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As I'm getting closer to quitting my job - I'm looking ahead to the Patreon only live streams and wanted to know what you'd like to see!  Thanks for being patient while I do this - I don't want to burn any bridges in the community here, and I still want to be respect and leave on good terms :)

Live Watch Alongs?
-How do we decide the movie we all watch?
- I also need to look into streaming software and how best to do it while avoiding copyright and such. if you have ideas, let me know.

Hang outs - just chillin? 

Maybe combine both?  Let me know what you want! 


Gio Vidrio

I say a combination of both, and maybe another poll to choose what movies to watch. Don’t worry you won’t burn bridges you’re gonna build them! Ha! Amazing job Ash. 👌🏽

Steve Mielke

Congrats on continuing to follow your dream! Looking forward to seeing further videos from you. Armageddon might be a good one to check out...


Boo ya!


Copyright will probably be a PITA but I plan on being here to support. Live your dream!

Tyler Foster

In terms of hangouts, I think that's what Discord would be perfect for. It's essentially a live chat room that people can drop into whenever, kind of like the Live without the accompanying video.

Tony Williams

Not sure how the polls work on Patreon, but if it works like Facebook polls then you could let us all suggest 1 flick and vote for any of the others we like. Then take like the top 3 or 5 vote winners and draw one out of a hat. Just trying to think of a way to give everyone a shot at getting a suggestion chosen while still trying to make sure the movie is actually one that others would enjoy is all. However you decide will be FINE and I will watch regardless. Peace.


$.02 - Twitch is your new friend.


I agree that discord would probably be the easiest way. you can make a patreons only chat room so we could watch together. but then we need to figure out how to watch the movie, some people may need to purchase them for themselves to watch. but this is something we have plenty of time to do. look into as many things as possible and see what you think would work best. then it will be a trial and error thing. and fix any bugs (theres always some)


I like your idea of Patreons submitting one suggestion a month.


You could also create a room in Facebook and invite as many or as few as you woukd like.


I don’t care how you go about doing it Ash like I’ve told you from day one, I’m just happy to be along for the ride!! So wherever you lead we’ll follow! One thing I’d like to run past the rest of the patreons how would you guys feel and this is up to Ash as well, if she wants, maybe like on holidays, or once every 3 months or whenever slide a free watch along out there for everyone else to view I think once those ppl see what the patreon offers we’ll pick up more in the patreon family just a suggestion?!!


I follow Andy&Alex on Patreon and they use Vimeo to stream their videos on Patreon that would get blocked on YouTube. As far as deciding on movies, what about creating a "suggestion post" for different categories and then creating a poll of the top 4-5 responses from each post and choosing it that way? Example: "Hey all, give me your suggestions for 80's comedies." Scroll through and create a poll from the top answers. "Now give me suggestions for movies starring Holly Hunter." Etc.


I know of a group that hosts movie watching on Discord. I've not participated, but everyone presses play at the same time (individuals participating either already own the movie, or it's streaming somewhere, or they rent it individually) and then uses Discord for the live chat. I think it would be fun if you made us watch some of your favorite movies. I know that you haven't seen many of the old 'classics,' but are there movies that came out in the past 20ish years that you saw in your younger days that some of us older folks would have missed?


Yeah Andy and Alex are good examples, along with Jamel_aka_Jamal using Vimeo streaming where YouTube will block copyrighted videos. Their livestreams even contain songs that could be blocked, but since it's going out live, I guess the algorithm won't block until the stream ends. So if she can also keep a recording of the stream to put on another platform for replays, maybe that can work out.


That's a really good idea Freddy. Ashleigh will have a large catalog of watch alongs very soon. Maybe every once in a while you can remind the viewing public about the Patreon and its benefits.

Michael Parker

The Google Drive is working great for me! Just my two cents

Michael Parker

Additionally, I'd have to say that for the 'oldies' and 'non gamers' of the group. Discord and Twitch would probs be a *no go. Just sayin'. More hoops to have to jump through, the fewer folks will bother.

christopher brown

couple of idea theme months war movies one month then cop movies then have a poll to pick the movies.


I am personally interested in what is on your Millennial Movie Monday to-do list and how I (or others) can help. Setting up Discord? Learning new Video Editing software? Paperwork? Etc. I think a lot of here want to help, but you are the boss. What direction do we go in? I also think as a fan we all want you to watch our favorite movies. That's how we feel like we are apart of this. I wonder if having a master list of movies that everyone (not just patrons) vote and comment on as a community. Something that is updated with the movies you have seen. Just an organic shifting monster of a movie list to see what is reviewed next.

