the consensus is it's one of those rare cases where it's actually "less than the sum of its parts". A lot of individual bits are great, but overall they have come away not thrilled with it. Personally I love it, but then I was around when it came out.

Kristopher Wood

The Jerk and The Godfather are classic must-see flicks. I think you'll enjoy Steve Martin at his best and zaniest as well as a young Al Pacino in the movie that launched his career. I'll say no more last there be spoilers.


Fair Warning about the Godfather. It's a great movie but in terms of authenticity it's complete BS. This isn't just me saying it, that is coming from former members of crime families. Basically The Godfather is how the mafia wants you to think they act, in reality Goodfellas is how they actually acted back then.

Adolfo Acosta

CASABLANCA is the greatest movie of all time, no exaggeration

Louise Brooks

This is tough! I think Ashleigh would like Fried Green Tomatoes too, but I love The Jerk. Decisions, decisions....

Tony Williams

Ashley would LOVE Fried Green Tomatoes. I've thought about suggesting it before but never thought it would even be considered. Guess I'll suggest The Fisher King now and cross my fingers.

Nick of Time

The Jerk is freaking hilarious, but The Godfather is required viewing. 😌

Jay McIntyre

The Godfather's gonna make you an offer you can't refuse


What a complete range of great film emotion! All really good movies but, if I’m voting by order, it’s 4, 2, 3, 1.




Voted for the Godfather especially since I sent you the DVD. I hope you do Casablanca and The Jerk soon, though.


The Godfather is a great film but I don't see it as one you'd like very much. Too bloody. I just watched the Jerk for the first time in decades and it really doesn't hold up all that well. Fried Green Tomatoes is a good one, and I think you'd like it a lot. But I had to choose Casablanca, consistently named in the top 10 best movies ever made. It's a wartime romance with mystery, intrigue, and a bit of comedy and more classic quotable lines than any movie that isn't a Mel Brooks picture! One of the greatest endings ever made, too! In fact, Casablanca is SO classic that Woody Allen even made a movie that featured Casablanca IN it! It's called Play It Again, Sam. After you watch Casablanca, you could do that as your first Woody Allen picture. Back in the '70s, all the best comedies were either from Mel Brooks or Woody Allen!

Mark Campbell

Casablanca is a fantastic film, top ten for me. It has such great characters and snappy dialog. Bogart is as cool as ever.


Oooof...this one's tough. I had to go with "Casablanca." One of the best movies ever made, great dialogue, and Humphrey Bogart's defining role, and Claude Rains' character defines the phrase "magnificent bastard."

Jill Peterson

I think that you’ll like all of these!


My vote is for fried green tuhmaters, because I think you’d like that one the most. I recommend Bowfinger over The Jerk for Steve Martin movie. There is this Italian restaurant that always played The Godfather on an endless loop in their cigar lounge, so get a big plate of spaghetti for that one! Haha The most interesting part will be the spaghetti (if there’s meatballs).


Of the choices my bet is that you will adore Fried Green Tomatoes!


I had to go with godfather because it's pretty much mandatory viewing which will then of course require that you watch the sequel godfather II. I do think that fried Green tomatoes would be one that you would really really personally enjoy.


This poll totally isn't fair Ashleigh. You have the Jerk and the godfather on the same poll. Lol. Hard choice, the jerk is right up your alley but the godfather wins hands down as the best movie on the poll




Did you know that Humphrey Bogart never said “play it again Sam” in the movie Casablanca? It’s just one of those popular misquotes— like Captain Kirk never said “Beam me up, Scotty” it’s always Scotty/ Enterprise, 4 to beam up, or some variation of that. And there’s no such thing as the Mandela Effect— just dumb people who don’t remember things the way they happened. Haha

Kathy Ice

You literally can't go wrong with any of these.


Casablanca is the most enjoyable movie on that list imo


Either Casablanca or The Godfather. You really need to do them both at some point because there are so many things that get referenced elsewhere in pop culture from those two movies. Another is From Here to Eternity (remember the beach scene in Airplane?).


The Ewok Adventure movies are on Disney Plus now... RELEASE ORDER!


“Godfather” definitely.


