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venom WA


Michael Cruse

You're not wrong in thinking there's a Spider-Man / Venom connection. Originally, in the comics, Venom was just "hey, let's give Spider-Man a new all-black costume that's easy to draw, instead of his old suit that's red & blue & covered with a zillion detailed spider web patterns and is a REAL PAIN to draw." And a while later someone said "hey, what if it turned out that Spider-Man's new black costume is actually alive and it's an alien and it eats people?" and that's how Venom came to be.

Robert Miller

LOL not a scary movie. Tom Hardy did the voice for Venom as well. So he really was talking to himself the whole time. Venom isn't mean, just misunderstood haha. The prison in the mid credit scene is a real prison, actually called San Quentin. Some real fucked up criminals in there. How did you not recognize Woody Harrelson?!