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Reminder:  Have your copy ready to go and you can sync it up with me :)

And I did stick around (fast forward thru) the credits and saw the sweet message for his dad at the end! 


WATCH ALONG: 50 First Dates



Sorry I couldn't watch this with you. Not a fan of the film or Adam Sandler.

Edward Olson

50 First Dates is on Netflix, or $1.99 on Amazon Prime.

Kenton Kruger

Just a quick note, it's 72 hours from Friday to Monday (or Thursday to Sunday). I much prefer the other movie they did together, The Wedding Singer, however a lot of that might be lost on you since a lot of the humour you might not get not having lived through the 80s.


Blended is another good one in my opinion but if you want a really good Drew Barrymore move then I suggest "Ever After"


I second the suggestions of Wedding Singer for another Adam Sandler/Drew Barrymore and very much second the suggestion of Ever After for another Drew Barrymore movie! Also, your comment of “a great value John Goodman!” Lmao....will never be able to un-see that now, love your reactions ✌️


I’m not a huge Sandler fan. I do like this and wedding singer as well. Punch Dru k Live us romantic and nit his usual style. Whatever you do, do not watch Little Nicky. It is awful.


You'll HAVE to watch The wedding singer now! First romcom with Adam and Drew. They also made an other one recently called Blended, it was okay, The wedding singer by far is the Best one! It take place in the 80's


Yea this wasn’t one of my favs either.

David Patterson

I am not a Sandler fan, The only 2 films I do like are this and Click.


You know, I think your rating is 100% based on not liking the ending because you seemed totally engaged and having a good time throughout the movie until that point. Which is completely fair. The ending can really make or break a movie, TV show, or a book. Personally, I liked the fact that they didn't "fix" her. That would have been the boring, standard rom-com ending, whereas this way was more unconventional and interesting. It was also very inclusive, accepting her disability and working with it instead of trying to fix it. But I get that you feel differently and that's cool. 😄 Only one quibble - we didn't see the whole video at the end, it skipped over a whole lot. I've always assumed that he did tell her about her daughter in the video, but they didn't show it to us, the audience, so there'd be a sweet surprise. I just don't see him taking the time to add new stuff to the video every so often, but leaving the daughter out of it. That's not the kind of thing you spring on a person. She also didn't seem that shocked that she had a daughter when she came up on deck. More like just stunned overall, but not specifically shocked about having a daughter. As everyone else has already recommended, for more of both Drew and Adam, definitely watch The Wedding Singer. It's really fun and the ending won't let you down. For more Drew Barrymore, you should do Charlie's Angels (the one from 2000, not the 2019 remake) and Ever After. Those are two completely different movies, but I think you'd like them both!


Are you not making the full length version available? If not I am so so bummed.


Bummed time 2.


Honestly, I don't like this movie...at all. I find it more depressing than funny. 🤷‍♀️


Ok, so my first time using watch along instead of full length and it went good. I was a second or two out of synch, but it wasn't really that noticeable. Also my first time seeing this film. One of the reasons I didn't see this when it came out was because it seemed like kind of a gimmicky cashgrab and Sandler movies can be hit or miss. The first half of this one I was pretty bored to tears. I didn't think it was very funny or well written. The second half was better, it made you think a little, had some heart, but the humor still really didn't ever kick in for me. And, yeah, kind of a bummer ending, what can you say? But, it was good for me to see it so I know what people are talking about. Hopefully you'll get to a better Adam Sandler vehicle sometime in the future. But, as always, really a joy to sit and watch with you again. Can't wait for next time!

Red Dwarf

Working Girl please!