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Hey everyone, I used this break week to work on an idea I've had for ages: expanding Tuesday Chooseday with some good old Patron interaction! Here's what I came up with:

$5+ Patrons will soon be able to get Tuesday Choosedays one week early, and they'll be able to predict the results ahead of time. This will be done on a team basis, through our Discord server. The team that manages to predict the results most accurately will get a point. After a set amount of times, or after reaching a yet-to-be-determined amount of points, all the members of the winning team will win something nice!


You'll need to have linked your Discord to Patreon. Instructions on how to this can be found here.

In our Discord server, you'll find a channel named "tdcd-team-selection" in the WOODEN PLANK STUDIOS category:

Here, you can join one of three yet-unnamed teams: Squares, Triangles or Circles. Join a team by clicking on one of the three reactions on Christiaan's welcome message:

Being part of a large team won't necessarily be advantageous, so it might be a good idea to pick the one that has the least amount of members (which would be Squares right now).

Once you've joined by clicking on one of the three shapes, Discord magic will make the corresponding team channel open up for you:

(You'll only be able to see one).

And that's it! Congratulations, you have just joined one of the three Tuesday Chooseday betting teams.

The names Squares, Triangles and Circles are placeholders. Once enough people have joined each time, I will ask every team to come up with...


I'm allowing creative freedom with this, as long as the mascot you and your team come up with isn't too complicated to draw/animate. The only requirement is that I want the mascots to be an ADJECTIVE + NOUN. Other than that, those adjectives and nouns could be anything. So you could be the Happy Beavers, the Nauseous Goombas, the Stoned Filing Cabinets, the Iridescent Boxershorts, the Voluptuous Goblins, or anything else you can come up with that fits these requirements. One thing I want to ask you is to keep in mind that these mascots will have to be drawn and animated by me and the interns, so please keep that into consideration and don't burden us with animating something like "the Furry Transformers" or something, because that will be a pain to create.

It will take some time before enough people have joined the teams and have reached a conclusion on what their mascots will be, but once all three teams have decided, the interns and I will get to work on creating some cool visuals of your mascots. Please allow us some time for this, but we'll get it done as soon as we can.

When that is done, we can start expanding the weekly Tuesday Choosedays with a fun betting element.


I will ask all three teams to assign a Team Captain once we've made the mascots. These Team Captains will be the ones to report the weekly predictions to me. This is how the actual betting will work:

One week before it will be posted on social media, I will post the upcoming Tuesday Chooseday in the team channels. The teams will then try to predict what the results of the upcoming Tuesday Chooseday will be. I will tally Instagram Story votes and Twitter votes for his, since these are the two polls that can't be manipulated easily (and they also get the most amount of votes across all platforms). Teams will get about 24 hours to discuss amongst themselves and report their predictions to me through their Team Captain. So for example, after posting a Tuesday Chooseday about which ice cream flavor is the best, the Team Captain of the Innocuous Mushrooms will tell me:

"We think that the results of this Tuesday Chooseday will be 23% for Vanilla, 12% for Chocolate and 65% for Strawberry."

When the Tuesday Chooseday has been posted on Instagram and Twitter and the polls are closed, I will check to see which team most accurately predicted the results of the polls.

The winning team of the previous week will be celebrated in a final panel that we will add to the Tuesday Chooseday every week. In this panel, we will see the winning team's mascot do a little victory dance and you'll be able to see the current score.

After reaching a yet to be determined amount of points, or after a set amount of time has passed, one of the teams will be crowned king/queen/monarch of the Tuesday Chooseday, and the team members will receive something nice as a reward, which is also yet to be determined.

We think this is a very fun way to add some Patron interaction to Tuesday Chooseday. I can't wait to see what mascots you come up with and I can't wait to experience some intense betting action and thrilling competition between the three teams!

Happy betting!

- Abel




Looking forward to this new TDCD taking shape!