David Crabtree

I'm not big on the whole live streaming watch along, unless you plan not to look at any comments during the movie. I just feel if you're trying to read and respond to comments in a live stream, it's going to distract from your full reaction.


June has D-Day so would be a good month. For war movies the old classics like The Great Escape or The Dirty Dozen would be good. Some of the more current ones are really graphic and I don't know how Ashleigh woukd like that. The first 20 minutes of Saving Private Ryan has some of the most graphic war footage I've ever seen.


All of the above please! I am wondering if live-streaming movies you have already seen and have a lot of thoughts on might be better than first time watches as you’ll be able to share your thoughts and interact with the chat without it impacting your experience. Ie is it better to do live streams more as a discussion session rather than a reaction piece?

Edward Olson

Since I watch the full length versions, it doesn't seem that that would really be different from a viewing perspective if it were live. I wouldn't want you to be distracted from the movie by chat. An idea that just occurred to me would be to have a live chat right AFTERWARD. So perhaps to keep the movie fresh in your mind you could theoretically livestream yourself watching the movie while we also watch along, or just set a time for everyone to watch a pre-recorded reaction, but keep any interactive chat for a time immediately following the end of the movie. Distractions ruin Reactions.

Amy Silknitter

Agree on Twitch. Not discord though. Discord is pretty neat even for us old heads.

Amy Silknitter

I’m down with just hanging out. I agree with others above that chatting while watching a movie will distract from the movie. Also movie polls would be awesome. I don’t know how else I’d get my suggestions until a list otherwise.

Eric Greenwood

there are a few public domain films out there free for the use of anyone most of the films you review i have seen many many times if i dont have a copy i usually can remember each line.. I like obs for when i did my own videos

Be Kind

If it’s live watch-alongs, pls change the wording on the tier lists bc I read livestreams as a chat. I agree w/others. I prefer she focus on the film. All that extra work picking an extra film is better suited to adding another video per wk. It’ll help grow the channel w/more subs, views and revenue. But I can’t do watch-alongs if I need my own movie anyway so maybe my opinion doesn’t count here. I would like livestream chats just for Patrons. Do not want to join any other group, FB, Insta, Discord, Twitch ... nothing. That’s my preference.

Kenton Kruger

If you do a live watchalong I agree with a few others, ignore chat during the movie but then have a live discussion after.


I prefer chatting myself with possibly the odd watch a long occasionally.


Throwing this out there, but it might be impractical. Another Patreon I support holds monthly Zoom chats. That could be a fun way for us to get to know each other or talk about a particular movie. Though, this other Patron has about 1/3 the number of patrons that Ashleigh has and maybe 20% of her patrons show up to the Zoom chat. If 20% of Ashleigh's patrons we'd have around 60 people, and that might be too much.

christopher brown

Another Idea is comparison movies watch 2 movies about a event(not remakes) like A night to Remember and Titanic and give your opinion of which is better

Be Kind

I watch another channel w/livestreams. Anyone can watch, but only patrons can comment. Another idea if you want to get views and entice ppl to Patreon.


Maybe stream and react to Classic that way the live stuff doesnt have to be the full length movies. I think Id love to see her watch the first season of SOAP.


You mentioned discord before and that would be the kinda thing that a watch along would work with

Edward Olson

I guess a good question is: how many patrons are there in the $10 and $20 tiers? Will these proposed livestreams be for both tiers and will the chats be for both tiers? Some options wouldn't work if there were too many people participating.


I would use guess just using the criteria that she uses for movies. Only shows before.she was born.


Hmmm, maybe the livestreams could be a watch-along of something that you normally wouldn't do on the channel anyway? I'm probably not explaining that well, so here's an example. I follow the podcast "We Hate Movies," where 4 guys have funny discussions about really bad movies. For patreons, they have a series called "We Love Movies" where they talk about their favorites. So that way they have extra content for patrons-only, but it isn't taking any possible topics away from the main feed. So maybe a patreon watch-along of movies that you've already seen and either love/hate? Or maybe something that's very recent and you had already heard about it, but just never watched?


I think we should just rent out a theater for a night. Then we can all go to Waffle House to discuss it.


Both, be even better if beans could talk...lol