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First time watching this horror classic, Frankenstein! 


Frankenstein Reaction



This was great, and I'm glad that you said you're planning to watch Bride at some point. No spoilers, but there's a special-effects scene that's going to blow your mind, considering the era that it was made.

Mike Tocci

I really enjoyed watching this along with your video. I'm a big fan of these original Universal monster films and it's great to see that you're covering them. No one else seems to and that's a real shame as they're the originals and hugely influential. I could list a ton of facts about this movie, but only because I just watched all the special features on the Blu-ray. If you're interested, these movies are all out on disc and they have a ton of really comprehensive and interesting features on them. The commentaries and documentaries on these films are really fascinating to watch as they tell you so much about how these movies were made as well as a ton of stuff about early Hollywood in general (which I love learning about). Beyond this I definitely recommend the other 30s and 40s monsters in their original movies: Dracula, The Mummy and The Wolfman, all fantastic films with the same eerie gothic feel. Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi (Dracula) and Lon Chaney Jr. (The Wolfman) are all over these Universal horror films. They are iconic actors in the genre and their portrayals of these classic monsters are the most influential to this day. Karloff and Lugosi later appeared in many films together that are really worthy of a watch (The Black Cat, The Raven, The Invisible Ray and Black Friday among others). The Black Cat (1934) with Karloff and Lugosi is especially good, so much creepy atmosphere and fantastic acting by the leads.