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Hey friends & supporters,

some things:

  • First and most important: How do you feel about the content here? Is it enough? Do you need something different? I usually try to drop my samples, tracks, projects and presets every month. Im not always confident with the quality & quantity but looks like most people are okay with everything so far. But would be nice if you let me know.
  • Im currently interested and involved in VST3 plugin development, because I feel i need to step up and expand a bit beyond Bitwig. I hoped we get some more mature dsp development tools within Bitwig with the recent updates, because think there is a big market waiting to be explored, but that wasnt the case so far. Im having 2 small useful vst plugins in development (Thomas, one of my biggest supporters & c++ coder is helping me big time on this), dropping hopefully soon. The plugins are vst3 and will work on all platforms and have no copy protection.
  • Tutorials: Atm i feel like i´ve done everything I can do in teaching Bitwig. There are also a lot of youtubers out there covering many topics + payed courses with structured content for beginners and advanced. There will be more tutorials about special topics I care atm to show of some workflows or routines I use. But i dont feel like I need to make another "how to use a compressor or synth" tutorial, if you know what i mean. If you disagree and you want to see more "beginner" tutorials let me know. I basically dont know what you dont know! So let me know and drop requests in the discord or here in the dm´s. Im happy to explain when I can.
  • Reviews: The recent videos on my yt channel where all about VST plugins I bought, used and thought its maybe worth for you all to check out. I get good feedback and views on these, so I will continue with this and will let you know if something is sponsered (I bought all of the recent plugins for myself, but some vendors got in touch lately and sended me some nfr´s) 
  • Courses: I always tend to think i need to make one or two (for the grid). Here also, i think there is already good content out there, nothing I can possibly add. Only adding my own touch to it (and probably forget about certain sub topics :). I also think knowledge should be available for free, even if i could maybe make good money with it. But then it would be maybe disrespectul to others, trying to make a living from payed courses. So I was not really sure about the how, when and if. Im also not a real "teacher" guy, just enyoing doing sounds, music and sharing things i´ve found out. So, i´m not really confident in building a real and useful "course". I proably would turn the camera on and ramble for 2 or 3 hours :D Let me know what you think.
  • Explain all Modules/Devices: I get this from time to time as a request but i dont think its a great way of learning. The grid or bitwig is nothing special in terms of how sounds/songs are built. If I explain all modules, you know nothing about how to approach practical tasks for yourself. The power of the Grid is that it works at the right level of abstraction. Its fine grained enough to make you build powerful synths and fx and high level enough to be still playful and fun. In my opinion its the best modular environment you can get atm and in the recent years. It´s really that good. If they add a interface designer and some modules for special things (fft, 1sample delays) it´s game over for everyone else on the market (:D). One module can do 1000 different things depending on the context or the surrounding patch. The "add" module adds two signals together. These signals can be coming from everywhere and everything and can do infinite things. Learning how to use the grid is learning how DSP works. If you know how to build a reverb in the grid, you know how to build one in c++ and vice versa. Only the implementation is a bit different. So I was and will always approach the grid from a practical task (building a reverb, doing a bass etc) and showing how its done, and alongside you see alot of modules beeing used and you learn about them too. tl;dr: Explaining every part of car doesnt make you a good driver.
  • Streams: I was a bit uninspired with my music recently. It felt like doing the same thing over and over (i probably was) , so I was enjoing a bit of off stream / off production time, and when i was in Bitwig only to do some sounddesign or very short drafts. I know these phases, and I had many of them over the years. They pass and it hopefully leads to something new and better. tl:dr: streams are coming back. I currently listening to one of my streams from august. Its just me performing & building, no talking for 3h. I should repeat that in the future.

Ok I think thats it for now. Drop me your feedback, let me know what you think and be thanked many times for staying here on patreon for that long and supporting my life & projects. ❤

ps: Beeing "good" at making music is all about practice & enjoyment for me. It´s not your knowledge alone. Train your ears, muscle memory, thinking, decision making by practicing often. It´s really like training your muscles. If you dont excercise, it doesnt get stronger. Try to enjoy the process and remember things you like and what led to them. You can know nothing about how things technically work, and can make still great music. Dont judge your results too hard, dont compare yourself to others, dont put too much pressure on you, explore everything and be interested in new technologies. That you sound different then everyone else is the best thing that can happen to you :D



Thanks for asking for feedback. For me the mix you present is alright. I like the presets a bit more than the sample packs, since the presents tender to offer neat ideas that I can study and reuse / modify. I also prefer shorter videos (up to 30 min). I sometimes re-watch the live stream recordings in the background, but also don#t have the time to actively watch them (but thats totally okay).


Hi Robert. Thanks for asking for feedback. I think it’s hard to meet the needs of everyone as each are at their own levels. One of the best things I get from watching your videos is watching your workflow. The way you go about starting a song. As we have seen this many times and you have your own style of music how about this for an idea. Pick a song, either famous or well known (Could even be voted by the Viewers) and then remake it from scratch. Then you could show things like, BPM detection, Key Detection, Chord detection, instrument selection or creation. Making variations in the Clip launcher. The way to arrange the track and add all the dynamics. Just an idea. I see people doing such courses in Cubase and Studio one, but not in Bitwig. Best Regards, Troy…