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First time watching Peaky Blinders, Season 6, EP 1, Black Day. 


Peaky S6 Ep1



Great to see your first reaction to series 6. Polly's death was so sad, i think they did her proud though. She has a real prescence throughout the show which is lovely. This series is all about Tommy's redemption, can he become the good man he wants to be with all the bad around him. Notice he says sorry to Lizzie and his emotion he shows towards Ruby. Tommy is linked through blood to the gypsys and believes his family to be somewhat cursed. He followed Polly's and his own visions as guidance, so now with Polly gone he is even more heightened and aware of the gypsy curses. Tikna mora o beng - tikna is roughly translated as little girl or daughter. Beng is a supernatural being or the devil. Mora is harder to translate and is friend but in latin 'mors' means death . so daughter, friend and devil is pretty ominous to Tommy hence his reaction and the black madonna necklace. the Green eyed man, that Ruby can see is making Tommy think that Ruby has second sight like himself and Polly which is concerning for him. Obvioulsy green eyed man is linked to jealousy?? Maybe linked with Tommy's vision of the Black cat in series 5. Read that somewhere and hought that was interesting. Love your thoughts already on what you have seen and the predictions you have, (would never spoil it for you.) I think this series the cinematography is more film like and as we go through there is definitely more colour added. Gina's apartment and her wardrobe definitely brings a bit of colour into the very grey drab tones of the previous seasons. Looking forward to the rest tof the seasons reactions.