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Hello friends!

Happy new year everyone, how are you all doing? I'm so happy to be back to making content for all of you! 

I've had a wonderful time with friends and family, and Marika and I spent a few days at a beautiful straw bale cottage north of Toronto. It was the perfect getaway, and it nourished our souls which yearn to live harmoniously with Mother Earth. We will be making time over the next year to stay at different natural home airbnbs in rural areas as we plan for our own build (in the next 5 years). We will be filming in these magical places as well!

I'm currently editing a massage video filmed at the straw bale cottage which will take a few more days for me to complete. I've been working at a very slow pace as Marika and I are in the process of moving homes. We chose to end our lease here as our landlord hasn't been the kindest to us and has made us feel uncomfortable and unsafe 😞. 

Thankfully, we found another home that is much more spacious, at a better price with a wonderful landlord whom our friends recommended to us 🙏🏼. He even told us he'd love if we kept a garden! This makes my heart sing ❤️!

There will be only 2 videos this month, but February we'll be back to a weekly schedule! And in the meantime, please enjoy some ASMR audio files! One more coming up in the next post 😊.

Sending hugs 🤗




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