Talking about requirements... Ashleigh being a southern woman, Fried Green Tomatoes is long overdue!


You still need to get to Stripes at some point

Gio Vidrio

Can’t go wrong with any of these Ash. Ready to see people fight hard for their choices. Being of Sicilian descent I’m hoping you watch The Godfather and see the lifestyle of what it’s like to be a ruthless but loving mob lord. Fried Green Tomatoes will be Steel Magnolias revisited. You will bawl til your eyes pop out of your skull. Never seen The Jerk but heard great things about it. Emma Stone said this was one of the movies that made her want to start acting, and Steve Martin is the leading man once again. Then you got the classic Casablanca. A movie for the ages. Just expect over 2 hrs for majority of these movies. I think The Jerk is the shortest in running time. Once again, you can never go wrong. You got this Ash. 🙌🏼


Funniest Steve Martin movie is All Of Me with Lily Tomlin. I also think that Ashleigh would like Roxanne.

Robert Reichle

The Jerk is my favorite movie of all time. So stupidly funny. What does that say about me though?


Looks like Godfather is going to win by a landslide. Stop glorifying organized crime! Watch Moonstruck instead 😋


Fried Green Tomatoes, please!


Waiting to see Crocodile Dundee (1986) (and later Crocodile Dundee 2 (1988)) on that list some day :)

Cristina Collins-Armstrong

Casablanca is a wonderful film and watching it will help you understand some of the references from When Harry Met Sally...


All the movies posted are great! I ❤️ fried green tomatoes the best myself! Can’t wait until the next reaction!


The Godfather is SUCH a classic! Casablanca is art! Just magnificent! The Jerk? Well in a way its a classic as well! Steve martins finest work!


I generally don't care for sequels but "The Godfather Part II" is such an excellent and relevant continuation of the story that it's almost like there's one movie with two parts. There is a Part III which is definitely worth seeing but it's not quite up to the standard of the first two.


All of these should be watched at some point! I voted but, honestly, I'm not going to be mad at which ever one gets the most votes.


Din't let Casablanca win. It's art yes. But its not THAT great a film. I don't want you put off B&W films until you've watch Some Like it Hot.


Just asking that you add 'Oh, God!' (1977 - 1 hr, 38 min) to a poll soon (George Burns and John Denver - with a dash of Teri Garr (the wife from Close Encounters)).

Brent Fugett

Definitely The Godfather, but strap in! It'll be a ride. That one would be fun to get Hubbin in on!

Tyler Foster

Given I sent you the Blu-ray of Casablanca, I'm inclined to vote for that, but I fully expect you will love The Jerk as well. The Godfather is a long one, but I think you'll enjoy that too. I haven't seen Fried Green Tomatoes, but given all I know about it, I can't imagine it flopping either -- basically, you can't go wrong. (I also hope Lebowski comes up soon, even though it isn't winning the polls.)

Carl Sage

I know that you are not a fan of longer movies, but seeing 'The Godfather' included in the list made this a "no brainier" for me. An excellent film. I do recommend that you look for what I believe is called "The Coppala Restoration" version... as it is remastered and has had some things that the director wanted but the studio cut from the original theatrical release. And of course widescreen.... yeah! It's fairly dark and violent. But I think that you still might like it.


The Jerk isn't at the same level as The Godfather as "great films" are judged but it is a classic and may even be a better choice for a reaction video. From the look of the poll results she'll probably do both at some point.


The Godfather is so much part of our culture, people quote from it all the time "leave the gun, take the canoli", "make him an offer he can't refuse", that she really needs to see it. Casablanca is thought by many to be the best movie ever made and I am sure she will love it.

Sean Novack

Poor Terri Garr never had good luck with husbands in her movies!

Brent Fugett

Good point, though I don't see how that will change anyone's experience of the movie unless they're really familiar with mob culture. I get it's not a documentary but Hollywood often opts for watchability and storytelling over accuracy. I agree, Goodfellas, more accurate but I've seen it like 3 times. Godfather I've seen 33 times.


I am going with Casablanca, I personally have no interest in "The Godfather", I have my reasons... and "The Jerk" is "meh". In my opinion there are many better choices that you have Ashleigh, but then again I am still waiting for "Return To Me". And don't get me started on the MCU, I am so bored with it now... but I am glad you are enjoying them. I wish there were more MMM slots... I guess I will be quite now...




