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So - HIIII.  My first ever Patreon poll... wowowowow.  Aliens in going up Monday - and THAT will be the first early access, watch along, and full length review!  But after that - what should I watch?   (Remember - January is just me watching some movies I wasn't able to get to during 2020!)



Here for the fun maybe 2nd supporter!!!


Glad to be here! Thank you Ashleigh for making my Mondays not suck 😁

James Moyner

I am glad to be here, but I noticed in the description of this poll that a video for Aliens is going up on Monday, but I didn’t see a video for the film Alien so was that one you saw before you started the channel? I bring this up because Aliens is a sequel to Alien.


Hi Ashleigh, I just signed up. I'm retired and on a fixed income but I can contribute on this tier. I discovered your channel in August and you make me laugh at your personality and good cheer. I love movies too and I record a lot of older movies from TCM. I will make some recommendations for movies I think you will like. "Romancing the Stone" is a romantic adventure comedy i know you will like. "Time Bandits" is one you should definitely do also. If you want to see a classic movie, then check out "The Sting". It stars Robert Redford and Paul Newman. Remember when you asked "Who's Paul Newman? while watching the Exorcist? Hope you have fun with the channel. By the way, I'm William on YouTube, and Bill in Facebook in case you didn't know they are the same name.


I did it!! Thanks Ashleigh! I'm so excited to be a part of your Channel. If I could afford I would absolutely do the $100, but alas, I can't. but you would deserve it. It feels really cool to be on the ground floor of something that I think will be special. we've never met, but I feel connected to you. (Not in a creepy, stalky way,OK?) LOL! You have a good heart. I love what you do. Say hi to Blake and give Beans a hug and kiss from one of your fans! Peace and love.


Dammit! Trying to edit my post but it won't save it! That should read Blake! Sorry!

Edward Olson

I created a list of all the movies I think would be good for reactions. They are in order by year. You can download it here: www.designit-digital.com/hi.yes.hello.movies.pdf


yay, finally patreon


I voted for the one with the title wrong.


Shaun of the dead! =)


Interview with the Vampire was the first R rated movie I saw in theaters. My super cool aunt took me for my 15th birthday. It's hella sexy and still one of my favorite movies.

Gio Vidrio

Definitely Shaun of The Dead and Interview With The Vampire. Fair warning, the SADDEST vampires you’ll ever watch on film. Lmao!


I mentioned Time Bandits in the live chat this afternoon for the Patreon/merch video announcement. It's such a good movie and one I think would be right up her alley. Also, Romancing the Stone is an excellent suggestion. Hopefully one of your 3 movie recommendations will get reviewed soon by our fun host!


Is this the tier with the feet pics 👀😂


Whole cornetto trilogy

Kenton Kruger

My guess is we'll see it if she loves the first movie (which I think/hope she will).

Kenton Kruger

Would love to see her hit the Patreon target by the time Monday rolls around.


Looks like "Shaun" will win, but I voted for "Christine" because of "The Thing!"


Hi Ashleigh! Just joined! You gotta see Shaun of the Dead!

Billy Dancel

Shaun is a great but my vote goes to Christine because it has a great soundtrack!!




Hey Ashleigh!! I knew I’d better join since I d been trying to get you to start one for 2 years now! So happy how far you have gone ❤️


Congrats on your Patreon. Make that money, girl!


I am so excited to be apart of yours and hubbins and beans future. I can not wait to hang out and chat

Mark Sylvester

I voted for Christine because you seem to like John Carpenter.

Tyler Foster

Christine isn't terrible but having watched it recently, there are quite a few other Carpenter films you should watch first: They Live, Prince of Darkness, Big Trouble in Little China, Escape From New York, and The Fog are all better IMO.


Shaun Of The Dead seems to me the one you'd like the most of these choices, but I still voted for Interview. :) Thanks so much for doing a Patreon!!! I think I said on a YouTube comment that if you ever did, I'd be down for it. I can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve for 2021! As always, thanks for the laughs, and take good care!


Definitely one of my favorite "horror" movies. Tom Cruise kills (pun intended) in the role of Lestat.


Big Trouble in Little China is at the top of my top 10 for Ashleigh to watch.


Just joined your patreon. I'm so happy this is becoming something big for you and your fans to enjoy! I also bought a 👕 😀


I’m glad you’re doing the Patreon thing. From here, I can see you starting your own website and eventually doing new movie & show reviews. BTW, I think you’ll like Shawn of the Dead. Simon Peg is fun in his movies.


Honestly spending money to get people to watch the movies I'd want is exactly how I want to spend my money


I watch a LOT of reactors. Usually, when they give patreon info, I'm thinking, "ehhhhh... I think I'm good." Not one has tempted me to join patreon. Aaaaaand, here I am.


Same here.

Gio Vidrio

I’ve only opened a Patreon for her and Cinema Rules. Both great channels, but I favor hers over 2 British guys. Lmao!

Danika Silva

I'm hoping for a few more BEANS specials in the near future 🐈🐈‍⬛🐱🤭

Be Kind

Ahh, man. Imma lose my 1st poll. Many reactors have done Shaun, but few have done Interview. Bigger stars, based on bestseller, and kicked off vampire craze that was pre-Twilight and True Blood.

Edward Landis

I would love to see a reaction to The Car. Sadly, it looks as though Shaun is in the lead. All four flicks are good, but The Car has that indie charm that only the 70’s can bring.

Danika Silva

Hopefully you can find a time to look at foreign movies that are awesome 👌

Brandon Royce

Hi Ashleigh, I love your videos, and I'm so happy to invest in your new Patreon! You have a unique approach, which makes for engaging content. I have no doubt you'll succeed even further, and reach new heights! I'm looking forward to your future content. Best wishes to you, Hubbin' (should I be calling him that? 🤨), and Beans.


I have a very special plan for some foreign films once I get a solid uploads schedule going! 🤪. So happy to see you here!


Then maybe I use this poll and go in order from most voted to least - so that would make interview the second week MMM??

Steve Mielke

Hi Ashleigh, glad you are finally on Patreon. Looking forward to seeing those extended videos.


Hello from Milwaukee. I actually grew up in Oak Ridge. I love your MMM. Go with Shaun of the Dead. It is hilarious! 😸

Kenton Kruger

Might be a good idea, though that way you're stuck with some movies very few people are voting for, like less than 3% have voted for The Car. Maybe something like either watching the top two, or rolling the 2nd and 3rd place movies into the next poll as options.

Kenton Kruger

Over 24 hours later and I only just now figured out (by accident) that you can vote for more than one movie.

Steve Mielke

Shaun of the Dead had obviously won, hope you still get around to watching Christine some time. There's something to be said for the old classic horror/suspense movies that were made before CGI.

Be Kind

No, don’t do that. There’s a certain excitement not knowing what movies are coming up. I think just keep throwing the vote-getters back in the mix from time-to-time, and those w/few votes, save for their own occasional poll. I’m not in love w/Interview; I was just shocked to see Shaun from 2004 up there and winning! WTH. But Mark is correct ... no matter what movie you do, I’ll watch for sure. Also, like today, putting Aliens up there was perfect so it’ll prob be easy to choose polls. 🤓 (I love this emoji; it makes me lol.)


What happens when someone watches a parody movie, like spaceballs being comprised of space movie references, but has never seen the movies it's making jokes about? (Shaun of the Dead question) It's still surface funny, right? I hope.

Be Kind

That’s a good list. A lot of ours overlap, which is a relief. I’m sooo excited for this channel. I can’t wait for her to get to some of the best movies of all time and also to some that no other reactors are doing. I hope she doesn’t get tired of movies anytime soon.