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First time watching Peaky Blinders, Season 4, EP 2, Heathens. 


Peaky Blinders S4 EP2



Great Reaction again. Aberama Gold is played by Aiden Gillen who played Little finger Game of Thrones. The boy with Aberama Gold is his son Bonnie Gold the actor who plays him is actually an amateur boxer. In the Bleak Mid winter is a Hymn noramally sung at Christmas at church or carol services. On Tommy's behaviour seeming like he always wants more, Cillian Murphy said in an interview - "He's clearly a man who's suffered serious trauma and it's talked about, him being in the trenches in France in World War One, you know he was a tunneler, which is the worst possible job you could have. Clearly he's never dealt with these things, clearly most of the men that were spat out of that conflict were now just told to get on with their lives. "So I think with Tommy it manifested itself with ruthless and relentless ambition, but I don't think he ever spent time trying to fix himself and I think the scars of that, the damage that has been inflicted on him by others and by himself is coming home to roost." Series 4 is defintely in the style of a Western and is great to see them back in Smallheath again.