The first two Godfather movies are adapted from one novel.


Oh man, Fried Green Tomatoes is so, so great and as I age I find myself more and more seeing myself in Kathy Bates character. The Godfather is a great film and worth watching. The Jerk is funny but mostly because of nostalgia, I don't think it holds up as well as others and Casablanca is an ok movie but honestly, not in my top 10 black and white films. Looking forward to Lebowski finally winning and, I have to say, good luck with the Hulk. To each their own but that was the worst movie I ever saw mainly because it took itself way too seriously. Only time I've ever fallen asleep at a theater.

Kevin Mowery

I've got everything except Fried Green Tomatoes, so I voted for everything but that.


Casablanca is my vote such a great classic. The Godfather I could never get into and The Jerk is so so if anything you should try and watch 1977 “OH God” or even 1961 Breakfast at Tiffany’s


"Face it, girls. I'm older, and I have more insurance."


I voted for "Fried Green Tomatoes." It's such a good movie! Like you Beth, I could never get into "The Godfather" nor could I ever get into "The Jerk." I have no interest in "Casablanca." I wonder if Ashleigh has ever seen "The Shadow Riders" with younger versions of Tom Selleck and Sam Elliot, a Western set just after the end of the Civil War and Tom and Sam play two brothers who come home to find that some family members have been taken. That's a great movie!!!


Based on your likes and dislikes so far, I think you won't enjoy The Godfather so I voted for The Jerk which I think you'll definitely enjoy.


I usually go with what I think Ashleigh would like so I went with The Jerk and Fried Green Tomatoes. I just do not think she would like The Godfather or Casablanca.

Manuel Johnen

"The Godfather" or "Casablanca".


I had to go with "The Jerk" because "The Godfather" is just too cliché for me to vote for. Might also be too slow for your enjoyment, but who knows. You might like it.

Elliot Nesterman

FWIW, Casablanca is #2 on the American Film Institutes list of 100 greatest American films, right behind #1, Citizen Kane. And The Godfather is #3, so no losers there. In 2006, the Writers Guild of America, West voted Casablanca the best ever in its list of the 101 greatest screenplays.

Joseph Ricks

I love the Godfather, but do you know how long it is? Plan an intermission and snacks, it'll be a long watch


Casablanca! It's my favorite movie of all time. What's not to like? Romance, betrayal, La Marseillaise, As Time Goes By. Play it!


What’s great is that no matter what movie wins this poll, she will eventually watch them all!


"The Man with Two Brains" - Steve Martin, "The Three Amigos" starring Steve Martin, Martin Short, Chevy Chase (See "Fletch", "National Lampoon's Vacation" & sequel (s) with Chevy) I don't remember much about The Jerk if I even saw it or parts, never saw Godfather, only seen clips and short takes on Casablanca, & don't know if I saw Green. BTW did you know that you can vote for multiple items or all of them?

Amy Silknitter

The Godfather but only if you commit to the second one.

Eric Janssen

Much as I dearly WANT to vote for The Jerk, it will have to wait another day. We need Casablanca, to make up for that weak “Romance” February.

Eric Janssen

I’d suggest two-part reactions, for 3-hour movies with Intermissions. She said she wanted to for Mad, Mad World, but “I don’t think I’d come BACK.” 😆


I don't think I've ever seen a poll this close...... haha

Gio Vidrio

Hey hey now! Ghost was the best thing I saw during Romance February. 😂


The Jerk? Really? What a strange crowd here.

Gio Vidrio

Chill. This is post Planes Trains & Automobiles crowd you’re talking. Plus, Steve Martin is one of many of Ashleigh’s future ex-husbands.


I'm pulling for Godfather...long movie but an absolute masterpiece I think you will enjoy it

T.J. Gengler

First day on the internet? I share the opinion that all these choices are deserving of a reaction. That doesn't preclude anyone from having or stating a preference.


I was ready to say The Jerk but then I saw Godfather on there! YES!


I wanna vote for more than one!

