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First time watching the 2005 film, Constantine. 




Em McG

Yea, I'm glad you watched this, it's great isn't it!? I have some thoughts, "Because of the life you took..." when it was spoken of we don't know of whom they are talking about but they say it later... it was his own life when he made himself "unalive." John even explained the rule to Angela that he succeeded in making himself unalive and thereafter he is destined to go below... exactly like Isabel. It's a nutty rule yes. Good job staying for the end scene. I used to stay and watch the credits in the cinema long before there were added scenes. The gun, was it dragon's breath? It looked like a shotgun and Chas was "reloading" the cartridges using that machine, making their own ammunition. I am reminded of two other movies... DOGMA (1999), it is hard to find or been made unavailable although there is one reaction video to it and also the full movie is on youtube in low resolution, this is what I'll use for a watch-along. The other movie is STIGMATA (1999) which is a pretty much "small/not-high" budget horror and I would be happy if you try it out.

Em McG

"There is always a catch..." crazy dogmatic rules, yes? Dogma the movie. In the end Lucifer was upset his son was going behind his back and working with Gabriel (who seems insane). "Time stops" when you are going to hell (during the process or in the transition) and so in a gamble, a hail-Mary move, John slits his own wrists to make time stop and to summon Lucifer. (It's unfortunate the other reactor I was watching had subtitles on and when he spoke it named him as "Satan" which is a spoiler when he hadn't introduced himself yet and also he is referred to as Lucifer "Lou" John called him for short, not the uncouth "Satan" moniker 🙂 ) "Lu" shuts it all down, yes saving the day and also now he owes John... so he asks him what he wants in return so that they'd be even. When I saw this for the first time I didn't add it up so I was as surprised as "Lu" when he couldn't drag John into hell. I was also very impressed at John's audacity as he began his ascent into heaven that he had the wherewithal to extend a middle finger to Lucifer wow 😊 And then "because of the bet" or whatever the game is going on between the forces of heaven and the forces of hell, the playground is the likes of man, humankind itself is the playground and also the prize. Since John was dying his soul would be forever out of reach but "this one is mine" and to keep the game going he cures John so that he may prove himself belonging to Lucifer, as long as John is still alive he may still be fallen... his soul up for grabs and is still in play.