Mark Finley

The jerk is really good. Roxanne and Three amigos are better Steve Martin films


Favorite Steve Martin movie for me is All Of Me with Lily Tomlin. The physical comedy he did in that one is awesomely funny.


Loved Roxanne. All Of Me is also a very funny film. I also would love to see Ashleigh react to Steve singing King Tut on SNL.


The Three Amigos is a fun Steve Martin movie, too.

Matt Gwinn

If it makes a difference, The Jerk isn't available on any of the streaming services or premium channels, while The Godfather is currently airing on Showtime. I still voted for The jerk, because I think you'll like it more.


Casablanca. You need to see some golden age cinema. The actual classics.

Eric Janssen

Over on YouTube Messages, she’s had to poll that it was a dead heat between The Jerk and The Godfather, and had a last-minute runoff. ATM, the results are still tied. 😆


You have to watch fried green tomatoes at some point. Omfg


there are only 4 slots, so Friday's are determined by the same 4 guys, to the best of my knowledge.


I'm glad to see the Jerk winning. I don't know if you will enjoy the pacing of the godfather. But you should still watch it at some point.


That’s unexpected. The Jerk is pulling ahead! Then watch Bowfinger. Don’t let the name throw ya off... it’s a movie made for movielovers


She loves Kathy Bates. Fried Green Tomatoes should be the obvious pick

Rachel Adams

So you have to be on the top tier to get heard?🤔

Kenton Kruger

No, just to have direct control over one movie a month. These poll options don't come out of thin air, they have come from stuff other members have suggested.

Danger Ranger

There are several Kevin Costner movies that would be good. A personal favorite of mine is Fandango. And Dances with Wolves.


Yes, I've suggested dances with wolves also. That and field of dreams are my favorites by him.


Towanda! How is everyone not choosing "Fried Green Tomatoes"? My fave Steve Martin films are "Roxanne" and "L.A. Story".


Fried green tomatoes is way better than the jerk.


Agree fried green tomatoes waaaayyyyyy better than any of those. Although Casablanca is a classic it’s boring. And The Godfather you ha e to really like mobster movies the jerk was just too much.

Sean Novack

The Jerk is a Steve Martin slapstick comedy that I found got old quickly after a couple of viewings. Far too many gags, far too little comedy. Fried Green Tomatoes actually has a lot of heart and it's more of a "chick flick" than the others by far. It explores some difficult issues, and if you are a fan of Kathy Bates you will love this movie. Casablanca is one where you will be struck by the time in history, and its important to know at least a little about world events of the setting in time, and why it's so important to be opposing REAL Nazis (and Ingrid Bergman is probably the most beautiful woman of all time!). The Godfather is set in New York mainly, right after WWI in 1945 through 1955. It's an absolute classic that is taught (along with Part Two, which is hands down the best sequel of all time, as both stories are contained in the LONG book by Mario Puzo) in film classes as THE WAY to make a film that will stand the test of time. It is the standard by which all other "mob films" are measured. Obviously, I voted for the Godfather. LOL


There's nothing as strange as peoples choices.


1976 Murder By Death (comedy) 1986 Crimes of the Heart (dramedy) 1987 Overboard (romcom) 1996 The Truth About Cats and Dogs (romcom)


I was born a poor black child....


I would also like to recommend the massively underrated movie, The Station Agent starring Peter Dinklage. Also you should watch Napoleon Dynamite at some point. And Dumb and Dumber, of course.

Danika Silva

The godfather is boring 😴...there I said it....I'm not Italian and I don't really care about mafia movies...


IMNSHO, there has never been a better film than Casablanca.

Kenton Kruger

I agree. It's a high quality "film", but not really entertaining. I prefer Goodfellas or The Cotton Club. Edit to add The Untouchables. There are many entertaining mob movies that are far less dry.

Eric Bogerd

It may be at the bottom in the poll, but do yourself a favor and watch Casablanca anyway. It's an amazing story and well worth your time.

Chip Douglas

how the hell is Casablanca in last place? what a travesty


I'm brand new to your patreon, and not 100% sure how everything works yet, but I would love to suggest Cool Runnings, and The Great Outdoors. Both are John Candy movies. I think you would enjoy them!!